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( 2)

People have already mentioned how hunger is way to RNG dependent and that's been my main concern but the fact that scout makes all the enemies able to hit you at once makes it actively detrimental.

( 5)

Honestly, it would be really really good if food didn't play that big of a part in survival. RNG this and that, when its just impossible to and anything 10 games in a row because food drops were bad, then thats a proble

food is a great feature and it makes the game SO HARD OMG THIS IS FRUSTRATING

( 1)

muito bom, mas o fato de vc acabar morrendo a cada 3 minutos por fome ou stamina sei lá o que é um pouco irritante sabe, mas como o nome diz, precisa ter paciência hahahah MAS O JOGO É MUITO BOM! Fiquei meia hora jogando sem parar, nem pisquei

(2 edits) ( 3)

the rng on food is really annoying. theres just nothing you can do you just die from starvation. while the rest of the game is pretty fun. there should be a strategic choice that you can make

( 1)(-3)

that's roguelikes my friend, strategy and RNG. jump back in for another run!

( 1)

i did and i did get there eventually! it was fun :)

( 8)


(1 edit) ( 1)

Monk is probably the easiest, but they are all very similar in difficulty.

Monk gets hungry faster, but heals when he eats which cancels it out.

So effectively he just has 2 more health than the fighter who has no perks, from what I can see. And 4 more health than the wizard who can do a little more damage with summons, but summons are not great anyway.

Since Hunger and health are most important, Monk wins.

( 1)

Cool, maybe im just not use for this kind of game but it's fun to play anyways!

( 1)

Great game, shorter than I thought it would have been.

( 6)(-1)

In my opinion RNG is a little too dominant in this game. Fequently you can only complete a run if you "get lucky", and sometimes the game just RNGs you into a certain death.

( 1)

Yeah with the lack of food the player has more or less no agency

( 2)

good vibe gonna play these game alot love the art concenpt remind me on a card game i used to play amazing game 

( 2)

That's a really cool game ! Great job :)

( 2)

Great game, I love the concept. This game definitely have potential.

( 1)

Veeery nice game, straightforward and clear! Was happy to play it.

(1 edit) ( 1)


( 2)

Epic game watabou

( 2)

On the Brave Browser, this game is not playable as most of the words don't appear.

( 1)

Just noticed the same thing. I wonder why?

I think I've heard about some trouble with Brave and one of my other apps. I don't have Brave installed and it doesn't sound like something I could possibly fix anyway, sorry.

( 2)

Faced the same issue. Just turn off the Brave Shields. After that everything should works well.

(1 edit) ( 8)(-1)

Hunger Cheat:

- Go to developer tools (F12)
- Press Ctrl P and open the file "patientrogue.js"
- Press Ctrl G and go to the line 4564
- Remove the line "this.discard();"
- Press Ctrl S to save the changes.

And every time you use the food card, it will not be discarded and you will always have it in your hand.

(1 edit) ( 2)

Remove "this.discard()" from line 4698 and swords will not be discarded

( 1)

I keep finding myself coming back to this game during my coffee breaks, months later. It's one of my favorite games for when I just need to kill a few minutes, I don't think I could count the number of times I've won!

Deleted post
( 1)(-3)

Lot of pixel dungeon inspiration huh

( 5)

There's a small chance that that's because watabou was the original creator of Pixel Dungeon.

Just maybe, though.

( 3)

Didn't realise that lol

( 1)

Really cool and unique spin on the card genre. It may be a small game, but I could definitely play it all day if I was given the chance. Good job!

( 6)

Have you ever died of starvation while picking card with food? :D 

( 6)

"Auuugh I'm so huuungry! I-if - only I could-"

*touches cooked chicken leg*

*dies of starvation*


(1 edit) ( 1)
I don't know what happened but...Somebody help me...
( 3)

5 of a kind!!

(1 edit)

does anyone know if you can modify stats with the inspector tool?

Hard, but real. For example: if remove "if" in patientrogue.js on line 4741 you can set new armor any time.

( 3)

I was thinking of making this an actual card game in my roleplaying group. But, to do so, I would need to make a deck of cards. Do you have all of the card images somewhere or is it best to just copy them as I turn them up

( 2)

If you are using Chrome you can open More tools > Developer tools > Network. There you'll see all the resources the game uses (i.e. sounds and images) and their links so you'll be able to load them. For example: Amulet.

( 1)

Great game mechanics and graphics.

( 1)

Super fun!

(1 edit) ( 1)

my favourite one is warlock. yep im a wierdo (heal=best spell)

( 2)

This is really fucking good, with enough spit and polish I think this would sell really well as a more indepth and complete game. 

( 2)

I love this game. Best for supporting procrastination XD

( 4)

And sometimes, game wants you to be Meatapod :D

( 2)

bro I'm dying 🤣

( 8)(-1)

Lack of food ruins it :(

( 7)(-1)

Hunger mechanic is annoying because food is not guaranteed. Three times in a row I didn't get any food and lost because of it not appearing on any floors...

Deleted post

after reading this comment i think they should nerf heal

(3 edits) ( 1)

It might be cool if there are more kinds of mechanic to relieve hunger in compensate of some other resources. e.g. spells that converting damage this turn into minus hunger points

( 1)

This a really neat idea! I had a great time playing even if I just sucked too much in this game XD

( 2)

what are the benefits of each class

( 3)

( 1)

bro that's so cool, thanks so much, imma start playing a bit more with monk, also, is fighter a neutral?

Neutral? More like default. For the simple reason of being implemented first.

( 1)

This is really cool! I've been playing it for a while now

( 1)


(1 edit) ( 1)

feels nice, did a few tries with fighter and completed it

soooooo nice, can't show image cause it wont let me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

( 1)

simply great, all my friends liked it and i find it nice

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