In-App Messages: Frequently Asked Questions

Do in-app messages have a "reply" feature?

No, in-app messages in Userlist are designed as a one-way channel for providing helpful information. This doesn't distract the user (like a live chat could), and reduces your support volume.

When will the user receive my message?

If the user currently has your web application opened in their browser, they will receive the message immediately. Otherwise, they will see it the next time they log in.

Do in-app messages expire?

Yes, in-app messages expire after 7 days. We do this to prevent your users from receiving a pile of outdated messages if they haven't logged into your product for a while.

How do I test my in-app message?

There's a "Preview" button in the top right corner of the message editing screen, which allows you to see a preview of the message. However, there isn't a way to test it specifically inside your application. The best recommendation is to create a sample broadcast and send it to your test user(s).

How do you track the stats for in-app messages?

A message is considered "sent" once it's queued up for delivery. A message is considered "opened" when the user clicks the close button.

What happens if I send multiple messages?

They are stacked up, with the most recent message appearing on top. The user can close the messages by clicking the close button, one by one. This way, if you have a great number of messages stacked, the latest ones will be exposed eventually, even if they don't fit on the screen.

How do in-app messages look on mobile?

In-app messages in Userlist have a responsive mobile view. They appear in the bottom part of the browser screen.

How will in-app messages interact with other widgets?

You can use multiple widgets at once, but we don't recommend locating other third-party widgets (e.g. HelpScout or Intercom) in the same corner of the screen.

Can I use in-app messages for broadcasts?

Absolutely. This is a great way for making company announcements or sharing new content without increasing your user's email load.

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