Printed from https://www.Writing.Com/main/profile/notebook/pumpernickel43
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Email replies to me.
Today, I went to Lowe's to get a few things for our grill with my dad. We couldn't find what we needed in the aisle it was listed in, even though the website said that there were five of the part in stock...... When a worker tried helping us, he too was unable to find what we needed......
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It's too bad, you wasted your time. Unfortunately, a disconnect between the website and reality sometimes happens.
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Dang, that sucks
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Right now I am just hanging out in my room, typing on this platform, and thinking about when I am going to start the second half of my summer assignment for my AP English. All I have left is a fifty-five question test and three essays, things that are basically candy for the brain, and I'm currently recuperating from reading the Catcher in the Rye. It's a wretched book.....
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I’ve always heard of the book but haven’t read it yet. What is it like?
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