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Interactive Graphs

Vue Flow comes with built-in features like zoom & pan and dedicated controls, single & multi-selections, draggable elements, customizable nodes and edges and a bunch of event handlers.

animated edgedefault edge


You can expand on the existing features by using your own custom nodes and edges and implement any design and functionality you want.


Complex Flows

You want to visualize more complex ideas?
No worries! Vue Flow supports creating nested nodes and nested graphs out-of-the-box.

Vue Flow mini map

Additional Features

On top of all the features Vue Flow comes with several components like a Background, Minimap or Controls.
Plus it's built for composition, making the access of the internal state easy as can be!


Putting Ideas into Action: The Showcase

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your journey with Vue Flow, this showcase offers inspiration and insights into what's possible. Dive in and discover the potential of Vue Flow for your next project.



A Machine-Learning NoCode platform using a node-based UI for Data Scientists and Developers.



An open-source orchestrator that makes both scheduled and event-driven workflows easy.


First and foremost: A huge Thank you to the developers of Webkid. Without their continuous, amazing, open-source work, this project would not have been possible.

Vue Flow is built on top of existing features and code taken from React Flow. It replicates the features found in React Flow and brings them to the Vue 3 experience, with all the fun reactivity and features like template slots etc. you know and love from Vue. If you're happy with Vue Flow, please consider supporting Webkid by donating or subscribing to React Flow Pro.