Template:PatchDiff/May 15, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf koreana.txt

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55415541"[english]TF_WikiCap_Desc" "Given to valuable contributors to the official TF2 wiki\nhttp://wiki.teamfortress.com/"
55425542"TF_MannCoCap" "Mann Co. 모자"
55435543"[english]TF_MannCoCap" "Mann Co. Cap"
5544N/A"TF_Polycount_Pin" "Polycount 장식"
N/A5544"TF_Polycount_Pin" "Polycount 장식핀"
55455545"[english]TF_Polycount_Pin" "Polycount Pin"
55465546"TF_Polycount_Pin_Desc" "Polycount 대회 참가자들에게 수여되었습니다."
55475547"[english]TF_Polycount_Pin_Desc" "Awarded to participants of the Polycount contest."
1537015370"[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyPenalty" "A member of your party has recently abandoned a game. You are temporarily matchmaking with lower priority."
1537115371"TF_Vote_kicked" "투표에 의해"
1537215372"[english]TF_Vote_kicked" "You have been voted off"
15373N/A"TF_Idle_kicked" "지속된 정지 상태로 인해 강제퇴장당하셨습니다."
N/A15373"TF_Idle_kicked" "지속된 정지 상태로 인해"
1537415374"[english]TF_Idle_kicked" "Kicked due to inactivity"
1537515375"TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Portal 2 사운드트랙 판촉물"
1537615376"[english]TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Portal 2 Soundtrack Promo"
1612616126"[english]TF_Wearable_Pin" "Pin"
1612716127"TF_PurityFist_Promo" "순수주의자의 주먹 판촉물"
1612816128"[english]TF_PurityFist_Promo" "Purity Fist Promo"
16129N/A"TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium" "계승 승격 선물"
N/A16129"TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium" "계정 승격 선물"
1613016130"[english]TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium" "Upgrade to Premium Gift"
1613116131"TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium_Desc" "무료 계정을 사용중인 친구에게 이 아이템을 팔아 넘기십시오. 그 친구들이 이것을 사용하면 자동적으로 고급 계정으로 전환되고, 배낭 공간 증가와 같은 혜택들을 누리게 됩니다!"
1613216132"[english]TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium_Desc" "Trade away this item to a friend with a free account. Once they use it, they"ll automatically be converted to a premium account and enjoy perks such as extra backpack slots"
1616416164"[english]TF_Tuxxy" "THe Tuxxy"
1616516165"TF_Tuxxy_Desc" "이 잘빠진 제2회 연간 색시 수상식 의상 덕분에, 융단이 적들의 피로 붉게 물들 겁니다."
1616616166"[english]TF_Tuxxy_Desc" "The carpets will run red with enemy blood thanks to this dapper Second Annual Saxxy Awards ensemble."
16167N/A"TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin" "Faerie Solitaire 장식"
N/A16167"TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin" "Faerie Solitaire 장식핀"
1616816168"[english]TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin" "Faerie Solitaire Pin"
1616916169"TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin_Desc" "자잘한 부분을 중심으로 제작된 이 모조 요정 날개는 진짜와 매우 비슷합니다. 마침내 여러분의 옷에 붙은 채로 썩어가는 진짜 요정 날개를 없애버려도 대중에게 신화적 존재에 대한 확고한 의견을 주장할 수 있습니다."
1617016170"[english]TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin_Desc" "Made with exacting attention to detail, this imitation faerie wing pin is indistinguishable from the real thing. Finally get rid of all those actual decomposing faerie wings stapled to your clothes, while still letting people know you have some strong opinions about mythical beings."
1921119211"[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_NAME" "Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction"
1921219212"TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_DESC" "로켓 점프를 하는 도중 로켓 점프를 하고 있는 적을 서로 로켓으로 죽이십시오."
1921319213"[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_DESC" "While rocket jumping, use a rocket to kill a rocket jumping enemy who also kills you with a rocket."
1921419216"TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_DESC" "적군 15명을 중앙 점령 지점의 서까래 위에서 처치하십시오."
1921519217"[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies in the rafters above the central capture point."
1921619218"RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreakTitle" "연속 처치를 제거할까요?"
1939119393"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05" "Reinforced Robot Bomb Stabilizer"
1939219394"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06" "전투로 닳은 로봇용 도발 행위 처리 장치"
1939319395"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06" "Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processor"
N/A19396"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "전투로 닳은 로봇용 KB-808 메인보드"
N/A19397"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "Battle-Worn Robot KB-808"
1939419398"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "전투로 닳은 로봇용 돈 융해로"
1939519399"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace"
1939619400"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01_Desc" "이 희귀한 로봇 부품은 조립 장치와 함께 사용하여 연속 처치 전문 장비를 제조할 때 쓸 수 있습니다."
1949819502"[english]TF_Medal_HeartOfGold" "Heart of Gold"
1949919503"TF_Medal_HeartOfGold_Desc" "TF2mixup 커뮤니티 2013년 행사"
1950019504"[english]TF_Medal_HeartOfGold_Desc" "TF2mixup Community Event 2013"
19501N/A"TF_Wearable_CommunityMedal" "커뮤니티 메달"
N/A19505"TF_Wearable_CommunityMedal" "커뮤니티 훈장"
1950219506"[english]TF_Wearable_CommunityMedal" "Community Medal"
1950319507"TF_Wearable_Snowglobe" "스노우 글로브"
1950419508"[english]TF_Wearable_Snowglobe" "Snow Globe"
1969219696"[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_tailor_hat" "The Toy Tailor"
1969319697"TF_xms2013_sniper_layer_vest" "덧옷"
1969419698"[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_layer_vest" "The Extra Layer"
N/A19699"TF_xms2013_polar_pullover" "북극용 방한 복면"
N/A19700"[english]TF_xms2013_polar_pullover" "The Polar Pullover"
1969519701"TF_xms2013_dogfighter_jacket" "격추전사"
1969619702"[english]TF_xms2013_dogfighter_jacket" "The Dogfighter"
1969719703"TF_xms2013_soldier_parka" "남극 파카"
1991619922"[english]TF_FirstAmerican_Desc" "Statesman. Scientist. Inventor. Pretend to be all of these things and more with this Benjamin Franklin mask. So life-like, the real Franklin will think he invented another version of himself!"
1991719923"TF_FortifiedCompound" "강화된 콤파운드 활"
1991819924"[english]TF_FortifiedCompound" "The Fortified Compound"
N/A19925"TF_Weapon_Severed_Arm" "빌려준 손"
N/A19926"[english]TF_Weapon_Severed_Arm" "Severed Arm"
1991919927"TF_GildedGuard" "호화로운 호위병"
1992019928"[english]TF_GildedGuard" "The Gilded Guard"
1992119929"TF_CriminalCloak" "범죄의 망토"
1992219930"[english]TF_CriminalCloak" "The Criminal Cloak"
N/A19931"TF_BaronialBadge" "남작 증표"
N/A19932"[english]TF_BaronialBadge" "The Baronial Badge"
N/A19933"TF_Welcome_april_fools" "환영합니다! 만우절인데!"
N/A19934"[english]TF_Welcome_april_fools" "Welcome and April Fools!"
N/A19935"TF_Medal_InfoShow2014" "InfoShow TF2 토너먼트 참가자"
N/A19936"[english]TF_Medal_InfoShow2014" "InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant"
1992319937"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticKills" "처치수"
1992419938"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticKills" "Kills"
1992519939"KillEaterEvent_FullHealthKills" "체력이 완전한 상태에서 처치수"
1992619940"[english]KillEaterEvent_FullHealthKills" "Full Health Kills"
N/A19941"TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills" "이상한 장식 부품: 처치"
N/A19942"[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills"
N/A19943"TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills_Desc" "이상한 품질의 장식 아이템에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 장식 아이템을 착용한 상태에서 적을 처치한 횟수를 기록합니다."
N/A19944"[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic will enable it to track the total number of kills you have while wearing that item."
N/A19945"TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills" "이상한 부품: 체력이 가득한 상태에서 처치"
N/A19946"[english]TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills" "Strange Part: Full Health Kills"
N/A19947"TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 부품을 덧붙이면 해당 무기로 체력이 완전하거나 과치료 상태일 때 죽인 적의 수를 기록합니다."
N/A19948"[english]TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of players you kill with that weapon while at Full Health or Overhealed."
N/A19949"TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_No_Partial_Completion" "본 조합법은 부분적으로 완성할 수 없습니다."
N/A19950"[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_No_Partial_Completion" "This recipe cannot be partially completed."
1992719951"Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Checkbox" "거래 불가 아이템 표시"
1992819952"[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Checkbox" "Show untradable items"
N/A19953"TF_SupplyCrateRation" "Mann Co. 보급 군수품"
N/A19954"[english]TF_SupplyCrateRation" "Mann Co. Supply Munition"
1992919955"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Killstreak_Kits" "본 보급 상자는 아래 목록의 연속 처치 장비 중 하나가 들어있습니다.\n연속 처치 특화 또는 연속 처치 전문 형태로 획득할 수도 있습니다."
1993019956"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Killstreak_Kits" "This crate contains one of the following Killstreak Kit.\nKits obtained might be Specialized or Professional."
N/A19957"TF_LittleBear" "작은 곰"
N/A19958"[english]TF_LittleBear" "The Little Bear"
N/A19959"TF_LittleBear_Desc" "여러분의 호주머니 속 내용물이 최근에 시행된 "공산주의식 호주머니법"에 따라 공평하게 배분되었는지 확인하세요."
N/A19960"[english]TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Make sure the contents of your pockets are distributed fairly with the latest in Communist pocket enforcement."