Thomas Müller

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If you like litRPG you might like this one.

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 21.05.2024

I found listening to the book to be entertaining because I like the litRPG genre in general. The genre is entertaining even if the books in it are usually no literary masterworks. Same as with this one. It‘s full of modern internet language that, to me, sounds infantile.

The protagonist is unlikeable even if the author intended to make him a good hearted „asshole“. Whenever he does something off putting an explanation of why he did it follows, which shows how good he actually is.

He kills dozens of people, but thats okay, because all of them are conveniently assholes or murderers or maniacs that needed killing.

What I liked least is all the sexual and relationship stuff. The protagonist is written as attractive and cool and all the women he interacts with are written as very good looking and hot headed. And obviously they are into the protagonist even if the situation forbids anything to happen.

To me it sounds like the author is living out his day dreams. Surrounded by attractive women and children in need, the underdog manages to rise to the top and establish himself against more experienced and older men. If that it‘s the day dream of any teenager I don‘t know what is.

Apart from all the flaws, the story was still somewhat interesting. Nothing novel in any aspect I like the building and growing aspect of litRPG and since the book was free I have no regrets listening to it.

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Not very good but included for free so…

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 03.05.2024

I like the genre but the story isn’t anything special. Just another story about a computer nerd transported into another universe where all his lacking real life skills aren‘t needed but computer game knowledge is invaluable. Of course there is a girl that liked exactly this in the protagonist too. A bit too on the nose.

But the story is free with the abo and I got nothing else to do, so thanks for the book.

One thing I dislike about litRPG aufiobooks in general is how every item and stat is read. If you read the story that isn‘t a problem but if you are listening this is very annoying. But thats the same for almlst any litRPG audiobook I have heard so far.

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3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 28.01.2022

Ein „Die Lügen des Locke Lamora“ für Arme ist die beste Beschreibung die mir einfällt.

Ein Haufen Teenager bezwingt jede noch so schwere Herausforderung und ihr Anführer ist ein Genie das jedes Rätsel lösen kann und für jeden Fall einen Plan hat. Ganz ähnlich wie bei Actionfilmen in denen der Held dutzende Gegner ohne Probleme niedermacht oder austrickst.

Dabei fühlt es sich an als wären diese Pläne im Nachhinein geschmiedet worden und dann magischer Weise tatsächlich passiert. Wie wenn einem gute Argumente zu einem Streitgespräch zwei Tage später unter der Dusche einfallen.

Ansonsten unterhaltsam. Eine recht klassische Geschichte die sich nicht wirklich aus dem Genre hervorhebt.

Der Sprecher ist auf jeden Fall gut. Hier gibt es keinerlei Kritikpunkte.

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I regret buying this Audiobook

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 10.08.2021

I thought I was getting a good deal, but the story isn‘t what I thought it was going to be. I‘m now a couple of hours into the book and have a hard time to continue.

I thought I was getting fantasy, swords, magic and the like. Instead the story goes on and on about the romantic relationships of the main character, well and of all the other characters too.

Endless discussions about feelings and how the connection between the two partners is so deep and understanding and full of trust. All that after having had intercourse once and speaking for a couple of minutes.

Thats like deciding to marry after one date because you think you know your partner that well.

It‘s as if the author never in their life had a romantic relationship and is daydreaming about the romantic life of some furries. (Furries are anthropomorphic animals)

This book feels like one of those cheap romance books you can get for a dollar at the grocery store in a fantasy setting. At least thats what I imagine those books are like.

I will try to continue listening for a bit. But I don‘t know how long I will manage.

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3 Leute fanden das hilfreich

Good story, mediocre characters

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 12.07.2021

I like the story, the worldbuilding, the magic system and the battles. But...

Sadly the characters aren‘t all that well written. All main characters are overpowered. The students, their teacher and their master are all brilliant at magic and in battle.
Somehow these students are all geniuses and magically on archmage level who beat much stronger foes regularly. There is a lot of telling not showing going on. If you claim your MC is a genius but doesn‘t act like it, it‘s not believable.
On the topic of geniuses.. all the parents of the characters are geniuses too, apart from the MC, a Warlock whose parents died (Cliché if I ever heard one). See a trend?
Geniusness all around the good guys side while the bad ones like dramatic and long speeches to giving the MCs time to ambush them. Tactically sub-optimal.

All well and good, if they wouldn‘t behave so dumb at times. I guess the book would be nice for a teen that just hit puberty because the sheer amount of times they talk about their feelings and what good friends they all are is nothing for any individual whose hormones have settled.

Then there are all the romances which seem to pop off every time the characters meet someone new. There is a fair bit of homosexuality too.

Then there are the enemies, who of course, are purity driven racists. What better enemy could there be. A bit shallow for my taste. I like my characters multidimensional.

I liked to listen to the parts of the book that weren‘t about the strong feelings of the characters towards each other. It has all the right ingredients and could be really good if the characters were written a bit different. The world is very interesting, the labyrinths are too. The multiverse stuff is nice and I can see the author read about many thing to make the magic sound a bit more scientific. Many cool ideas all in all.

Sorry for typos, I‘m not a native.

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1 Person fand das hilfreich


2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 14.04.2021

Die Reihe besteht zu 80% aus fantasievollen logischen Schlüssen, die manchmal mehr und manchmal weniger wissenschaftlich klingen. Wenn ich das Buch lesen und nicht hören müsste wäre mir das viel zu fad. Auch so bewegt es sich an der Grenze des erträglichen.

In diesem dritten Teil haben aber auch die logischen Schlussfolgerungen gelitten. Meist ist dem Hörer längst klar auf was der Schluss hinausläuft, aber der Autor erörtert jeden einzelnen, mühsamen Schritt erneut. Und dann lässt er die Charaktere auch noch überrascht sein von diesem, scheinbar für sie nicht offensichtlichen Resultat.

Auch die Ganymeder und Turier verhalten sich nicht so wie sie beschrieben werden. Sie verhalten sich wie Pazifisten aber keineswegs derart Konfliktfremd wie ständig angedeutet wird. Immer wieder während des zuhörens dachte ich mir, dass das jetzt nicht ganz passt.

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An interesting idea, but lacking

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 22.01.2021

The idea of The Legend is interesting.

The characters aren't too well done in my opinion though. There is a lot of emotion between the protagonists, without any real justification for it. Somehow everyone always thinks of Tawny. Which is strange because she doesn't really stand out in anything but being naive. She isn't any prettier, smarter, stronger, or more talented than any other. So why would someone who has met her only shortly think of her a year later and hopr for her survival even though she is an enemy?

Also there are A LOT of plot armor moments where the protagonist is saved literally in the last possible second. Which is definitely not something I like. I'm sure there are other ways to build up some tension.

The world itself also isn't very interesting. The same is true for cultivation/training. The magic system/cultivation lacks depth.

The length of the audio book is very good if you want a lot of time for your money.

My conclusion is that more value was put on quantity than quality. I won't read/listen to a second part, should it be released.

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Ganz okay

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 24.07.2020

Das Ende war relativ enttäuschend.


Den Androiden zu löschen und ihren neuen Freund einzufügen hat überhaupt nicht gepasst. Wenn der Androide "nur" eine Maschine war wie sie meinte ist ihr Freund nun auch nur noch eine Maschine da sein Körper tot ist und seine Emotionen nicht echt. Wenn Noah ein Mensch geblieben ist hat Julian davor auch "gelebt" und sie hat ihren besten Freund der mehr als nur ein paar Tage für Sie da war getötet. Wenn der Hypermind Computer außerdem alle Gedanken Noahs gespeichert hatte hätte sie ihn ohne weiteres später in einen jungfräulichen Androiden verpflanzen können. Somit ein unlogisches, unbefriedigendes Ende in dem nur ihre wage "Liebesbeziehung" zu Noah hoch gehalten wird. Dafür dass Atlas immer als so tough beschrieben wird ist sie nicht allzu tough. Show not tell.

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4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 08.04.2020

Guter Sprecher, interessante Geschichte.
Aber warum um Gottes Willen muss ständig diese nervige Musik kommen? Vor allem in dieser Länge. Wenn die Musik wenigstens gut wäre und nicht immer die selbe.
Es klingt als würde man die Geschichte ominöser, mysteriöser machen. Man sollte lieber den Text für sich sprechen lassen.

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