Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan

The Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP) is a strategic, coordination, planning, advocacy, fundraising, and programming platform for humanitarian and development partners to respond to the Syria crisis. It comprises one regional plan, with five standalone country chapters covering Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt.

The 3RP is co-led by both UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP.

NEW: 2023 Annual Report
The Syria crisis is entering its fourteenth year and remains one of the largest refugee crises in the world. In the 3RP countries – Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt – the number of people in need has reached an unprecedented level since the crisis began. Read more.
The Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) has been created in response to the Syria Crisis. Now into its twelfth year, the 3RP has led the way in terms of the international community’s support to national efforts to deal with the impact of the crisis.
Population Targeted in 2024

Introduction to the 3RP


Protecting People

Protecting vulnerable individuals, including displaced persons, is essential for safety from exploitation, violence, and mental health risks. The 3RP emphasizes this protection in all its activities, empowering all demographics to drive their development, ensuring stable mental and social conditions, and making sure no one is left behind.


Supporting Durable Solutions

Opportunities for enabling pathways towards durable solutions are urgently needed to allow refugees a purpose for the future that provides hope and dignity. The 3RP works towards three possible durable solutions in line with international standards and frameworks: voluntary repatriation to Syria; resettlement to third countries; and local solutions and opportunities. The approach and activities vary based on the context of each 3RP country.


Contributing to Dignified Lives

Through displacement and the surrounding pressures from various crises, refugees and vulnerable host populations face multiple challenges, including high levels of poverty, unemployment, and food insecurity, as well as increased protection-related needs, particularly those related to legal status, gender, age and disability, especially among the vulnerable individuals.


Enhancing Local and National Capacities

With over a decade of humanitarian assistance to refugees and very low numbers of returns to Syria, investing in sustainable solutions is increasingly becoming a high priority. This involves collaborating with stakeholders at all levels for economic growth, job creation, and benefits for both host countries and refugees. 3RP’s approach also strengthens national systems and fosters trust in the public sector while maintaining social cohesion.

The 3RP Model

The 3RP is the first multi-UN agency partnership operating at such scale towards addressing strategic and structural issues resulting from a crisis. It is seen as a model and precursor to the Global Compact on Refugees as well as linked to other significant international frameworks. Integral to the 3RP is its integration of humanitarian and development-based responses into one cohesive plan for the region, which includes the major host countries receiving Syrian refugees: Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq.

At the regional level, the 3RP is a coordination mechanism and regional strategy that is based on national plans and processes. A key function that the 3RP serves at this level is advocating and fundraising for the Syria crisis response to international donors and stakeholders.

The 3RP continues to explore synergies between humanitarian and development processes, including with ongoing current global processes, such as the Global Compact on Refugees and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Linkages of 3RP and SDGs:

3RP partners work together towards ensuring an effective and equitable access of both refugees and host communities to education, health, sanitation and other key socio-economic goods, services and infrastructures as well as to sustainable livelihoods opportunities (SDG 1 to 11).

3RP interventions contribute to a wide range of SDGs and targets, e.g.:

  • In some countries, interventions already seek to address broader sustainable development challenges such as environmental and ecological vulnerabilities (SDG 15), while ongoing efforts to expand protection, strengthen capacities of national and local institutions, and promote social cohesion and stability in affected communities are of direct significance to SDG 16.
Learn more

Global Compact on
Refugees (GCR)

Linkages of 3RP and GCR:

The GCR was largely inspired by the model and experience of the 3RP, which has been in place over six years prior to the GCR

The GCR was to a large extent shaped by experiences in the MENA region and with Syrian refugees

The 3RP and 3RP countries measure progress towards the GCR through three interconnected periodic review initiatives references in the GCR, including: 1) reviews of the GCR indicator framework, which is integrated into 3RP monitoring and reporting; 2) progress towards implementing pledges and initiatives announced at the Global Refugee Forum (GFR); and 3) the exercise on measuring the impact of hosting, protecting, and supporting refugees

Learn more
Regional – 30 June 2024
Ninth regional survey on Syrian Refugees’ Perceptions & Intentions on Return to Syria (RPIS)HERE
Lebanon – 13 June 2024
VASyR 2023 - Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in LebanonHERE
Human-Interest Stories
Stories from the Region

Sidra, a 16-year-old with a mental disability, had to leave Syria to Türkiye with her family in 2016. Faced with educational barriers in Syria, she only began schooling in Türkiye. Through ASAM’s Support for School Enrollment Programme, Sidra overcame challenges including a language barrier and special education needs, successfully continuing her education.


Story by ASAM; Photo by ASAM/Sibel Salih

Nashwa, a Syrian refugee in Egypt, transformed her life through ILO’s business development program. Despite initial setbacks, Nashwa’s resilience led her to ILO’s GET Ahead training, part of the PROSPECTS Programme. This training provided her with crucial business skills, enabling her to restart and successfully manage her business.


Story and Photo by the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Mohsen, a Syrian refugee in Jordan’s Azraq Camp, exemplifies innovation and resilience. He crafted a makeshift air conditioner and saved for a solar-powered bicycle. Working in the World Vision Syria Response Solid Waste Management project, Mohsen contributes to a cleaner environment while aspiring to support his family through his ingenuity.


Story and Photo by World Vision International (WVI)
Photo: Omar, a Shelter Officer at Medair, helps Lebanese resident Abbas receive essential Non-Food Items in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. The winter kit is part of Medair’s efforts to improve living conditions for vulnerable individuals like Abbas. Medair’s work extends beyond distribution, as they also rehabilitate buildings for safer living, embodying the transformative impact of humanitarian assistance.


Story by medair; Photo by medair/Abdul Dennaoui

2025 Guidance Kit

The Guidance Kit comprises both Guidance Notes and Reference Documents. Access to this section is limited to 3RP partners only. To obtain access, please reach out.

Access here

3RP Advocacy Key Messages

The 3RP partners emphasize the relevance of the 3RP mechanism, bringing together civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, as a means to draw attention to the protracted Syrian refugee crisis, and the importance of donors and Governments to stay the course in delivering the necessary services to refugees and host communities and prevent tensions that could arise from decreased funding.

Ahead of the Eighth Brussels Syria Conference, and tied to the anniversary of the Syria crisis, the RSO launch aims to inform the global narrative on, and donor priorities and wider policy directions for, the Syrian refugee response. The 3RP co-leads, UNHCR and UNDP, firmly call for sustaining the response to support socio-economic stability, maintaining the criticality of protection, and the need for inclusive policies supported by responsibility-sharing.

Advocacy Key Messages
Timeline and Events
3RP Work Plan

There are no upcoming events at this time


We thank our donors for their generous support for 3RP activities. The work of 3RP partners would not have been possible without the extremely generous support of donors.

As well as member states, 3RP Partners are grateful to private donors, humanitarian funds, foundations, charities and other organizations for their contributions. 3RP Partners would also like to acknowledge the huge contribution of host countries who have contributed to the response in many ways including making their services available to refugee populations, at great expense. The member state donors above are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions.
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