Trash Blog

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Since I don’t believe in fortune telling I feel like every time I say I do tarot readings I’ve gotta add in a big disclaimer that I don’t believe in any of it and just think it’s an interesting tool to use to think through things. Which I’m sure pisses off both people who believe in fortune telling and people who don’t but it’s my truth and I’m gonna live it


wait op is 15. I don't want to argue with them. [visibly scheduling a reblog] what day is op's birthday


first of all happy birthday. congratulations on making it this far. you'll find that I edited the contents of this reblog for each of your birthdays that passed since you made this post to include slightly more personal wishes and I'm honestly really proud of you. also I'm sorry about your cat(?), since there was never a good time to say it so I thought I'd just include those condolences while I'm at it. now with all that out of the way,


if you tragically passed before this reblog arrived, I'm sorry about that. but please understand I've been waiting quite a while and it would feel like such an anticlimax if I cancelled this. have a peer take over your spot in the argument if you're uh... you know... unavailable, to put it delicately. sorry if that happened, also.


anyway, to get back on track, digimon was not just worse pokemon


You need to have the 28 other mods and all their dependencies for this mod to work, plus all the mods that they depend on. You also need to go into your x69 files and delete the .gloop file (NOT the .gleeb file!!!) and you need to run CuntExpander to generate a working skeleton for the animations and when that's done you have to reconfigure PNIS (which you should honestly be using NippleSense by now) and then deploy mods, uninstall then reinstall everything, then run PNIS again IN A SEPARATE FILE and deploy. Then it should work 👍

and this is why I rarely mod