Become a Global Leader

Join hundreds of Community Leaders hosting Webflow events around the world. Whether you’re looking to start a new chapter, scale your group, or expand globally, we’re excited to meet you.

Browse local chapters

As a Global Leader, you'll:

Build meaningful relationships with your local community
Gain access to exclusive Webflow Community events
Receive swag and other discounts
Be shared across our social and marketing channels
Build your business or portfolio
Get support from the Webflow community team

The work

As a Community Leader, you’ll be empowered to create inclusive and exciting opportunities for your chapter members to connect, learn, and build great things together.

The perks

We value the time, energy, and effort you put into growing and nurturing the Webflow community. As a Global Leader, we’ll provide you a tech stack, reimbursements and stipends, town halls, beta programs, exclusive swag, and more.

Why become a Global Leader?

Do you have a story about why you love being a global leader? Submit your Community Story!

Isabel Edwards
Manchester Global Leader

A year ago, I was fortunate enough to attend Webflow Conf in San Francisco and witness, for the first time, the kindness, warmth, and excitement of this community in person. I wanted everyone in my local community to have the opportunity to experience that and build their own support network, so the idea for FlowMCR was born.

Théo Roland
Paris Global Leader

Community thrives on presence, mutual aid, and sharing. Together, we shape Webflow's future and our own, fueled by the satisfaction of constant improvement. Every member, through words, resources, inspiration, or questions, contributes uniquely to our collective growth. I'd be delighted to join if possible.

Collin Belt
Tampa Bay Global Leader

I’m so happy that I get to be a part of the Webflow Global Leaders program! Connecting with so many passionate individuals in the Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg area has been nothing short of amazing. Grateful for this journey and the incredible Webflow community here. Let’s keep building together!

Meet our Global Leaders

Want to become a Global Leader?