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These minutes were approved at the Board meeting on 8 December 2008.

Minutes of the Wikimedia UK v2.0 Board Meeting #wikimedia-uk-board, 20:30 01/12/2008


Present with speaking rights: Kwan Ting Chan (KTC), Mickey Conn (MC), Tom Holden (TH), Mike Peel (MP), Andrew Turvey (AT)

Apologies for Absence

No apologies were received.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of 25th November 2008 were available to view at [1] and were approved with one change under 12 Membership Report: "MP agreed to amend the membership form to include a box for additional donations." was corrected to read "MP agreed to amend the membership form to include suggested donation amounts."

Matters Arising

Bank account opening

TH sent off the bank account application.

Wiki Educational Resources Ltd

AT received a reply from Wiki Educational Resources Ltd, stating that their register of members included only the directors of the company.

HMRC tax exempt status

AT had not received a reply from the HMRC. To update at next meeting.

ACTION: KTC to include on agenda for next meeting.

Wikimeet report

User:Ironholds agreed to write a report on the December Wikimeet for the organisation's newsletter.

Public phone contact

The public phone contact number (07988 013646) is up and running. MP will put £10 of credit on the phone and submit an expense claim for this.

Wikimediauk-l Moderator

MC e-mailed the current list moderators requesting moderator status and is awaiting a reply. To update at next meeting.

ACTION: KTC to include on agenda for next meeting.

Wikipedia Loves Art

PharosAlexandria was voiced and explained the purpose of the event (noted at AT to make contact with Victoria and Albert Museum, who are participating, to make plans, possibly including a focus on one day, a competition prize, and promotion to the open source/free culture community in the UK.

ACTION: AT to contact V&A Museum

Election Rules

AT had initiated discussion on wikimediauk-l mailing list based on draft elections rules at To continue discussion and update at next meeting.

ACTION: AT to continue discussion.

Resolutions for approval

There were no resolutions for approval.

Treasurer's Report

TH noted that there were no items to report.

Secretary's Report

AT submitted a brief report [2]. At future meetings, AT will note relevant items of post received.

Membership Report

Three membership applications have been received. Board members should pay their membership fees as soon as the bank account has been opened. MP to bring a list of membership applications to board meetings for approval. Any with queries will be individually discussed. MP to work on outline of process on meta, dividing this from membership rules. MP and TH to investigate setting up a PayPal account. The board agreed fees of £13 (full) / £6.50 (reduced) for memberships paid for through PayPal, to take account of the associated fees. TH also to investigate Google Checkout. MP to ask owner of domain to set up [email protected], to forward to [email protected].

ACTION: MP to outline process. MP and TH to investigate PayPal. TH to investigate Google Checkout. MP to request e-mail forwarding.

Timetable Review

It was decided to leave the timetable unchanged.

AGM Location

AT initiated a discussion on possible AGM locations on the wikimediauk-l mailing list. The board will monitor the ongoing discussion and also use information from membership applications received to determine the most suitable location for the AGM.

Wikimania bid

TH and User:Seddon have been exchanging e-mails. More work on bid is expected from the middle of December onwards.

AOCB website

The board cannot yet take ownership of the website, as the organisation has not been granted the Wikimedia trademark. The current website is confusing; MC to ask JamesF or Allison from WERL to replace it with a single page summary of the current situation. MP will be able to manage the organisation's website from a later date, if required.

ACTION: MC to ask owners to update content of website.

Contact with Wikimedia projects in languages other than English

MC has contacted Wikimedia projects in languages other than English which are native to the UK. A list is at Contributors to these projects may join in the discussion on wikimediauk-l as to what structures, if any, should be put in place to ensure their representation.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 8th December at 20:30 (GMT/UTC).