Market Sale Price and Value Trend for Apartments in Abu Dhabi

  • Price/sqft
  • Index
  • current Index
    (Mar 2023)
  • historical Price
    • 6 Months Ago 75.69
    • 12 Months Ago 74.20
    • 24 Months Ago 70.07
  • Index change in the selected period
    (Jan 2010 - Mar 2023)
    0.09 (0.11%)
  • current Price
    (Mar 2023)
    AED 1,140 /sqft
    • 6 Months Ago AED 1,093 /sqft
    • 12 Months Ago AED 1,071 /sqft
    • 24 Months Ago AED 1,012 /sqft
  • Price change in the selected period
    (Jan 2010 - Mar 2023)
    AED 303 (26.56%)
    • Month
    • Index Value
    • Price/sqft
    • % Change
    • Oct 2022
    • 75.69
    • 1,092
    • -2.11
    • Nov 2022
    • 77.33
    • 1,116
    • -1.04
    • Dec 2022
    • 78.14
    • 1,128
    • -0.88
    • Jan 2023
    • 78.83
    • 1,138
    • -0.32
    • Feb 2023
    • 79.08
    • 1,141
    • 0.11
    • Mar 2023
    • 78.99
    • 1,140
    • -

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