Yellowstone (TV Show)
"Yellowstone" is a contemporary Western series that airs on Paramount Network. It follows the lives of the Dutton family, led by patriarch John (Kevin Costner), who owns the largest ranch in Montana, the Yellowstone. John"s inner circle consists of his fiercely loyal business exec daughter Beth (Kelly Reilly), his often-deceptive lawyer son Jamie (Wes Bentley), his cowboy son Kayce (Luke Grimes), and his right-hand man Rip (Cole Hauser), who controls the operations of the Yellowstone with an iron fist. The storylines of the shows often are built around outsiders trying to take land from the Yellowstone, or the interpersonal relationships of the Duttons and their significant others.
The show was created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson. Sheridan, known for writing films like 2015"s "Sicario" and 2016"s "Hell or High Water," has written nearly every episode of the show, many of them by himself. He also directs many episodes, and has a recurring role as horse trader Travis Wheatley. "Yellowstone" was the Paramount Network"s first scripted show, and since its June 20, 2018 premiere has been a ratings hit. The success has inspired multiple spinoffs, including "1883," a prequel starring Tim McGraw and Faith Hill; "1923," another prequel starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren; and upcoming titles like "Lawmen: Bass Reeves" and "6666." Costner is scheduled to leave the series at the end of the fifth season, at which point a spinoff will begin with Matthew McConaughey stepping into a starring role, with much of the cast expected to return.Â
- Cast Members
Kevin Costner, Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille, Gil Birmingham
- Country of Origin
United States
- Network
Paramount Network