Hello! My name is Jayden Morehead. I am a full-time environmental studies student at Cal Poly Humboldt and transferred from Cabrillo community college in Santa Cruz Ca. Within my two years in Santa Cruz, I completed an associate degree in Music Technology Recording Arts and worked as an audio-visual technician and a live sound audio engineer at Kuumbwa Jazz. I am a trained and certified in the field of audio with a variety of skills including gear setup/breakdown, music production, recording, mixing, and mastering. I look to expand my field of knowledge through Humboldt"s environmental studies major and find a career that utilizes technology alongside the environment to hopefully make a small difference in creating a better future for humanity.
My interests[edit | edit source]
- Studying energy, frequency, vibration, and the environment
- Holistic Healing
- Surfing
- Renewable energy
- Music Production
Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]
- Renewable energy engineering
- Computer Science
- Studying how humans are affecting the planet and how to create a sustainable future
- Trans dimensional physics