Cyrius is a Mexican exponent of electronic music that hardwork and effort are words that sum up what this exponentnever lost sight from his foray into the world of music,always keeping it clear the goal of making people dance tohis style. He began his career with techno influences, mixingin various events in his hometown Irapuato, Mexico, wherethe support of these people do want to continue and go formore.So he comes in curiosity about producing your ownmusic and gets their own unique essence. It differs in itsproductions, clearly influenced by: Christian Smith, Pig &Dan, Marco Bailey, Microtrauma, Matador (IE), SQL,Spartaque, Olivier Schories, Adam Beyer, Joseph Capriati,Mr. Bizz, Dema, Mario Ochoa, Sebastien Leger, Popof, Piatto,Magitman, Alex D'Elia & Nihil Young, Worakls, Andrea Roma,Glitter among others. Thanks to his talent and perseverance,positions several