Introducing Design Checklists 



 Arm Design Checklists are a quick and easy way for engineers to verify critical aspects of design and add a layer of confidence in design success. Checklists help prevent errors, while ensuring the system is fit for purpose and follows Arm’s recommended design guidelines.

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List of Arm IP products with Design Checklists

Product Family Product Name


Cortex-A32, Cortex-A35, Cortex-A53, Cortex-A55, Cortex-A72, Cortex-A73


Cortex-R5, Cortex-R8, Cortex-R52, Cortex-R52 , Cortex-R82


Cortex-M0, Cortex-M0 , Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7,
Cortex-M23, Cortex-M33, Cortex-M52, Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85

System IP & Interconnect

CoreLink NIC-400, CoreLink CI-700, CoreLink GIC-600, CoreLink GIC-700, CoreLink MMU-600,
CoreLink MMU-700, CoreSight SoC-600, Neoverse CMN-700

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Why Arm Design Reviews?

Optimize your Arm designs and reduce risk with end-to-end project assistance from Arm experts

Our premium expert review service, Arm Design Reviews, helps you optimize your Arm-based system on chip (SoC) designs, using advice from the most experienced Arm engineers in the industry. Arm Design Reviews boost your Arm technology expertise and help your team design effectively to launch products quickly without risking quality.


By increasing the efficiency of communication and knowledge transfer between Arm engineers and your team, Design Reviews help to:

  • Improve the quality of your design
  • Shorten your design cycle and reduce time-to-market
  • Reduce project risk

Design Reviews are designed to address project 'Hot Spots' in a typical SoC design flow:

Types of Design Reviews:

  • System Architecture Design Review
    An on-site or virtual service to review your proposed system, looking at the system topology, potential bottlenecks and power management considerations, providing general best-practice advice.
  • RTL Design Review
    An on-site or virtual service to verify the SoC design of your Arm IP at the RTL level, covering for instance: signal connectivity, system coherency, correct implementation and system performance.  
  • CMN Topology Physical Design Review
    Arm has experience implementing many mesh reference designs as well as assisting partners with their CMN-based SoC designs. In this CMN topology review, we will leverage this experience to guide you in making optimal tradeoffs to implement your CMN design. This remote service will consist of two sessions, firstly in the project planning stages to discuss trade offs and Arm recommendations, and then midway through your final project stages to review results and offer further guidance.  
  • Physical Implementation Design Review
    Arm experts offer a best practice review of your implementation flow and intermediate results, followed by an on-site or virtual review of logs just before you proceed to the tape-out stage.
  • Trusted Firmware-A Design Review
    An on-site or virtual service to assist you with your platform software integration code and to provide feedback and advice on implementation options. This is done through a program of knowledge sharing sessions and reviews.
  • Power Management Firmware Design Review
    This Design Review is comprised of knowledge sharing sessions covering mobile platform power management frameworks from a software perspective. These sessions will guide you on low-level System Control and Management / Power State Coordination Interfaces (SCMI / PSCI) and System Control Processor (SCP) implementation, making reference to Arm mobile system design guidance. Following the knowledge sharing, we will conduct a comprehensive review of your project; advising on the Cortex-M based SCP platform power management solution, in addition to reviewing any specific requirement and modifications.
  • Linux power and thermal frameworks Design Review
    This Design Review covers Energy Aware Scheduling (EAS) and Intelligent Power Allocation (IPA). Arm experts will assist you with best practice for tuning power and performance under platform thermal constraints. This is done through a program of knowledge sharing sessions and reviews.
  • ISP Tuning Design Review
    Arm experts will review and advise on your camera image quality, comparing this against the performance of Arm's ISP reference platform. Example areas for the review include sensor driver porting, 3A, brightness and contrast, color reproduction, noise, detail and motion artifacts.
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Arm Physical Implementation Consultancy

A combination of reference flow and physical design consultancy services designed to optimize the physical implementation of an Arm-based SoC, by combining our Arm experts' extensive silicon design expertise with your internal implementation knowledge. We help reduce your back-end design cycle, and help you get to market faster with a competitive design implementation.

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