# Options Reference

# transformAssetUrls

  • type: { [tag: string]: string | Array<string> }

  • default:

      video: ['src', 'poster'],
      source: 'src',
      img: 'src',
      image: ['xlink:href', 'href'],
      use: ['xlink:href', 'href']

    During template compilation, the compiler can transform certain attributes, such as src URLs, into require calls, so that the target asset can be handled by webpack. For example, <img src="./foo.png"> will attempt to locate the file ./foo.png on your file system and include it as a dependency of your bundle.

# compiler

  • Type: VueTemplateCompiler

  • default: require('vue-template-compiler')

    Override the default compiler used to compile <template> blocks in single file components.

# compilerOptions

  • type: Object

  • default: {}

    Options for the template compiler. When using the default vue-template-compiler, you can use this option to add custom compiler directives, modules, or discard whitespaces between template tags with { preserveWhitespace: false }.

    See vue-template-compiler options reference.

# transpileOptions

  • type: Object

  • default: {}

    Configure ES2015 to ES5 transpiling options for the generated render function code. The transpiler is a fork of Buble, so consult the available options here.

    The template render functions compilation supports a special transform stripWith (enabled by default), which removes the with usage in generated render functions to make them strict-mode compliant.

# optimizeSSR

  • type: boolean

  • default: true when the webpack config has target: 'node' and vue-template-compiler is at version 2.4.0 or above.

    Enable Vue 2.4 SSR compilation optimization that compiles part of the vdom trees returned by render functions into plain strings, which improves SSR performance. In some cases you might want to explicitly turn it off because the resulting render functions can only be used for SSR and cannot be used for client-side rendering or testing.

# hotReload

  • type: boolean

  • default: true in development mode, false in production mode or when the webpack config has target: 'node'.

  • allowed value: false (true will not force Hot Reload neither in production mode nor when target: 'node')

    Whether to use webpack Hot Module Replacement to apply changes in the browser without reloading the page. Use this option (value false) to disable the Hot Reload feature in development mode.

# productionMode

  • type: boolean
  • default: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

Force production mode, which prohibits the loader from emitting code (e.g. hot-reload related code) that is development-only.

# shadowMode

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Compiled the component for usage inside Shadow DOM. In this mode, the styles of the component will be injected into this.$root.$options.shadowRoot instead of the document head.

# cacheDirectory / cacheIdentifier

  • type: string
  • default: undefined

When both options are specified, enables file-system-based template compilation caching (requires cache-loader to be installed in the same project).


Interaction between vue-loader and cache-loader uses inline loader import syntax under the hook, the ! will be treated as the separator between different loaders, so please ensure cacheDirectory doesn't contain !.

# prettify

  • type: boolean
  • default: true if prettier v1 or v2 is installed, false otherwise

In development mode, we use prettier to format the compiled render function for ease of debugging by default. However, if you encounter any obscure bug of prettier, such as exponential compilation time for deeply nested functions, you can disable this option to circumvent it.

# exposeFilename

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

In non-production environments, vue-loader injects a __file property to components for better debugging experience. If the name property is missing in a component, Vue will infer it from the __file field to display in console warnings.

This property is stripped in production builds by default. But you may want to retain it if you are developing a component library and don't want to bother specifying name in each component. Then you can turn this option on.