ViteConf Speakers

  • Evan YouVoidZero logoVoidZero

    Evan is an independent open source developer and the author of Vue.js and Vite.

  • Open source provocateur, creator of Svelte. My love language is JSDoc. Software engineer, Vercel.

  • Jecelyn Yeen is a DevRel Engineer at Google working on Chrome DevTools and Browser Automation. Her work focuses on the developer tooling ecosystem. She helps identify and prioritize changes to the platform and works with the engineering team to help build next-generation of tools that developers will use everyday.

  • Engineering Lead at OpenSauced. Brandon is an OSS Advocate, focused on community engagement, content creation, and collaboration. He enjoys learning new things, helping other developers be successful, speaking at conferences, and contributing to open source. He is a GDE, technical writer, maintainer of the NgRx project building libraries for reactive Angular applications, and creator of AnalogJS, the fullstack meta-framework for Angular.

  • Ryan is the author of SolidJS. He is passionate about all things JavaScript frameworks and reactivity. He works at Netlify on Open Source to help build a better web.

  • Alex AlbertAnthropic logoAnthropic

    Head of Developer Relations at Anthropic.

  • Eric SimonsStackBlitz logoStackBlitz

    CEO StackBlitz. Making web development fast & secure.

  • Sarah Rainsberger leads a large open-source software documentation project with several maintainers and over 1000 community contributors. She brings a background in high school mathematics education, academic advising, and curriculum development to her current technical writing and open-source community building. In her spare time, she photographs birds.

  • Matt is CEO and co-founder of Netlify, a platform to build, deploy, and scale modern web applications. He has been building developer tools for more than 30 years and coined the term “Jamstack.”

  • A fanatical open sourceror. Core team member of Vue, Nuxt and Vite. Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS and Elk. Working at NuxtLabs.

  • Natalia has worked in the roles of frontend developer, full-stack developer, technical lead, software and solutions architect. Now she leads the end-to-end developer experience and devtools for JavaScript and Node.js workloads on Azure. Natalia is also part of the OpenJS Foundation CPC and Google Developer Experts for Angular and Web Technologies program.

  • Principal Engineer at Shopify. Seeking simplicity in software and in software development. Desperately trying to make your node_modules smaller and less terrible.

  • Mark Dalgleish is the co-creator of CSS Modules and Vanilla Extract, working as a Staff Front End Developer at Shopify on the Remix team. He's known for his past work on Braid Design System at SEEK, and Playroom, a JSX-based design and prototyping tool for design systems. He's also been the lead organiser of MelbJS, the Melbourne JavaScript meetup, for over a decade.

  • Shai Reznik is Qwik's team lead and the founder of which provides training and consulting that helps making web development fun and efficient. As a Google Developer Expert, Shai has been speaking all over the world delivering entertaining talks that over 200K developers watched (and probably a few random people as well! :)

  • CEO of Nakazawa Tech. Christoph is an experienced engineering manager, frontend lead and game developer. He played a key role in the development of tools such as Jest, React Native, Metro, Yarn and jscodeshift while working at companies like Facebook and Stripe. Currently Christoph is is building an indie game studio in Tokyo and developing the video game Athena Crisis.

  • StackBlitz Founding Engineer & DevRel.

  • Igor MinarCloudflare logoCloudflare

    Helping make the world a bit better through better Web with Cloudflare. I love creating great things with great people.

  • Aakansha Doshiexcalidraw logoexcalidraw

    Aakansha is passionate about Free and open-source software (FOSS) and loves deep diving into the internals of Web and Javascript. She is a core maintainer of excalidraw, react-tags, mermaid-to-excalidraw and more. She also leads the FOSS meetups in Bangalore, India. Beyond her tech interests, she is a big foodie, loves traveling, and spending quality time with her family.

  • Yann BragaStorybook logoStorybook

    Storybook core maintainer. Passionate open-source enthusiast that loves sharing knowledge whenever possible. During his free time, he practices to get his origami ninja title!

  • Brian DouglasOpenSauced logoOpenSauced

    Brian Douglas is the founder and CEO of Open Sauced where he works on increasing the knowledge and insights of open-source communities. In the past he’s lead Developer Advocacy at GitHub by fostering a community of early adopters through conversations with the top open source maintainers on GitHub.

  • Atila is the DevRel Lead at CrabNebula, SolidJS DX team member, Tauri Advocate, and Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies. Loves creating content speaking conferences, publishing youtube videos, or writing articles.

  • Joyee is a software engineer at Igalia. She is a member of the Node.js TSC and a V8 committer. Recently she's been working on some new features in the Node.js module loader to improve interoperability, performance and UX of module loading.

  • Minko the product lead for Angular at Google. Previously, he was a co-founder and the CTO of, which in 2019 joined Coursera.

  • I'm Ben, a founding engineer and "CEO of whiteboards" at Astro. You may know me from my shorts explaining web dev on my whiteboard. If you want to talk islands architecture, Tailwind, house music, or something random, come say hi!

  • While I have a PhD for which I studied the mathematical properties of black holes, I eventually abandoned Mathematics and followed my passion to become a software developer. For many years now, I have been a full stack developer and consultant at TNG with a strong JavaScript focus, a passion I also like to share in talks and workshops. When after a talk at the Munich Node User group on the JavaScript bundler RollupJS, I decided to prepare some pull requests to substantially improve its dead-code-elimination algorithm, things started to move in unexpected directions. Since 2017 now, I have been the core maintainer behind RollupJS. A tool, originally developed by Rich Harris, that is used for bundling by many high-profile JavaScript libraries and is currently the central component of the production build of Vite.

  • Vitest Core Team, Tinylibs Team, Open Source at Stackblitz.

  • Daniel leads the Nuxt core team - previously CTO of SaaS startup and founder of a creative agency focusing on clarity of vision and message. His open-source work has a focus in the Vue.js and Nuxt ecosystems and he's involved in consultancy with companies around the world, particularly around JAMstack, serverless and software architecture. He's based in the North East of England where he lives with his family, three cats, and a dog.

  • Open Source Developer at Nuxtlabs and Consultant at Passionate People. He started his open-source journey in 2016. He contributed to Laravel, Hapi.js, Vue.js, and Nuxt. He's curious about Operating Systems, Hardware, IoT, and DevOps. Now, he's focused on building Nitro and the UnJS ecosystem, which powers Nuxt 3.

  • Boshen is the creator of the Oxc project. He was also working on the Rust-based bundler Rspack at the web infra team of ByteDance. He is currently learning Rust, performance engineering, as well as how to maintain an open-source project.

  • Senior Engineer at Nx, open source contributor, GDE for Angular/Google Maps platform, WTM Ambassador, AngularAthens meetup co-founder. Mentoring women into tech, speaking about the cool things I do, climbing mountains and serving cats for life. More at

  • I'm on the Remix team at Shopify where I work mostly on stuff related to compilers, typesafety, and API design.

  • Alvaro is a **Creative Software Engineer** from Venezuela living in Barcelona, Spain. Developer Experience Engineer at Storyblok. Author of TresJS. He produces creative content and contribute to open source mainly related to Front-end (Vue, Nuxt, Astro) & 3D (Blender, ThreeJS).

  • Nate is building Tamagui and vxrn.

  • Irina runs the open source-centric consulting company Evil Martians and the real-time infrastructure product AnyCable. Armed with wit, passion, and a sprinkle of mischief, Irina proudly steers her team toward extraordinary achievements!

  • Vitest and Vite team member, RPG enthusiast, tea drinker. Frontend Developer at Zammad.

  • I work in open source for the web! I'm an Astro core resident, Svelte and Vite core team member.

  • Senior Developer at Mainmatter. Member of the EmberJS Core Learning and Tooling Teams. Creator of Empress.

  • Erika is a core maintainer on Volar and Astro. She particularly loves focusing on high impact but commonly overlooked work, which is where she found her passion for editor tooling.

  • The author of Volar.js & Vue Language Tools.

  • Matias (patak) is a Vite core team member, and a Vitest and Vue team member. He works at StackBlitz, doing Open Source work full time for the Vite Ecosystem.

  • Akryum Consulting. Open Source Javascripter.

  • Creator of & Founder of Tinylibs.

  • Misha Kaletsky is Head of Technology at Dr. B (, focusing on healthcare technology solutions. He's an active open-source contributor, known for projects like expect-type, trpc-cli and eslint-plugin-codegen. Misha has specialized in C#, F# and TypeScript at Microsoft, since building out multiple healthcare startups from scratch, almost exclusively in TypeScript. He has a particular interest in developer productivity and type safety for large-scale applications.

  • Vike creator. Passionate about Open Source and the JavaScript ecosystem, from Europe (Germany/France).

  • Software Engineer at Bit. Vue.js core team member. Living in Singapore. A football fan.