Alex Farell Jimenez, also known as Alex Wicked, is a youngdj/music producer born in Barcelona on March, 16 of 1984.Atracted by the music his older brother used to listen to, in1998 he buys his first discs and begins to remix sometracks.He has played music in different clubs, like: Airbag, K-oba,Autentic, Sarau, In-edit, Mistery; La rotonda chiringuito inMasnou, and some private parties, where he has sharedposter with artists like Marc Flaqué, Dani Massi, JoeyPlastik, Xavi Rabarte, Paco Maroto, JBroocks, Cardi, Ufix andsome others, though nowadays he is focused on his musicproducer facet.His themes creation covers music styles like: house, deephouse, techno, minimal and progressive, where he showshis personal view of music. T hroughout tribal sounds,African influences, very marked bass, overwhelmingpercussion and an underground and fresh sound, he offershis music to the