Move with WASD. Attack and aim with the mouse.

Watch out for falling anvils that can upgrade your snowballs

Assests used in this game:

LPC Winter Tiles

Tiny 16: Expanded Character Sprites


Pixel Menu GUI

Smithing Sound, by Hansjörg Malthaner

Hammer on Anvil


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( 1)

I fucking loved this game! The moment the game started I was hooked. Was already having a fun time and had gotten the faster snowballs but you should have heard the scream of joy I screamed when I found out you could get bigger snowballs! Love how you made the option of how many NPCs to play with.

If you were to update the game the one thing I can think would be making it so once I die I can still affect the game in some way or that the game would end sooner once I die. Just because the rounds I died first it took quite a while for the other 3 NPCs to die but I just wanted to play again!

- Princess