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Public-images-osm logo.svg Prefix INEGI:*
A prefix of keys that are part of the INEGI dataset imports, used in Mexico. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: references
Used on these elements
use on nodes unspecifieduse on ways unspecifieduse on areas unspecifieduse on relations unspecified
Status: imported
taginfo: INEGI:*

information sign

This page describes a key prefix rather than a simple key.

The string "INEGI" is the prefix of keys that are part of the INEGI dataset imports. It is used in Mexico to relate to the datasets retrieved from INEGI during an import. Please note the use of this key is exclusively thought as a prefix for other subkeys that contain useful codes or identification numbers for objects retrieved from INEGI datasets.

Its main purpose is to provide a link between the data from the [INEGI] and the data in OSM to support future proofed imports and comparison with INEGI data.

Commonly used subkeys

Key Value Element Comment Photo Taginfo
INEGI:cve_mun Char relation Code composed by three numbers that are assigned in ascending order starting at 001 according to the alphabetical order of the names of the municipalities. This tag can only be used for relations assigned to boundaries.
INEGI:MUNID=* relation
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
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