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Handle / Pen Name Your handle, or pen name, is the name you are known by within Writing.Com. You may change your handle at any time. It must fall within our E for Everyone content rating. It may not contain profane, sexual or other adult words. Limit 30 characters.
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Birthday Enter the date you were born. You must be 13 or older to join Writing.Com.
Demographic Information: |
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Postal Code Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
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Country Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Age Group |
Age Group Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Gender |
Gender Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Education |
Education Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Relationship Status |
Relationship Status Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Household Income |
Household Income Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
Best Describes You |
Best Describes You Writing.Com uses this to provide general demographic statistics to our authors. It helps them understand who reads and likes the work they"ve posted here. This information is shared with authors in the form of group statistics only. We also use this internally to understand our community as a whole. No personally identifiable information is ever shared.
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