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泽菲尼亚·曼恩的遗嘱(The Last Will and Testament of Zepheniah Mann)是在主要更新中通过隐藏页面发布的故事性内容。
除此之外,泽菲尼亚还将他的其他财产继承给了不同的人,并由此将这些角色引入到游戏剧情中。他将曼恩父子军火公司(Mann & Sons Munitions Concern)继承给了巴纳布斯·霍尔,而这将公司最终发展为了后来的曼恩公司,且巴纳布斯的孙子萨克斯顿·霍尔担任CEO。他还将其余资产(英语),即未指定分配给其他人的所有资产都继承给了伊丽莎白——普遍认为,伊丽莎白即是在曼恩家族全家福中坐在泽菲尼亚身旁的女子,而她的头型与管理员十分相似。
在这份遗嘱最初发布的版本中,部分文字被“愚人石”(黄沙)遮挡了。后来这些内容在曼恩 vs. 机器更新开始前的ARG活动中于另一个隐藏页面内得以揭晓,其中提到了一个此前不为人知的新角色曾试图夺取曼恩公司真正的宝藏。而泽菲尼亚将他的“魔石”,也就是澳元素,交给伊丽莎白进行保管。
- 泽菲尼亚·曼恩立誓要化身恶鬼游荡世间。
- 泽菲尼亚倾尽家产在新墨西哥州买下一片“碎石地”,但最终发现那里有的只是沙砾。
- 泽菲尼亚声称他饱受多种疾病的折磨。其中某些疾病有些“异想天开”,但其中也存在真实的病名,不过使用的是19世纪的医学诊断名称,如“superfluous uterus(英语)”(字面意:多余子宫)——而这通常是一种遗传症状。
- 泽菲尼亚未继承给儿子与巴纳布斯·霍尔的财产全都归属于伊丽莎白。
- 泽菲尼亚将曼恩父子军火公司(即曼恩公司)继承给巴纳布斯·霍尔。
- 泽菲尼亚在美洲购得的土地将均匀地平分成两份,继承给他“智力低下”的两个儿子雷德蒙德与布鲁塔克。
- [在曼恩 vs. 机器更新中揭晓之前隐藏三年之久]
- 泽菲尼亚将他的“魔石”全都继承给伊丽莎白,并令她妥善保管。
- 泽菲尼亚还有另一个“弱不禁风”的儿子,格雷,而他在设法获取“魔石”。
英文誊本 |
I, Zephaniah Mann being of sound mind, do hereby vow to haunt the earth as a horrifying poltergeist, until such time as I have quenched my all-consuming thirst for vengeance against the world, and especially against my dunderhead sons.
If it takes a brave man to admit he is in error, then surely a man willing to admit both of his sons are stumble-bum muttonheads is twice as brave. It was they who convinced me to spend the entirety of my sizeable fortune purchasing land in the unclaimed frontier of the Americas, in the hope of expanding our weapons concern to the uncolonized westernmost regions. Many tales did they whisper in my too credulous ears, of gravel as far as the eye can see, for any man with strong back and iron spirit to harness. Long did I dream of transforming these virgin lands and its vast holes into the world"s most majestic and profitable pits of gravel. But when at last we arrived, we found only "fool"s gravel"- my nitwit sons had purchased a continent-sized parcel of sand! It is here in this wind-swept desert hell that I fear I shall breathe my last. Since moving from my Cambridgeshire estate to the untamed frontier I have contracted putrid fever, bilious fever, blackwater fever, green fever, spotted fever - even womb fever, as a complication from a serious bout of superfluous uterus. On our sailing trip to the new world I contracted white plague, marasmus, sweating sickness, deplumatious tumors of the eyelids, pleurisy, membranous croup and scarlet rash; during the drive west I contracted brain itch, stomatitus, and blood poisoning; since settling our estate I have contracted falling sickness, walking sickness, stationary sickness, shingles, jaundiced spine and skull bloat. I contracted scrivener"s palsy in the writing of this last will & testament. Possessing no paper in this godforsaken frontier, I have penned this on my own skin, which has sloughed off in quantity since contracting impetigo. To the foul-smelling, uneducated simpletons of the untamed Americas, I leave only this curse - as weapons have caused my downfall, so will I Engineer the downfall of any soul who puts one to use near my restless grave. Shoot over my bones, and I shall visit upon you a haunting the likes of which you have never seen. To my dearest maidservant Elizabeth I leave the rest and residue of my estate - including all deeds, accounts, debts public and private - my tobacco plantation - and what remains of the fortune my addle-pated sons have squandered. Find the gravel that I was unable to find! Honor me by placing it inside a pit! To my faithful aide and tracker, Barnabas Hale of the savage Australians, I divest compleat control of the Mann & Sons Munitions Concern. You procured the poppy flowers required for the medicines that gave me succor from the pains of my many warring ailments. It has been pleasant to not shriek myself to sleep. To my layabout, brain defective sons, Blutarch and Redmond, I leave the greatest curse of all - partnership. What land I have purchased in this new world is to be split evenly between you both. You have wasted your lives bickering over nothing, and so I leave you dimwits something of consequence over which to feud. 这段文字曾被黄沙掩盖 God and His angels will have to drag me screaming to Heaven. I do not want to die! Damn you all to Hell! Zephaniah Mann |
意译版本 |
倘若勇于承认自己的过错便堪称勇敢,那敢于坦言自家的两个儿子全都一无是处,岂不更加无畏?而我就是轻信了这俩小子的话,掏空了大把的积蓄,在美洲边域买下一大块无人掌管的土地,心念着要把家族的军火生意做到尚未殖民开发的遥远西部。他们没完没了地在我耳边悄言低语,吹嘘那里尽是望无边际的砾石,等待不屈不挠的人前去征服。一直以来我都梦想着,要把这片处女地打造成全世界最宏伟的采石基地,让它宽广的洞穴悉数成为我财富的宝藏。可我们最终抵达后,所见的不过是些“粒石”——这俩白痴给我买了一整片的沙粒,加起来足足够它一个洲!恐怕,如今我这最后一口气,也将在掩埋在这阴风肆虐的沙漠之中。 自从离开剑桥郡奔赴这不毛之地,我先后染上了腐败热、胆汁热、黑水热、斑疹热、绿热——甚至在我那个多余的子宫重病一场后,我还苦于并发症而染上了子宫热。在航行前往新大陆的旅途中,我感染了白色瘟疫、消瘦型汗热病、眼睑脱落性肿瘤、胸膜炎、膜性气管炎与猩红热疹。驱车西行的路上,我患上了脑痒病,口腔炎与败血症。处置财产之后,我还得了癫痫病、行动病、不动病、黄疸病、带状疱疹与头颅肿胀。而写这份遗嘱时,我又已身患书写麻痹症。由于在这穷山恶水里找不着纸,我还只能把这份遗嘱写在自己的皮肤上——我的脓疱病发作后,皮肤早已脱落了不少。 那些浑身恶臭、未经开化的美洲蛮族,我唯独将这份诅咒留给你们——如果有谁敢带着武器,在我不得安宁的坟墓周边惹是生非,那就等着被我降下厄运吧,因为正是武器招致了我的厄运。你们若有胆在我的埋骨之地上玩枪弄火,我便亲手以前所未闻的方式让你们不得好死。 我将我的剩余资产,继承给我最亲爱的女佣人,伊丽莎白——包括我所有的地契、账户、公共债务及私人债务,我的烟草种植园——以及其它还没被我那两个败家子挥霍掉的财产。去把那些我未能如愿得到的碎石全都给我找来!将它们深藏在矿穴中以敬拜我的亡魂! 我将曼恩父子军火公司的完全控制权,继承给我忠诚的追随者与得力助手,来自荒蛮澳洲的巴纳布斯·霍尔。多亏你为我买来罂粟做药,使我暂且摆脱诸多疾病之下撕心裂肺的痛楚,我才得以在夜晚安然入眠。 至于我那对好吃懒做、智力低下的儿子,布鲁塔克与雷德蒙德,我将最为恶毒的诅咒留给你们——共同继承。我在这片新天地所购得的地产,将不多不少地分成两份继承给你们。既然你俩将大把的生命时光通通浪费在了无谓的争斗之中,那我就留些实实在在的东西供你们争个你死我活。 这段文字曾被黄沙掩盖 上帝和天使休想轻易把我拽上天堂。我不想死!全都下地狱见鬼去吧! 泽菲尼亚·曼恩 |
- 2009
- 2010
- 2012
- 在曼恩 vs. 机器更新开始前的ARG活动中,完整版本的遗嘱被发布在了一个隐藏页面中。
- 2014