
Embark on a sonic odyssey with One-Six, the brainchild of visionary artist Rui Ribeiro. Born in Portugal, Rui's musical journey took a transformative turn when he immersed himself in the vibrant underground scene of UK, where he has called home for the past eight years. One-Six is not merely a music project; it's a portal to a conscious awakening, intricately weaves deep psychedelic and spirit-guided melodies into a mesmerizing tapestry, accompanied by progressive back beats that propel listeners on an immersive voyage of self-discovery and transformation. Drawing inspiration from the eclectic energy of Uk, One-Six project is a testament to the symbiosis of cultural diversity, art, and music. Each composition is a sonic brushstroke, painting a vivid landscape of creativity that transcends borders and invites listeners to explore the boundless

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