Arions is the joint of two friends. who met in Buenos Aires five years a go.Both of then devoted to their indivual careers of Djs. Sebastian Silva one of the members at the duo Undersound Fernando Azcuenaga dj & producer as a solist and he also workerd fordirty red records, heavy artillery recordings, ventuno recordingsbombeatz music, no sence of pleeace records, lotus music groupinterestate recordings & system recordings. in the last one Sebastian & Fernandoproduced their first Original Mix called "Outbreak" Fernando produced songs that were used by artists such asPaul Van Dyk, Giuseppe Ottaviani, Christopher Lawrence & Sean tyasAt the both liked the same music and the same dj producer they created ArionsThey were fallowers of progresive,trance,& electro house s tyles .Nowadays they are producing the above mentional styles