
Case Study: Random Logic Games


The challenge

Random Logic Games has long been a data-driven game maker. However, its previous mobile measurement partner did not provide its marketing team with adequate analytics capabilities, leading them to build, manage, and pay for an internal Business Intelligence (BI) tool. The rollout of iOS 14.5 finally pushed RLG to look for another mobile analytics measurement partner that could better support the demands of working with SKAdNetwork, and they discovered Adjust.

Michael Lotfy

COO, Random Logic Games

The solution

As privacy measures around attribution have increased, and data has become more aggregated, Random Logic Games knew it was essential to have all its data sources in one location. Upon observing how Adjust’s Datascape allowed marketers to view all their data in one place, the team at Random Logic Games decided to make Adjust its new mobile analytics platform.

Another main attraction? Adjust’s ability to quickly build the same report in Datascape providing tailored metrics that RLG had spent years building themselves proved winning. The team at RLG was able to get the metrics they needed as well as automate their campaigns, something previously difficult with their internal BI.

Andrew Stone

President, Random Logic Games

The results

“Since switching over to Adjust, we get pretty instant results. Being able to match tables to graphs and seamlessly drill down and zoom out of the data as needed has greatly improved our team’s agility in data analysis,” says the President of Random Logic Games, Andrew Stone.

Similarly, the RLG team reports that Datascape’s aggregated data capabilities and excellent visualization tools have helped it to make informed user acquisition decisions. Getting real-time return on ad spend (ROAS) has also empowered RLG to optimize its campaign budgets for better results. The team stopped using its internal BI system altogether and replaced it with Datascape, reducing costs by 40%.

Random Logic Games was also delighted that Adjust listened to its product feedback and utilized it to make improvements, including the new heat-mapping feature in Datascape (pictured above). This feature makes it easier for marketers to visualize their data spread and organize their reporting, allowing users to see high-level insights and detailed metrics in the same place for faster decision-making.

Lastly, RLG now feels confident in its iOS campaigns and working with SKAdNetwork data by employing Adjust’s iOS solutions to continue growth in its iOS campaigns.

In short, by partnering with Adjust, RLG has:

  • Deprecated their internal BI tool & reduced operational costs by 40%
  • Contributed to a new Adjust feature: Datascape’s heat-mapping tool
  • Successfully managed SKAdNetwork attribution

Michael Lotfy

COO, Random Logic Games

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