Born and raised in the small town of Benoni, South Africa, The Cassim brothers Kyle and Austin have been obsessed with House music since they were young boys. Growing up in a household driven by dance, disco and house music it was inevitable that they would become Djs. But being a Dj wasn’t enough - they wanted to play their own music - music that they believed in, music that awakened their souls. Thus, in 2015 CINIMIN was born. A House music duo that would headline the likes of Ultra South Africa, H2O Africa, Rage Festival, Sabor Festival (Mozambique) and close to all night-clubs and events in Southern Africa. In the last 4 years they have won a DMA (Dance Music Award) for ‘best dance record of the year’ and they
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Summer Sampler, Vol. 7
Fish From Japan, Kat, Sharam Jey, Boogie Vice, Cinimin, Oscar House, Mason, Betoko, Chemical Surf, Breaking Beattz, Kollektiv Ost, Branzei, Vanilla Ace, Volac, Dohko, Jean Bacarreza, Dunno, Shapeless, Loudtech, E.R.N.E.S.T.O, Black V Neck, Dacia Bridges, Sion, LouLou Players, Little Boots, Andruss, Climbers, Dirty Vegas
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Top Ten Tracks
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