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英語あまり上手じゃないので変なとこあったら直してくらはい。:) 忠実な訳は目指してるつもり。 英語のページに更新があったらそれに合わせて書き換えなきゃいけないのは面倒なものだよねー



Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Twitter bird mini icon.png This user uses Twitter, whose profile can be found here.
Flag Japan.png This user is Japanese, ふとんがふっとんだ!
ja この利用者は日本語を母語としています。
Userbox Brony Vinyl Scratch.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Vinyl Scratch.
Backpack Professor's Pineapple.pngItem icon Atomic Accolade.pngRED Quadwrangler.png This user has every Genuine item from Quantum Conundrum's pre-order promo.
Backpack Buck Turner All-Stars.png This user owns the Genuine Buck Turner All-Stars.
BLU Wiki Cap.png This user wants a Wiki Cap.
Firefox Quantum Logo.png This user uses Firefox as his web browser.
NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.

User Redpizza 61mNxm3jobL.png