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From Wikimania 2011 • Haifa, Israel

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destination: Attendees
source update: 2010-01-24

Sellel lehel saad väljendada oma soovi osaleda Wikimania 2011 üritusel. Sinu sõbrad ja ka teised inimesed võivad olla huvitatud, samuti saavad korraldajad paremini hinnata eeldatavat osalejate arvu. Pange tähele, et tegu ei ole ametliku registreerimisega.

Ametlik registreerimine avatakse 1. jaanuaril 2011.

Travel Coordination - check when your friends arrive and leave, organise joint trips from / to the airport.

Lisa end nimekirja. Osalen:

Kindlasti (100%)

Edit your presence here: Template:Attendees/100

Country Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
IL Israel דולב he-N, en-3 Already here No need English name: Dolev
RU Russia Drbug ru-N, en-3 Open Open Name: Vladimir V. Medeyko
I will assist other people to go to Wikimania'11 :-)
IL Israel DrorK he-N en-4 ar-3 fr-2
se Sweden Ainali sv-n, en-4, de-1, no-1, dk-1 ? ?
il Israel Harel he-N, en-4, de-3 Local team
de Germany Mathias Schindler de-N, en-3 -
il Israel Deror Avi he-N, en-4 Local team
de Germany 80686 de-N, als-N, en-4, fr-1, sv-1 2011-07-28 2011-08-09 Manuel Schneider - Wikipedia Offline workshop
in India Tinucherian en-3, ml-N, ta-1, hi-2 Cherian Tinu Abraham
IN India jayantanth bn-3,en-3,Or-1 commons August 3 TEL AVIV 2:30pm August 8 Departing at:05:00am Jayanta Nath
il Israel Ldorfman he-N, en-4, ro-1 Local team (Name: Liron Dorfman)
hu Hungary OrsolyaVirág hu-N, en-3, Team member
hu Hungary Tgr hu-N,en-2,de-1 2011-08-01?
de Germany Martina Nolte de-N, en-2, fr-2 02.08.2011 08.08.2011 photographer
in India Angpradesh en-3, hi-N, anp-N, Kundan Amitabh
ml Mali Rgaudin fr-N, en-4, es-1, bm-2, ses-2 Renaud Gaudin
IN India tiluaman44 en-N 2011-08-01 2011-08-09 Surely attend
IN India V2VG2G en-3, hi-N 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 Just waiting for the acceptance of Scholarship, ready to do anything; Vaibhav Garg
de Germany Raboe001 de-n en-2 2011.08.02 2011.08.08 Photographer Ankunft 15:00 Uhr Abflug 16:45 Uhr Tel Aviv
de Germany Ireas de-N, en-2, fr-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
de Germany Church of emacs de-N, en-3, fr-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
us United States Yaron Koren en-N, he-N, fr-3, es-2 Returning to my old hometown!
cv Cape Verde Waldir pt-N, en-3, es-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
mx Mexico Ivanmartinez es-N, en-3 Open 2011-08-08? :)
mx Mexico El Ágora es-N, en-3, it-2 Open 2011-08-09? Thanks for the scholarship and for the opportunity; God blesses them!
bg Bulgaria Spiritia bg-N, en-3, ru-1 Thanks for the scholarship :) This is my first proposal for presentation. And this is the second one.
uz Uzbekistan Casual uz-N, ru-4, en-3, es-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 Thank you! I was awarded with scholarship.
ar Argentina Mel 23 es-N, en-4 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 Thank you for the scholarship!
BR Brazil Castelobranco pt-N, en-3, eo-3 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
BY Belarus Pessimist2006 ru-N,be-4,en-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-18
BY Belarus Da voli be-N, ru-N, en-3, es-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
Nepal Unknown country गणेश पौडेल ne-N, en-3, hi-3 Ganesh Paudel, Waiting for the scholarship result.
za South Africa Discott en-N, cn-2, af-2 Thank you very much for the scholarship; ready to help out in any way that I can.
us United States Sadads en-N, de-2 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
uk United Kingdom Bluegoblin7 en-N, simple-5, fr-1, es-2, de-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 Thank you very much for the Scholarship and for giving me this opportunity! Willing to help out in any way.
Nepal Unknown country RajeshPandey ne-N, en-3, hi-3 2011-08-01 2011-08-09 Thank you for the scholarship!.
es Spain Góngora es-N, en-4, ca-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08? I prepared one presentation. Thank you for the scholarship!
uk United Kingdom Maximilianklein en-N, he-2 2011-08-03 2011-08-10 I would like to organize a small charter flight from Tel Aviv to Haifa so we can see Israel from the air and take pictures. Would anyone else be interesting in hiring a small Cesna or the like?
uy Uruguay Marinna es 2011-08-01 2001-08-08 -
ve Venezuela Jewbask es-N, en-4, pt-4, lad-4, de-3, he-3, af-2, ar-2 2011-07-19 2011-08-07 Thank you for the Half-scholarship! :-) Also, I submitted a presentation proposal. Please let me know how can I help -probably helping other atendees who do not speak hebrew or english
ru Russia Spider ru-N, en-3, nl-3, de-2 Open Open Partial scholarship granted, Wiki Migration Tutorial/Presentation pending approval
se Sweden Haxpett sv-n, en-4, no-1, dk-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-07
my Malaysia Bejinhan en-N, ms-2, zh-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 Thanks for the scholarship! Looking forward to attending the conference.
nl Netherlands Roelzzz nl-N, nds-4, en-3, de-2, fr-1, fy-1 2011-08-04 2011-08-07
it Italy Marco Plassio it-N, en-2, fr-2 2011-08-03 2011-08-14 WMI scholarship
be Belgium MADe nl-N, en-2, fr-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 Thx for the scholarship!
nl Netherlands Taketa nl-N, en-4, de-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08
- Gomà ca-N, en-2, es-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-07 Prepared a workshop to continue the work started in Perpinyà
es Spain Montgomery es-N, en-2 2011-08-03?
es Spain Gustavocarra es-N, en-3, ca-2, fr-1, de-1, it-1, pt-1 2011-08-03? 2011-08-07 Preparing a workshop on behavioural neurobiology in the internet
UK United Kingdom CT Cooper en-N, de-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 Presentation proposal accepted. Accepted a partial scholarship, and have also managed to receive help from other sources.
GB United Kingdom WereSpielChequers en-N, 2011-07-31 2011-08-19
IN India Srikeit en-N, hi-3, gu-2, fr-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08
br Brazil MetalBrasil pt-br-N, pt-3, en-3, en-gb-3, gl-2, es-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 Name: Mateus Nobre - Thanks for the scolarship, it's really amazing!
de Germany toblu de-N, fr-4, en-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 WMDE scholarship -- first time =)
it Italy Nemo_bis it-N, en-2 2011-08-01 2011-08-15 WMI scholarship
it Italy Ginevra Sanvitale it-N, ... WMI scholarship
it Italy Jaqen it-N, en-2 WMI scholarship
it Italy Larry.europe it-N, en-3, fr-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 WMI scholarship
it Italy Laurentius it-N, en-2, es-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-09 WMI scholarship
it Italy Raiko it-N, en-3, fr-1 WMI scholarship
it Italy Sannita it-N, en-3, es-1 WMI scholarship
us United States Frank Schulenburg de-N, en-4, fr-3
cl Chile B1mbo es-N, en-2 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
ar Argentina galio es-N, en-3, fr-2 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
hu Hungary Cassandro hu-N, en-4, de-5 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 full scholarship
au Australia juttavd de-N, en-4, fr-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
vn Vietnam Grenouille vert vi-N, en-3, fr-3, it-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 WMI scholarship
us United States West.andrew.g en-N Aug. 2 Aug. 8 Thank you for partial scholarship! Presentation submissions forthcoming.
hk Hong Kong Yuyu en-N, zh-N, zh-yue-N, fr-2, de-1.5 Aug. 2 Aug. 9 still working on his submission
jp Japan Tomo_suzuki ja-N, en-3, ko-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 WMF scholarship. Thanks for your generosity! Will do my best to use this opportunity for Japanese projects. Any on-sight volunteer assignment is welcome!
- TXiKi eu-N, es-N, en-3, ca-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-09 I submitted a presentation proposal. Thank you so much, Wikimedia, for the scholarship :-)
ke Kenia Xelawafs en-N, sw-N Really apreciate the scholarship, can't wait!!!
id Indonesia Stephen Suleeman id-N, en-3, es-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
it Italy M7 it-N, en-3, fr-1 2011-08-04 2011-08-09
de Germany Marcus Cyron de-N, en-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-09 WMDE scholarship
be Belgium IntraLucide fr-N, en-2, nl-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-10 Our submission proposal! I'm also looking for a place to sleep in Tel-Aviv, before the conference starts. Could somebody helps me?
de Germany DerHexer de-N, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1 Aug 1st Aug 8th
hk Hong Kong Deryck Chan zh-hk-N, en-4, zh-cn-4, de-2, ja-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-09 Submissions: 1, 2
au Australia Whiteghost.ink en-N, fr-3 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 First time!
no Norway Jon Harald Søby nb-N, en-3, nn-3, sv-3, da-2, de-2, eo-1, es-1, ro-1, sw-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-10 Fifth time! ;-)
mk Macedonia Kiril Simeonovski mk-N, sh, en, de, ru 2008-08-01 2008-08-08 Thank you for the scholarship:-)! I've also submitted a presentation proposal.
nl Netherlands Maniago nl-N, en-3, de-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 My first wikimania, I'm looking forward to it.
cz Czech Republic Blahma cs-N, eo-4, en-3, de-3, pl-3, nl-2, es-2, fr-1, sk-3, x-tokipona-2 2011-08-04 2011-08-10 First time, partial scholarship, one submission.
nl Netherlands Multichill nl-N, en-3, de-1, fr-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 Partial scholarship. Two submissions: WLM & GLAM
it Italy iopensa it-N, en-3, fr-3, de-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-07 Submission: WikiAfrica: Call for last mile operators
NL Netherlands Lodewijk nl, en, de submissions: Wiki Loves Monuments, Wikimedia Chapters and most importantly: Stroopwafels
NL Netherlands Dedalus nl-N, en-3, de-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 First Wikimania, organizer of Wikimedia Conference Netherlands 2011, member of Audit Committee Wikimedia Foundation
us United States SarahStierch en-N 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
us United States AaronMuszalski en-N 2011-08-02 2011-08-10 Storyteller at the Wikimedia Foundation. Please say hello and share your Wikipedia story! This is my first Wikimania.
AM Armenia SusikMkr hy-N,ru,en 2011-07-31 2011-08-07 submission: Wiki-based National Content Development
ar Argentina Mahadeva es-N, en-3 2011-08-08
rs Serbia Millosh sr (sh, hr, bs), en-3 2011-08-01 2011-08-08
de Germany Catfisheye de-N, en-3, it-2 Aug 3rd Aug 8th
IL Israel Drorsnir he-N, en-3 Resident
PL Poland odder pl-N, en-3, de-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-08
ph Philippines Sky Harbor en-N, tl-N, es-2, zh-2, pl-1 2011-08-01 2011-08-08 Gave two submissions (1, 2) which I hope to present this year. Thanks for the scholarship! :)
IL Israel Ijon he-N, en-4, de-1, lat-3, grc-3 Aug 1 Aug 8 Asaf Bartov
Br Brazil everton137 pt-N, en-3 Likely 2nd August Around 13th August See you there! My 3rd Wikimania!
Ru Russia Ruslik0 ru-N, en-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
Fi Finland JuhaV fi-N, en-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
IL Israel Dalaz777 he-N en-4 ro-2 Resident
au Australia Wittylama en-N, fr-3, sv-1 Presentation "What next in GLAM?"
fr France Jean-Frédéric fr-N, en-3, es-1 2011-08-01 2008-08-14
hr SpeedyGonsales hr-N, en-4, ru-1, de-1 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 Presentation Submissions/Categorization system strengths and pitfalls
au Australia Angela en-N 2011-08-01 2011-08-09
au Australia Tim Starling en-N 2011-08-01 2011-08-09
at Wirthi de-N, en-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 WMAT scholarship
ru Russia Amikeco ru-N, eo-3, en-3, os-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08
U.S.A. Unknown country Lefty929L English, Spanish, Hebrew 8/3/2011 8/5/2011
gr Geraki el-N, en-3 8/3/2011 9/5/2011 First time!
cz Czech Republic Chmee2 cs-n, en-2.7, de-1.5 8/3/2011 open :) WMI scholarship
gb United Kingdom Tom Morris en-N 8/3/2011 8/7/2011 Wikimedia UK scholarship, will be writing for Signpost on enwp.
us United States Fluffernutter en-N, es-2 8/3/2011 8/8/2011 Presenting in Submissions/Everything You Know About Wikipedia Is Wrong
ca Eclecticology en, fr 2011-08-02 2011-08-12 extending my perfect attendance record.
pl Poland Awersowy en-2, pl 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 WMPL scholarship
fr France Ash_Crow fr-N, en-3, de-1 2011-08-01 2008-08-08 Presenting Submissions/Let's get local!
pl Poland Polimerek en-3/4, pl, ru-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 Presenting Submissions/Don't burn the committees: set up your own and helping with Submissions/The Free Wiki World Map: Openstreetmap
FR France Benjism89 fr-N, en-3, es-1 Aug 3, evening Aug 7, afternoon
pl Poland Magalia en-3, es-1, pl 2011-08-02 2011-08-08 WMPL scholarship
ar Argentina Isha es-N, en-2 2011-08-08
us United States Alansohn en-N, he-2 2011-08-01 16:15 at TLV 2011-08-08
CH Beat Estermann de-N, en-3, fr-3, ru-2 2011-08-02 14:35 at TLV 2011-08-08 Coordinator Project TAO (http://www.thirdageonline.eu), Bern University of Applied Sciences
RU Russia Ctac ru-N, en-2 2011-08-02 2011-08-11 Name: Stanislav Kozlovskiy
BR Brazil Rodrigogomesonetwo Portuguese, English August 1, 2011 August 8, 2011
us United States Tee3duli en-N 2011-08-01 Very excited to attend! -Mallory K.
IL Israel niltail he-N en-3 2011-8-3 2011-8-6
PL Poland Saper pl-N en-3 de-3 ru-2 2011-08-01 2011-08-08
NL Netherlands Abigor nl-N en-3 de2 - 2011-08-07
IT Italy Nick1915 IT-N, en-2, he-1, yi-1 01/08 08/08
de Germany Nicole Ebber (WMDE) de-N, en-3 2011-08-03 2011-08-08 Workshop "Wikipedia and beyond: Incentivizing engagement"
mk Macedonia FlavrSavr mk-N, en, sr, hr, fr 2008-08-01 2008-08-08 Thank you for the scholarship.
DE Germany Mattes DE-N 2011-07-24 2011-08-07 Full scholarship -- Thanks so much! --Mattes 12:18, 3 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
DE Germany Sebastian Wallroth de-n, en 2011-08-03 2011-08-08

Võib-olla (25%-75%)

Ilmselt (75%)

Country Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
UK United Kingdom Mike Peel en ?? ??
no Norway Laaknor no-N, en-3, nn-2, sv-1, da-1
in India Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington en-4, hi-N Anirudh Bhati
kr Republic of Korea daffy123 kr-N en-3 jp-2 cn-1 Pending for Scholarships
FR France Anthere fr-N, en-3
se Sweden Boberger sv-N, en-2, de-1, es-1, fr-1 2011-08-03 2011-08-09
Ukraine Unknown country Shanghainese Russian, English, Chinese 5? 6 or 7
Israel Unknown country Snail201 English/Hebrew Already Here Already Here
mx Mexico Sr. Alvaro es-N, en-1 Waiting for scholarships... and ready for anything...
India Unknown country Varkeychen English, Malayalam Will present if my proposal get selected for presentation
KE Kenia raidarmax English, Swahili, Kikuyu Looking for ways to get to the conference.
in India WikiBhasha.MSR English, Tamil & Hindi TBD TBD
be Belgium SPQRobin nl-N, en-3, fr-2, de-1

Pole kindel (50%)

Country Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
ES Spain ColdWind es-N, en-2, ca-2 open open
DE Germany Friedel Völker de-N, en-2 open open

Ilmselt mitte (25%)

Country Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
pe Peru Globalphilosophy es-N, en-1, ca-1 ?? ?? 14.200 edits ;)

Kindlasti mitte (0%)

Country Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
IN India Odisha1 en-3, hi-N, or-N Best of luck to all the participant
ru Russia Al Silonov ru, en-3, fr-2, de-2 - - Got no money and no scholarship
IN India Biswarup Ganguly en-2 N.A N.A Wish a grand success! Scholarship is not granted for me.
IN India Vibhijain en-3, hi-4, sa-3 Can't attend as I am too small (13) and too far from the venue. All the Best!
ph Philippines TruPepitoM en-N, tl-N Can't afford, can't come always.
- Unknown