DJ Ference Dee, born in 1972 in southern Italy, is wellknown in his country for his energy, determination, andattention towards the new trends from all over the world.His sets focus on sounds without massive use oftechnologies, mostly with turntables. His djing is constantlylooking for original combinations and mashups but in a oldschoolstyle.Ference has brought his strong imprinting to the italianclubbing and nightlife, wherever he performs. His musicallandscape comprehends many styles and facets. He is arecord producer since 2006, with italian and internationallabels, projects, and artists. In 2010 he had his U.S.A. debutwith "T he Sound Revolution", out on the Washington basedlabel Deeper Level.He recently signed for LadyMarySound International asproducer and remixer. His productions always get positivefeedback from the markets and of course the dancefloors.An interesting feature of Ference is his