Scooter & Lavelle

Scooter & Lavelle

DJ SCOOT ER AND LAVELLE DUPREE ARE AWARD WINNING DJS UNT O T HEMSELVES; BUT T OGET HER, T HEY CREAT E AN UNFORGET TABLE PART Y EXPERIENCE.When they spin together on two DJ sets, there is, quite literally, nothing like them out there. With Lavelle’s banging progressive mixes surrounding Scooter’s hip-hop loops and turntable skills, they are the duo that is always making the crowds go wild. Their self proclaimed genre of “bangin progressive turntablism” is a unique style that simply cannot be duplicated. Spinning together for over fifteen years, they have rocked shows all across the globe.Scooter and Lavelle have played together at some of America’s top parties including God’s Kitchen, Winter Music Conference in Miami, the House of Blues in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, and the

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