A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

Interstellar Dominion is an open world game set in space. Two factions are at war, the Vanguard, and the Empyrean. The actions you take will determine what faction you belong to. As if this wasn't enough of a mess pirates are out looking to turn any ship they see into scrap to sell.

Contracts can be started by locating faction owned planets, this is where you can earn credits.

These contracts include:

  • Delivery: Transport material to a nearby ship.
  • Escort: Guide a ship to a location while protecting them.
  • Bounty: Eliminate a nearby ship.
  • Convoy: Stop and destroy a convoy delivery.
  • Planet Discovery: Find a planet you have not previously visited.
  • Planet Destroy: Destroy the defence systems of a planet, and fend off their ships.
  • Mining: Mine asteroids for material.
  • Capital Destroy: Destroy a capital ship belonging to the opposing faction.
  • Recruitment: Find and add a civilian ship to your squad.
  • Resource Stoppage: Destroy a set amount of miner class ships belonging to the opposing faction.
  • Resource Theft: Mine any planet owned by an opposing faction.

Who you work for, who you attack, and who you help is tracked and represented with a faction level. Show loyalty to a faction and your level will increase, this leads to better contract payments, and their ships will be willing to join your squad and help in combat. Work against your faction and your level will decrease.

Upgrade ship parts, each with different stats and uses, such as shields, thrusters, tracking, and more.

F1 starts the in-game tutorial, and the README lists the controls.


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Interstellar Dominion (64-bit) 288 MB
Interstellar Dominion (32-bit) 223 MB

Development log

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the game is quite fun and has a great atmosphere. I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you upload the apk to itch.io, as the game is unavailable on google play store?

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please make it available for Android🥲🥲

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Hey, I really like the game so far. My only problem is the game seems to crash or at least stop responding to both my keyboard and mouse when I Alt-Tab out of it. Should I play in a window to avoid this? I'm playing on a Linux PC with Wine.

I don’t have much experience in using Wine so I’m not sure why this is happening. From a quick search it looks like it may be an issue with Unity games in general, some forum posts suggest using GameScope, or setting a virtual desktop resolution in the wine settings. Sorry I can’t be more help!

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I played this on a stream promoting the PCRF bundle. Thank you a bunch for including it.
I enjoyed it! It reminded me a lot of Solar Winds!

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Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I'll have to give that a go. Also I think you might’ve missed the pop-up explaining that you can change your speed with the scroll-wheel, my bad!

( 1)

Very cool game but upon starting, I feel a little to skill issue to play it well. I will certainly keep tryinb but I already like the feel.

Thank you! It can be tricky at the start before you have any good gear, it's best to stick to jobs that don't involve combat until you have some better weapons and a shield. You can also change the difficulty in the settings menu if that helps.

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TL;DR: Buy this. It costs as much as a bag of chips, and you won't regret it.

This may be the first comment in English on this page, and I'd like to leave a proper review(as I've reached level 15 in the game).

The lore is interesting, though one of the logs you can find in the game is addressed as being written by someone of the opposite faction(UI says Vanguard, log says Empyrean).
That visual bug aside, the game is quite fun to play, and it feels so good when you finally get an engine that isn't a mining engine(Please save up for an engine first, they don't decay like everything else!). Scrolling to control ship speed is odd, but it makes sense.
The boosting mechanic doesn't feel like it makes you a whole lot faster, and it uses a boatload of fuel.

Enough complaining for a bit, time for some actual good stuff! It's fun to actually explore the place(it is randomly generated, and you may sometimes see some goofy nonsense like two suns spawning very close to a planet(this actually happened.), or a vendor spawning where you just were about a minute ago), and you getting stronger actually feels like it! Don't get dissuaded by higher enemy levels, they don't make much of a difference. Just circle the enemy as best you can and whoop 'em. Only disappointing thing is that the giant flagships are so huge, yet they don't drop a lot.

The game does begin to get boring after about four hours or so, since there's nothing you're really working towards--besides the obvious: become incredibly powerful...and I just have. A laser repeater and plasma repeater is all you need. Couple that with a few weapon upgrades and every single enemy will go down in a few seconds, with a bit of give or take.

For $1, it's definetly worth the buy, though I'd appreciate even a slight amount of story-related quest work and especially something to encounter the dark, pitch-black force that even the Empyreans seem to be struggling with.

( 1)

Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I've put out a quick patch that addresses a few of the bugs and suggestions you've made, as well as adding a few new things: release notes

I do hope to expand on the long-term progression in a bigger update at some point in the future.

Se nós brasileiros tivéssemos acesso ao jogo, talvez ele ganhe uma tradução em português, infelizmente eu só posso especula já não possuo suporte para fazer uma tradução

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esto es genial pero puedes ponerlo en español

Lo siento, actualmente no hay planes para ofrecer soporte en otros idiomas adicionales.