Two Rs is a duo of DJs consisting of Alexandros Thomadis known as Alexander Tomas and Stergios Tsilios aka Sigma Pr. The sound of Two R , revolves around the Progressive House and Melodic House / Techno.
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Miami Vibes
The Timeless (ofc), Ali Maher, Jaiza(SL), Two R, Steven Flynn, Last 2 Standing, Omar Yasser, Keistep, Deep Inzhiniring, Fotis Konfusion, ACE CAT, LEM (IT), Lightning Effect, Home Shell, Olven, Axel Zambrano, VendettaX, Noise Generation, Nikoow, Xiasou, Audiofive, Tall Monkey, Nick Mason, Lusty Apricot, EKIS EKIS, Kabir Khan, Eyal Rabia, Va O.N.E., DJSO, Alfonso G, Monostone, DJSO (SL), Zetter, Jeeycee, Can Balka, thnx my god, Marco Bedini, K Vibes, Max Garand, Sergey Masterov, Uzun, Axden, Facundo Tapon, Mr. Papas, Aglaia Rave, Master K (SL), Evaki 14, DEGG (MT), Wil.D, Bunnkid, BillyJay, Gero Campo, Lukas Wobeto, Miss Evelyn (GR), Ghost SL, GLF, Mar G Rock, Dj Taco, Noise88
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IBIZA NOW! Hype SFR - We Going Deeper Than You Thought.
Fatten Klaus, Deep Dementure, Ekos, TRESTO, Ivan Baffa, IØNE, TOGA, dhanka, Tom Joggler, Aradya, Roody R3, Sebas Ramos, Zy Khan, Jaiza(SL), HESHARA, Mr.Mind, PAIRETTI, THE TIMELESS (be), Chernov, Isu Grackz, Leo Paoletta, thnx my god, CHIRUKA, Eddy Tango, Sundrej Zohar, ACE CAT, Keistep, Fille V, LEM (IT), Arni, Dj Taco, EKIS EKIS, Kabir Khan, Eyal Rabia, PERBELLS, Richard Gray, Arch Q, Nick Mason, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena, Ali Maher, Va O.N.E., Eve, Tumzz, Alfonso G, Monostone, Martinec, Can Balka, Max Garand, Sergey Masterov, JUAN IDEX, Axden, DILE LK, Zeka SL, Evaki 14, IGCIØ, K Vibes, Marco Bedini, Andre Sebastian, Xiasou, Omar Yasser, Mr. Papas, Neuralis, Lightning Effect, Aglaia Rave, Contribute Translation, Butterflies on Mars, Noise88, Noise Generation, Miss Evelyn (GR), Mar G Rock, ATIK ATH, Uzun, Marco De Nor, ISHAN ATTE, Home Shell, Olven, Two R
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Melodic Techno Essentials, Vol. 24
Caq-Tus, Abyss Bay, Sebastian Parra, BillyJay, Hansgod, Alex Raider, Kiro Kosta, Isra$, Subjacent, Analog Age, Tjalling Reitsma, Glau Da Goes, Helder Barroso, Kraft Der Sonne, Kniagna, Astiko, Deejay Balius, Jhon Denas, Undercode, Keire, Francesco Nocerino, Fabrice, Green Hologhost, VAPA, Boris D1amond, Benya, Sara Houston, Cult Tour, Nikita Berdnik
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Melodic Movement, Vol. 07
Bavinni, Paul Prokop, Romily, Siguiente Tecnologia, Pilch, Falcos Deejay, Parasol Stars, Adam Tauber, Alar, Palisade, Stardaze, Kohlenkeller, bruno costa, Illitheas, Hugo Cantarra, Martin Badder, Omem, sEEn Vybe, Jickow, Omar Yasser, Karybde, Spacelight, Elixus, Cult Tour, Addictive Global, Last 2 Standing, EMIOL, Rolf
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ADE Highlights SFR Golden Selection
Omar Yasser, Mosaad, RaMuco, EKIS EKIS, Mr.Mind, Juampi Navarro, Xiasou, Noise Generation, Home Shell, Olven, Axel Zambrano, Kabir Khan, Leandro Murua, Keistep, Uzun, Sundrej Zohar, Eddy Tango, Divestorm, Jachmastr, Two R, Mar G Rock, Sebas Ramos, ISHAN ATTE, Michael Kortenhaus, Nick Mason, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena
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Yacht Club
Sigma Pr, Archy, Dj Taco, Don Longton, Mar G Rock, PAIRETTI, Slandry Gatse, Michael Kortenhaus, Omar Yasser, Marco De Nor, The Timeless (ofc), Xiasou, Butterflies on Mars, Nerutto, Sebas Ramos, Andre UIO, Jachmastr, Noise Generation, Monostone, Enertia-sound, Eddy Tango, Sundrej Zohar, Zy Khan, Dj Akira Prophets Tribe, Adora (SL), BRIAN DE SANTIS, Nabil Chami, Mr.Mind, Guy Augustin, Nick Mason, Serge Canteros, Ali Maher, Vinjay, Hernán Torres, Keistep, Alfonso G, Martinec, Facundo Tapon, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena, Neuralis, Last 2 Standing, Eyal Rabia, B.ö.L, Axshan, Emiliano Ferrareso, Jero Nougues, Randle, Sun Progress, Bookash, TOKUMORI
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Sweet Candy, Vol. 2
Dj Taco, Alfonso G, Ali Maher, Keistep, Noise Generation, ISHAN ATTE, Xiasou, Bynomic, Giovanni Dorio, Nick Mason, Steven Flynn, Eyal Rabia, George Ledakis, Lionote, UNIV3RSE (sL), Sebas Ramos, Guy Augustin, Nabil Chami, Monostone, Marco De Nor, Serge Canteros, Facundo Tapon, Michael Kortenhaus, Axel Zambrano, Two R
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Sweet Candy
Jachmastr,, Mahts, Monostone, Zy Khan, Two R, Nabil Chami, Nick Mason, Alfonso G, Leandro Murua, Hernán Torres, Steven Flynn, Keistep, Axshan, Noise Generation, Mar G Rock, Mr.Mind, Tinexis, Axel Zambrano, Martinec, Omar Alejandro (Ec), Xiasou, ATIK ATH, Mr. Freeze (SL), Lightning Effect
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This Is Progressive House, Vol. 4
Keistep, Marco De Nor, Uzun, Mahts, The Timeless (ofc), Andre UIO, Home Shell, Olven, Dylan Deck, Aglaia Rave, Guy Augustin, SALAZAR (COL), Daniel Vilchez, Divestorm, Devin Jay, Omar Yasser, Mr.Mind, George Ledakis, Martinec, X-Elixis, Giovanni Dorio, Daniel Testas, Chris Sterio, Nalón, Nick Mason, Alfonso G, Xiasou, Butterflies on Mars, Monostone, Sebastian Campo, Silvio Sidelnick, Steven Flynn, Joachim L, Contribute Translation, Sun Progress, Serge Canteros, Two R, Sigma Pr, Lucas Zárate, Kris Dur, Bookash, Bynomic, Axel Zambrano
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The Sound Of Melodic Techno, Vol. 01
Jul's, Two R, ID7 (UA), A.line, Zanetti, Ellroy, ArtSoul, Tech C, Max Bett, Egoism, Mika Henning, Ushuaia Boys, DJ Daniel Wilson, Albanø, Pontias, Sartari, Rok Primec, Akin Ayberk, Engelhardt & Lehmann, Pando G, Justt, Moojo, John Bowtie, JP Lantieri, Matt Deegan, Ian Kita, Imar, Suit&Panda, Matvienkov, LÜRUM
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Melodic Techno Selections, Vol. 11
Nomas, Andy Lupoli, S.kull.Z, Fredstyler, Cassandra Michelli, startech42, Ray Silva, Terminal velocity, Jose Amnesia, Diggant, Dmitry Molosh, Gall, Max Freeze, Airsand, Two R, Voodoo J, Kohlenkeller, Black Traffic, Adrià Falcó, Ellis Sexton, Ben MANCINI, Whisper, ArtSoul, That Ash, Dan Marciano, AN:TI, Otuon
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