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Steam Account Name: DJTricky

Favourite Classes

User Scout.png This user is a Scout.
“I'm battin' a thousand!”
Melee icon Bat.png This user oughta' be on a baseball card!

User Heavy.png This user is a Heavy.
“Which one of you is crying?!”
Melee icon Fists.png Pow!

User Sniper.png This user is a Sniper.
“Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
Melee icon Kukri.png You got blood on my knife, mate!


Flag Canada.png This user is Canadian, eh!
Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.

Half-life 2.png This user likes Half-Life 2.
Portal.png This user enjoys Portal.
User Orange box.png This user owns The Orange Box.

TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress 2 junky!
Tf2 100.png This user has logged 100 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
pwn. This user owns you.