Specialist for house, deephouse and deeptechHe is a D.j from 23 years, his career begins in the first half of nineties.In 1992 he has the first experience on radio national broadcasting stationto promote image and development of Sicily and Piedmont. In this year he works in Torino for a radio brocasting station ( Partygroove). He realizes an chart top hit ( Deep inside chart) on air Saturday and Sundey at from 04:00 P.m to 05:00 P.m.while every Thursday night from 22:00 to 23:00 in exclusive national Niko Favata presents Trilogy Trilogy of Tech Niko FavataNiko Favata don’t forget a new music trend and “house music” style.He realizes amazing “set live “ that odience disco love it very much tanks to Niko’s talent, his amazing hit and his incredible personal style