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Public-images-osm logo.svg tourism = gallery
Malba Buenos Aires.jpg
An area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: tourism
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

An art gallery (or art museum) is an area or typically a building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. The most common exhibits being paintings, sculpture or photography. It is a popular visitor attraction, both for tourists and locals. The tag should be used for any kind of gallery open to the public (either free or for a charge), be it a traditional art gallery, contemporary art, or photography (or a mix).

For museums, including those that happen to include some art works in their collections, see tourism=museum instead.
For private galleries and shops that exist primarily to sell art works, see shop=art instead.

How to map

Set a node at the center of the feature or draw an area along its outline. Tag it with tourism=gallery and name=*

Tags used in combination

Similar tags

  • shop=art - A shop selling art. Art galleries may sell the works, but this is not the primary purpose. The distinction with art shops may be tricky. Many art shops are named as a "gallery" but are clearly still art shops. Sometimes a place may be very much styled as an art gallery, but private galleries which are primarily funded by selling the works to visitors would still be tagged shop=art. Meanwhile a private gallery with a high turnover of visitors and relatively infrequent sales (expensive art!) would count as a tourism=gallery.
  • tourism=museum - Other types of museums such as science / history museums, and museums which present a mix of art and other exhibits.

Note that some art galleries have the word "museum" in the name.

Additional reasons for not using this tag among mappers is that for many there is no significant difference between museum displaying primarily nonart and one primarily displaying art. In addition this tag in many places is used mostly for art shops that pretend to not be retail locations.


Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!