Network Error Logging (NEL)

Maud Nalpas
Maud Nalpas


Network Error Logging (NEL) is a mechanism for collecting client-side network errors from an origin.

It uses the NEL HTTP response header to tell the browser to collect network errors, then integrates with the Reporting API to report the errors to a server.

Overview of the legacy Reporting API

To use the legacy Reporting API, you'll need to set a Report-To HTTP response header. Its value is an object which describes an endpoint group for the browser to report errors to:

    "max_age": 10886400,
    "endpoints": [{
    "url": ""

If your endpoint URL lives on a different origin than your site, the endpoint should support CORS preflight requests. (e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *; Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS; Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization, Content-Length, X-Requested-With).

In the example, sending this response header with your main page configures the browser to report browser-generated warnings to the endpoint for max_age seconds. It's important to note that all subsequent HTTP requests made by the page (for images, scripts, etc.) are ignored. Configuration is setup during the response of the main page.

Explanation of header fields

Each endpoint configuration contains a group name, max_age, and endpoints array. You can also choose whether to consider subdomains when reporting errors by using the include_subdomains field.

Field Type Description
group string Optional. If a group name is not specified, the endpoint is given a name of "default".
max_age number Required. A non-negative integer that defines the lifetime of the endpoint in seconds. A value of "0" will cause the endpoint group to be removed from the user agent’s reporting cache.
endpoints Array<Object> Required. An array of JSON objects that specify the actual URL of your report collector.
include_subdomains boolean Optional. A boolean that enables the endpoint group for all subdomains of the current origin's host. If omitted or anything other than "true", the subdomains are not reported to the endpoint.

The group name is a unique name used to associate a string with an endpoint. Use this name in other places that integrate with the Reporting API to refer to a specific endpoint group.

The max-age field is also required and specifies how long the browser should use the endpoint and report errors to it.

The endpoints field is an array to provide failover and load balancing features. See the section on Failover and load balancing. It's important to note that the browser will select only one endpoint, even if the group lists several collectors in endpoints. If you want to send a report to several servers at once, your backend will need to forward the reports.

How does the browser send reports?

The browser periodically batches reports and sends them to the reporting endpoints that you configure.

To send reports, the browser issues a POST request with Content-Type: application/reports json and a body containing the array of warnings/errors which were captured.

When does the browser send reports?

Reports are delivered out-of-band from your app, meaning the browser controls when reports are sent to your server(s).

The browser attempts to deliver queued reports at the most opportune time. This may be as soon as they're ready (in order to provide timely feedback to the developer) but the browser can also delay delivery if it's busy processing higher priority work, or if the user is on a slow and/or congested network at the time. The browser may also prioritize sending reports about a particular origin first, if the user is a frequent visitor.

There's little to no performance concern (e.g. network contention with your app) when using the Reporting API. There's also no way to control when the browser sends queued reports.

Configuring multiple endpoints

A single response can configure several endpoints at once by sending multiple Report-To headers:

Report-To: {
             "group": "default",
             "max_age": 10886400,
             "endpoints": [{
               "url": ""
Report-To: {
             "group": "network-errors-endpoint",
             "max_age": 10886400,
             "endpoints": [{
               "url": ""

or by combining them into a single HTTP header:

Report-To: {
             "group": "network-errors-endpoint",
             "max_age": 10886400,
             "endpoints": [{
               "url": ""
             "max_age": 10886400,
             "endpoints": [{
               "url": ""

Once you've sent the Report-To header, the browser caches the endpoints according to their max_age values, and sends all of those nasty console warnings/errors to your URLs.

Failover and load balancing

Most of the time you'll be configuring one URL collector per group. However, since reporting can generate a good deal of traffic, the spec includes failover and load-balancing features inspired by the DNS SRV record.

The browser will do its best to deliver a report to at most one endpoint in a group. Endpoints can be assigned a weight to distribute load, with each endpoint receiving a specified fraction of reporting traffic. Endpoints can also be assigned a priority to set up fallback collectors.

Fallback collectors are only tried when uploads to primary collectors fail.

Example: Create a fallback collector at

Report-To: {
             "group": "endpoint-1",
             "max_age": 10886400,
             "endpoints": [
               {"url": "", "priority": 1},
               {"url": "", "priority": 2}

Setting up Network Error Logging


To use NEL, set up the Report-To header with a collector that uses a named group:

Report-To: {
  }, {
    "group": "network-errors",
    "max_age": 2592000,
    "endpoints": [{
      "url": ""

Next, send the NEL response header to start collecting errors. Since NEL is opt-in for an origin, you only need to send the header once. Both NEL and Report-To will apply to future requests to the same origin and will continue to collect errors according to the max_age value that was used to set up the collector.

The header value should be a JSON object that contains a max_age and report_to field. Use the latter to reference the group name of your network errors collector:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
NEL: {"report_to": "network-errors", "max_age": 2592000}


Example: If loads and that resource fails to load:

  •'s NEL collector is notified
  •'s NEL collector is not notified

The rule of thumb is that NEL reproduces server-side logs, just generated on the client.

Since has no visibility into's server logs, it also has no visibility into its NEL reports.

Debugging report configurations

If you don't see reports showing up on your server, head over to chrome://net-export/. That page is useful for verifying things are configured correctly and reports are being sent out properly.

What about ReportingObserver?

ReportingObserver is a related, but different reporting mechanism. It's based on JavaScript calls. It's not suited for network error logging, as network errors can't be intercepted via JavaScript.

Example server

Below is an example Node server that uses Express. It shows how to configure reporting for network errors, and creates a dedicated handler to capture the result.

const express = require('express');

const app = express();
    type: ['application/json', 'application/reports json'],

app.get('/', (request, response) => {
  // Note: report_to and not report-to for NEL.
  response.set('NEL', `{"report_to": "network-errors", "max_age": 2592000}`);

  // The Report-To header tells the browser where to send network errors.
  // The default group (first example below) captures interventions and
  // deprecation reports. Other groups, like the network-error group, are referenced by their "group" name.
    "max_age": 2592000,
    "endpoints": [{
      "url": ""
  }, {
    "group": "network-errors",
    "max_age": 2592000,
    "endpoints": [{
      "url": ""


function echoReports(request, response) {
  // Record report in server logs or otherwise process results.
  for (const report of request.body) {
}'/network-reports', (request, response) => {
  console.log(`${request.body.length} Network error reports:`);
  echoReports(request, response);

const listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Your app is listening on port ${listener.address().port}`);

Further reading