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Jef Loeb

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  Jozef " Jef " Loeb III amerikalik prodyuser va komikslar yozuvchisi. Loeb Smallville va Lost teleserialida prodyuser yozuvchi, “Komando” va “O‘smir bo‘ri” filmlari muallifi hamda 2006-yildagi premyeradan 2008-yil noyabrigacha NBC telekanalining “ Qahramonlar” teleko‘rsatuvida yozuvchi va hammuallif prodyuser bo‘lgan. 2010 yilda Loeb Marvel televideniesining ijrochi vitse-prezidenti bo'ldi.

To'rt karra Eysner mukofoti sovrindori va besh karra Sehrgar muxlislari mukofoti sovrindori, Nyu-York Taymsning eng yaxshi sotuvchilari ro'yxatida paydo bo'lgan Loebning komiks asari ko'plab asosiy personajlar, jumladan , O'rgimchak odam, Batman, Supermen, Xalk ustida ishlashni o'z ichiga oladi.Kapitan Amerika, Kabel, Temir odam, Daredevil, Supergirl, Qasoskorlar va Baffi Vampir qotili, ularning ko'p qismini rassom Tim Sale bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqargan.

Jef Loeb Konnektikut shtatining Stamford shahrida yahudiy oilasida tarbiyalangan. [1][2] U 1970 yilning yozida komikslarni yig'ishni boshladi.

Uning o'gay otasi Brandeys universitetida vitse-prezident bo'lgan, u yerda Jef o'zining ustozlari va komikslar yozishda eng katta ta'sir ko'rsatgan yozuvchi Elliot Maggin bilan uchrashgan. [3][4] Jef Kolumbiya universitetida o'qigan. [5][6] U san'at bakalavri va kino magistri darajasini olgan. [7][8] Uning o'qituvchilari orasida Pol Shreyder ham bor edi. [9]

Loebning kino ijodidagi debyuti uning Metyu Vaysman bilan hamkorlikda "Yosh bo'ri" ssenariysi muallifi bo'ldi. Film 1985-yil 23-avgustda chiqarilgan va Maykl J. Foks uchun muhim rol o‘ynagan. Keyin Loeb va Vaysman Commando s senariysini yozishda hamkorlik qilishdi. Film 1985-yil 4-oktabrda chiqdi va bosh rolni Arnold Shvartsenegger ijro etgan. [10] Uning navbatdagi filmi 1987-yil 20-martda ekranlarga chiqqan “O‘g‘ri” filmi edi. Syujet Lourens Blokning xayoliy o'g'ri Berni Rodenbarr haqidagi romanlariga asoslangan edi. Uning hamkorlari Vaysman va Xyu Uilson edi.

  • Challengers of the Unknown vol. 2 #1–8 (with Tim Sale, 1991)
    • Loeb and Sale produced an epilogue, intended for publication in the Justice League Quarterly series, but that title was cancelled before the story saw print.[11]
    • Loeb-written, Sale-drawn profile pages have appeared in Who's Who #1 (Challengers of the Unknown, 1990) and #16 (The New Challengers of the Unknown, 1992)
    • Collected (along with the epilogue) as Challengers of the Unknown Must Die! (tpb, 224 pages, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0374-4; hc, 248 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-4012-7885-X)
  • Batman:
    • Batman: Haunted Knight (tpb, 192 pages, 1996, ISBN 1-5638-9273-1; Absolute Edition, hc, 336 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-5122-6) collects:
      • Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special: "Choices" (retitled "Fears" for the collected edition; with Tim Sale, one-shot, 1993)
      • Batman: Madness — A Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special (with Tim Sale, one-shot, 1994)
      • Batman: Ghosts — A Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special (with Tim Sale, one-shot, 1995)
    • Batman: The Long Halloween #1–13 (with Tim Sale, 1996–1997) collected as Batman: The Long Halloween (hc, 368 pages, 1998, ISBN 1-5638-9427-0; tpb, 1998, ISBN 1-5638-9469-6)
      • A four-page sequence cut from the original limited series was drawn for and published in Batman: The Long Halloween Absolute Edition (hc, 400 pages, 2007, ISBN 1-4012-1282-4)
      • A black-and-white version of the original limited series with the new sequence was published as Batman Noir: The Long Halloween (hc, 384 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-4883-7)
    • Batman: Dark Victory #0–13 (with Tim Sale, 1999–2000) collected as Batman: Dark Victory (hc, 392 pages, 2001, ISBN 1-5638-9738-5; tpb, 2002, ISBN 1-5638-9868-3)
      • Two new pages of story (one in #6 and 7 each) were created for and published in Batman: Dark Victory Absolute Edition (hc, 408 pages, 2012, ISBN 1-4012-3510-7)
      • A black-and-white version of the original limited series with the new pages was published as Batman Noir: Dark Victory (hc, 400 pages, 2017, ISBN 1-4012-7106-5)
    • Batman (with Jim Lee, 2002–2003) collected as:
      • Hush Volume 1 (collects #608–612, hc, 128 pages, 2003, ISBN 1-4012-0061-3; tpb, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0060-5)
      • Hush Volume 2 (collects #613–619 and an interlude from Wizard #0, hc, 192 pages, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0084-2; tpb, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0092-3)
      • A two-page origin story (originally published at dccomics.com) was first printed in Batman: Hush Absolute Edition (hc, 372 pages, 2005, ISBN 1-4012-0426-0)
      • The entire 12-issue run along with the origin story and interlude in pencil form was published as Batman: Hush Unwrapped (hc, 320 pages, 2011, ISBN 1-4012-2992-1)
      • A black-and-white version of the entire 12-issue run along with the origin story and interlude was published as Batman Noir: Hush (hc, 304 pages, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5803-4)
    • Catwoman: When in Rome #1–6 (with Tim Sale, 2004–2005) collected as Catwoman: When in Rome (hc, 160 pages, 2005, ISBN 1-4012-0432-5; tpb, 2007, ISBN 1-4012-0717-0)
      • Batman: Dark Victory #13 is collected with all reprint editions of this limited series, including Batman: Haunted Knight Absolute Edition (hc, 336 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-5122-6)
      • Haunted Knight, The Long Halloween, Dark Victory and When in Rome are collected as Batman by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale Omnibus (hc, 1,176 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-4012-8426-4)
    • Batman/The Spirit (with Darwyn Cooke, one-shot, 2006) collected in The Spirit by Darwyn Cooke Volume 1 (hc, 192 pages, 2007, ISBN 1-4012-1461-4; tpb, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1618-8)
    • All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder (with Jim Lee and Arthur Adams, cancelled before release because of Loeb's newly-signed exclusive contract with Marvel)[12][13]
    • Batman: The Long Halloween Special: "Nightmares" (with Tim Sale, 2021)
  • Loose Cannon:
    • Action Comics Annual #5: "Bloodlines" (with Lee Moder, 1993)
    • Justice League Task Force #9: "New Blood" (with Greg LaRocque, 1994) collected in Justice League Task Force: Purification Plague (tpb, 296 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-4012-7796-9)
    • Showcase '94 #5: "On the Other Hand..." (with Steve Skroce, anthology, 1994)
    • Loose Cannon #1–4 (with Adam Pollina, 1995)
  • Superman:
    • Superman for All Seasons #1–4 (with Tim Sale, 1998) collected as Superman for All Seasons (hc, 206 pages, 1999, ISBN 1-56389-528-5; tpb, 2002, ISBN 1-56389-529-3)
    • Superman vol. 2:
      • Superman: The City of Tomorrow Volume 1 (tpb, 466 pages, 2019, ISBN 1-4012-9508-8) includes:
        • "We're Back!" (with Mike McKone, in #151–153, 1999–2000)
        • "Y2K, Part Two: Whatever Happened to the City of Tomorrow?" (with Ed McGuinness, in #154, 2000)
      • Superman: The City of Tomorrow Volume 2 (tpb, 504 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-7795-0312-1) includes:
        • "Superman's Enemy Lois Lane" (with Ed McGuinness, in #155–157, 2000)
        • "Critical Condition, Part One: Little Big Man" (with Duncan Rouleau, in #158, 2000)
        • "Detour" (with Ed McGuinness and Paul Pelletier, in #159, 2000)
      • Superman: Emperor Joker (tpb, 256 pages, 2007, ISBN 1-4012-1193-3) includes:
        • "Arkham, Part One: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World!" (with Ed McGuinness, in #160, 2000)
        • Superman: Emperor Joker (co-written by Loeb and Joe Kelly, art by various artists, one-shot, 2000)
        • "Emperor Joker, Part One: You Say You Want a Revolution?" (with Ed McGuinness, in #161, 2000)
      • Superman: President Lex (tpb, 240 pages, 2003, ISBN 1-56389-974-4) includes:
        • "Where Monsters Lurk!" (with Ed McGuinness, in #162–163, 2000)
        • "Tales from the Bizarro World" (with Ed McGuinness and Carlo Barberi, in #164, 2001)
        • President Luthor: Secret Files: "He's Coming, Mr. Lew-Thor!" (with Mike Wieringo, co-feature in one-shot, 2001)
        • Superman: Lex 2000 (with Tony Harris, Doug Mahnke, Ed McGuinness and Todd Nauck, one-shot, 2001)
        • "Help!" (with Ed McGuinness and various artists, in #165, 2001)
      • Superman: Return to Krypton (tpb, 208 pages, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0194-6) includes:
        • "Fathers" (with Ed McGuinness, in #166, 2001)
        • "Return to Krypton, Part One: Sliding Home" (with Ed McGuinness, in #167, 2001)
      • Batman: New Gotham Volume 2 (tpb, 208 pages, 2018, ISBN 1-4012-7794-2) includes:
        • "With This Ring..." (with Ed McGuinness, in #168, 2001)
      • "Bad Dog!: A Tale of Krypto the Superdog" (with Dale Keown, in #170, 2001)
      • Superman: Our Worlds at War (tpb, 512 pages, 2006, ISBN 1-4012-1129-1) includes:
        • "Our Worlds at War" (with Ed McGuinness, in #171–173, 2001)
        • JLA: Our World at War (with Ron Garney, one-shot, 2001)
        • World's Finest: Our Worlds at War (with various artists, one-shot, 2001)
      • "Every Blade of Grass" (with Steve Lieber, in #174, 2001)
      • Superman/Doomsday (tpb, 412 pages, 2007, ISBN 1-4012-1107-0) includes:
        • "Joker's Last Laugh: Doomsday Rex" (with Ed McGuinness, in #175, 2001)
      • "A Little Help" (with Ian Churchill, in #176, 2002)
      • "Metropolis E-Mailbag" (with Ed McGuinness and Kevin Maguire, in #177, 2002)
      • "The American Way" (with Ed McGuinness, in #178, 2002)
      • "What Can One Icon Do?" (scripted by Loeb from a story by Loeb and Geoff Johns, art by Ariel Olivetti, in #179, 2002)
      • "The House of Dracula" (scripted by Loeb from a story by Loeb and Geoff Johns, art by Ian Churchill, in #180, 2002)
      • "The Mirror Crack'd" (with Ed McGuinness, in #181, 2002)
      • "The Secret" (with Ed McGuinness, in #182–183, 2002)
      • Superman: Infinite Crisis (tpb, 128 pages, 2006, ISBN 1-4012-0953-X) includes:
        • "Lois' Photo Album" (with Tim Sale, short sequence in #226, 2006)
    • Metropolis Secret Files: "Unbearable Brightness of Being" (with Jeff Matsuda, co-feature in one-shot, 2000)
    • Our Worlds at War: Secret Files: "The Eighth Day" (with Yvel Guichet, co-feature in one-shot, 2001)
      • Scripted by Loeb, plotted by Marv Wolfman.
    • Adventures of Superman #600: "Superman: The Dailies 2002 — The Daily Planet" (with Tim Sale, co-feature, 2002)
    • 9-11 Volume 2: "A Hard Day's Night" (with Carlos Pacheco, anthology graphic novel, 224 pages, 2002, ISBN 1-56389-878-0)
    • Superman/Batman (with Ed McGuinness, Pat Lee (#7), Michael Turner, Carlos Pacheco and Ian Churchill (#18), 2003–2006) collected as:
      • Volume 1 (collects #1–13, tpb, 336 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-4818-7; also as Absolute Edition Volume 1, hc, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-4096-8)
        • Includes the "When Clark Met Bruce" short story (art by Tim Sale) from Superman/Batman: Secret Files & Origins 2003 (one-shot, 2003)
      • Volume 2 (collects #14–26, tpb, 336 pages, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-5079-3; also as Absolute Edition Volume 2, hc, 2014, ISBN 1-4012-4817-9)
      • Omnibus Volume 1 (includes #1–26 and short story from the Secret Files & Origins one-shot, hc, 1,208 pages, 2020, ISBN 1-7795-0029-7)
    • Solo #1: "Prom Night" (with Tim Sale, anthology, 2004) collected in Solo (hc, 608 pages, 2013, ISBN 1-4012-3889-0)
    • Supergirl vol. 4 #0–5: "Power" (with Ian Churchill, 2005–2006) collected in Supergirl: The Girl of Steel (tpb, 304 pages, 2016, ISBN 1-4012-6093-4)
  • The Witching Hour vol. 2 #1–3 (with Chris Bachalo, Vertigo, 1999) collected as The Witching Hour (hc, 160 pages, 2000, ISBN 1-5638-9688-5; tpb, 2000, ISBN 1-5638-9945-0)
    • An interview with Loeb and Bachalo, conducted by Shelly Roeberg, — "The Witching Hour Exposed" — was published in Vertigo: Winter's Edge #3 (anthology, 2000)
  • Orion #8: "Tales of the New Gods: Deadend" (with Rob Liefeld, co-feature, 2001) collected in Tales of the New Gods (tpb, 168 pages, 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1637-4)
  • JSA: All-Stars #2: "Same Thing Happens Every Night" (with Tim Sale, co-feature, 2003) collected in JSA: All-Stars (tpb, 208 pages, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0219-5)
  • DC Comics Presents: The Flash: "The Fastest Man -- Dead!" (with Ed McGuinness, co-feature in one-shot, 2004)
  1. Tabu. „WWLA: Cup o' Jeph“. CBR (2008-yil 14-mart). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 13-iyun.
  2. Jones, Seth. "WWC: Civil War & Remembrance Panel -Updated!", Comic Book Resources, August 11, 2007
  3. Callahan. „Elliot S! Maggin's Noble Humanity“. Comic Book Resources (2008-yil 4-sentyabr). 2008-yil 15-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 17-mart.
  4. Cronin. „Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #18!“ (2005-yil 29-sentyabr). 2011-yil 19-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 17-mart.
  5. „Columbia Daily Spectator 26 March 1976 — Columbia Spectator“. spectatorarchive.library.columbia.edu. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 25-iyul.
  6. „University Record 14 November 1986 — Columbia Record“. curecordarchive.library.columbia.edu. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 25-iyul.
  7. "Jeph Loeb Named Marvel TV Honcho", ICV2, June 28, 2010.
  8. Jeph Loeb profile, DynamicForces.com; accessed February 25, 2011.
  9. Salisbury, Mark. Writers on Comics Scriptwriting. London, United Kingdom: Titan Books, 1999 — 152–165-bet. ISBN 978-1840230697. 
  10. Marnell. „Marvel Creates New TV Development Department, Jeph Loeb Named Executive V.P.“ (en). MTV News. 2021-yil 30-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 19-avgust.
  11. „Challengers of the Unknown Must Die“. Grand Comics Database. 2009-yil 2-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  12. Cronin. „Comic Book Legends Revealed #447“. Comic Book Resources (2013-yil 29-noyabr). 2013-yil 2-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  13. Shayer. „Art Adams' unpublished All-Star Batman“. Marvel Comics of the 1980s (2012-yil 15-oktyabr). 2014-yil 13-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.