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Evelyn Young

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Evelyn Young
Evelyn Ebersis Young

17-noyabr 1915-yil
Washington state, Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari
Vafoti 14-fevral 1983-yil(1983-02-14)
(67 yoshda)
Orange, California, Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1925,[1] 1939–40
Turmush oʻrtogʻi Nicholas Pisani (1971-83)

Evelyn Ebersis Young(1915-yil 17-noyabr — 1983-yil 14-fevral) — amerikalik kino aktrisasi. 1940-yilda faoliyatining eng yuqori choʻqqisida u 9 ta badiiy filmda suratga tushgan. U The Wildcat of Tucson[2][3][4] va Prairie Schooners filmlarida,[5][4][6] Wild Bill Hickok serialida rol oʻynagan.

Young " Books in arms " filmidagi rashkchi serjant Richard Fiskening rafiqasi sifatida muxlislariga yaxshi tanish.[7] Young Stooges bilan beshta filmda suratga tushgan.

Aktyorlik faoliyati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1939-yilda Young Stoogesning " Three Sappy People " qisqa metrajli filmida kichik rol oʻynadi. 1940-yilda u toʻqqizta badiiy va beshta qisqa metrajli filmlarda rol oʻynadi. Youngning " Boobs in Arms " filmidagi obrazi haqidagi tushuncha bir iboraga jamlangan: „Men erim endi meni sevmaydi deb qoʻrqaman!“[8]

1940-yil aprel oyida The New York Times gazetasi Young „ Babies for Sale“ filmida bosh rolni oʻynashi haqida xabar berdi.[1] Lekin "Babies for Sale" filmidagi rol uning doʻsti Rochelle Hudsonga nasib etdi.[1]

1940-yil 24-sentabrda The New York Times gazetasi Youngning Columbia Pictures tomonidan ishdan boʻshatilganini eʼlon qildi.[9] Studiya oʻsha yilning dekabr oyining oxirgi kunigacha uning ishtirokida filmlarni chiqargan.

Shaxsiy va hayotiy voqealar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Evelyn Ebersis Young 1915-yil 17-noyabrda Vashington shtatida tugʻilgan.[10] Onasining qizlik ismi Rodos edi.[10]

56 yoshida, 1971-yil 27-martda Young Kaliforniyaning Orinj okrugida Nikolas Pisaniga turmushga chiqdi.[10]

1972-yilda Young Associated Press agentligiga doʻsti va hamkasbi Kolumbiya aktrisasi Rochelle Hudsonning bevaqt oʻlimi haqida izoh berdi.[11][12] Hudson 55 yoshida yurak xurujidan vafot etgan edi.[13]

Young 1983-yil 14-fevralda Kaliforniyaning Orange shahrida 67 yoshida vafot etdi.[14]

Yil Sarlavha Rol Uzunlik Kreditlar Seriya
1925 yil, iyul The Overland Limited Agnes Jennings Badiiy film Evelin Jennings sifatida qabul qilingan
1939 yil, dekabr Three Sappy People Resepsiyonist Qisqa film Akkreditivsiz Stooges Short #43
1940 yil, iyun He stayed for Breakfast Kotib Badiiy film Hisoblangan
1940 yil, iyun Nutty but Nice Hamshira Qisqa film Akkreditivsiz Stooges Short #47
1940 yil, iyul Girls of the road Sadie Badiiy film Hisoblangan
1940 yil, iyul The Spook Speaks Qisqa film Akkreditivsiz Keaton Short #6
1940 yil, avgust From Nurse to Worse Ofisdagi ayol Qisqa film Akkreditivsiz Stooges Short #49
1940 yil, avgust The secret seven Xizmatkor Badiiy film Akkreditivsiz
1940 yil, sentyabr Glamur for Sale Elis Badiiy film Akkreditivsiz
1940 yil, sentyabr Prairie Schooners Virjiniya Benton[15] Badiiy film Ayol yetakchi[16] Yovvoyi Bill Xikok
1940 yil, oktyabr No census, No feeling Koʻchadagi ayol Qisqa film Akkreditivsiz Stooges Short #50
1940 yil, oktyabr Nobody’s Children Hamshira Badiiy film Akkreditivsiz
1940 yil, oktyabr So You Wonʼt Talk Jozibali koʻrinishli ayol Badiiy film Akkreditivsiz
1940 yil, noyabr The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date Kassir Badiiy film Akkreditivsiz Yolgʻiz boʻri #6
1940 yil, dekabr Boobs in arms Mrs.Dare Qisqa film Hisoblangan Stooges Short #52
1940 yil, dekabr The Widcat of Tucson Vivian Barlou[3] Badiiy film Ayol yetakchi[2] Yovvoyi Bill Xikok
Yil Sarlavha Rol Turini koʻrsatish Rol turi Seriya
1997 yil, may The Three Stooges Greatest Hits Har xil rollar Televizion maxsus Oʻlimdan keyin
2003 yil, aprel The Three Stooges 75th Anniversary Special Har xil rollar Televizion maxsus Oʻlimdan keyin
2015 yil, may Eureka Har xil rollar Hujjatli seriallar Oʻlimdan keyin Hey Moe, Hey ota! #3
2015 yil, may Slap Happy Har xil rollar Hujjatli seriallar Oʻlimdan keyin Hey Moe, Hey ota! #4
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Churchill, Douglas. News of the screen. The New York Times (1940-yil 12-aprel), s. 24. „Evelyn Young, a child star of fifteen years ago who was known as Evelyn Jennings, has received a leading role in "Babies for Sale" at Columbia.“.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Blottner, Gene „The Wildcat of Tucson“, . Wild Bill Elliott: A Complete Filmography. McFarland & Company, 2011 — 150–51-bet. ISBN 9780786480258. „Finding where Brown is hiding, Elliott and Brown's sweetheart, Evelyn Young, ride to convince him to turn himself in. Brown refuses, accusing Elliott of wanting him in jail so that Elliott can romance Young. In truth, Young fleetingly has romantic designs on Elliott, but Elliott isn't interested. [...] An interesting subplot has heroine Evelyn Young momentarily switching her affection from Stanley Brown to his brother, Eliott.“ 
  3. 3,0 3,1 „The Wildcat of Tucson“. AFI Catalog of Feature Films. American Film Institute. — „Evelyn Young (Vivian Barlow) [...] When Bill rides to his brother's hideout accompanied by Vivian Barlow, the judge's daughter with whom Dave is in love, Dave becomes jealous and orders his brother to leave.“. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 9-oktyabr.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Blottner, Gene „Wild Bill Hickok“, . Columbia Pictures Movie Series, 1926–1955: The Harry Cohn Years. McFarland & Company, 2011 — 311–326-bet. ISBN 9780786486724. „Rancher Evelyn Young gives the farmers money to pay their debts on all supplies. [...] The attack is called off when Young is kidnapped. Elliott follows and is captured also. Harlan tells Elliott that Young will be released only if the farmers return to Kansas. [...] The chemistry between Elliott and leading lady Evelyn Young is right on target. (Just look at the way Young touches Elliott's arm as he rides to talk with Kenneth Harlan, and the way she looks at him when the wagon train rolls through Lone Pine.)“ 
  5. Wollstein. „Prairie Schooners (1940): Review“. AllMovie. — „Elliott, the "Peaceable Man," does his usual competent job as Hickok, but Dub Taylor's "Cannonball" character is slightly grating and Evelyn Young, late of the Three Stooges two-reelers, makes a rather pallid heroine.“.
  6. „Previews and Reviews at Local Theaters“. The Daily Banner (1941-yil 28-fevral), s. 3. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 11-oktyabr. „Bill Elliott is featured as the two-fisted star of the story and lovely Evelyn Young supplies the romantic interest.“.
  7. Seely, Peter „Dames, Babes, Battleaxes, and Tomatoes: Women and the Three Stooges“, . Stoogeology: Essays on the Three Stooges Seely: . McFarland & Company, 2007. ISBN 9780786429202. „... wife (Evelyn Young) of an inattentive army captain in Boobs in Arms, the sobbing wife (Dorothy Appleby) of a wrongly convicted sweetheart in So Long Mr. Chumps 
  8. „The Curly Years: Boobs in Arms“. The Three Stooges Online Filmography. — „MOE: There we are. Now, what's the weeps all about? WIFE: I'm afraid my husband doesn't love me anymore! LARRY: Is that all?! I thought it was serious. That's easily fixed.“.
  9. Churchill, Douglas. Screen news here and in Hollywood. The New York Times (1940-yil 24-sentyabr), s. 34. „Evelyn Young has been dropped from the studio contract list.“.
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 „Evelyn E Pisani, 14 Feb 1983“. California Death Index, 1940-1997 (2014-yil 24-noyabr). — „Event Date 14 Feb 1983; Event Place Orange, California, United States; Birth Date 17 Nov 1915; Birthplace Washington [...] Mother's Name Rhodes“. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 1-dekabr.
  11. „Former Movie Star Rochelle Hudson Dies“. Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph. Associated Press (1972-yil 20-yanvar), s. 34. „She was found dead Monday at her Palm Desert Country Club home. A friend, Evelyn Young, said Miss Hudson had been ill recently with a cold and laryngitis.“.
  12. „Former Screen Star Rochelle Hudson Dies“. Arizona Daily Star. Associated Press (1972-yil 19-yanvar), s. 5. „A friend, Evelyn Young, said Miss Hudson recently had been ill with a cold and laryngitis. Mrs. Young said no funeral is planned.“.
  13. „Former Film Star Dies At Age 55“. The Mercury. Associated Press (1972-yil 19-yanvar), s. 7. „A friend, Evelyn Young, said Miss Hudson recently had been ill with a cold and laryngitis. Mrs. Young said no funeral is planned.“.
  14. „Notice of death: Evelyn Young Pisani“. Santa Ana Orange County Register (1983-yil 22-fevral), s. 107. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 29-noyabr. „Pisani, Evelyn Young died February 14, 1983. In her younger years she was a Cinema Starlet of many motion picture studios. [...] Funeral Service was held February 17, at Dimond & Sons Mettler Mortuary.“.
  15. Pitts, Michael. Western Film Series of the Sound Era. McFarland & Company, 2009. ISBN 9780786435296„Sam Nelson, who had helmed Elliott's Hickok serial, directed this tale of Hickok (Elliott) coming to the aid of rancher Virginia Benton (Evelyn Young) and her foreman Cannonball (Dub Taylor), who are trying to stop homesteaders from hanging pal Cannonball (Taylor) breaks him out of jail and sends for Bill Hickok, who goes to his brother's hideout with Vivian Barlow (Evelyn Young), the judge's daughter and Dave's girlfriend. Dave becomes jealous over Vivian and orders his brother to go away.“ 
  16. Loy, R. Philip. Westerns and American Culture, 1930-1955. McFarland & Company, 2001 — 139-bet. „Elliott, as Wild Bill Hickok, told Evelyn Young, the film's heroine, "You know, Virginia, I have been listening to the folks as they sat around the fires at night.“