User:Un-Dagoth Ur, Mad God

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Spork.jpg This article was originally Fooned from the Mafrea.

This user makes sweet love to Mafrea Nagayea.
Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
This user has been blocked
3 times.

Nuvola apps important.svg It is a violation of federal, state, and/or international law to view this article.
Thus, YOU MAY NOT VIEW THIS ARTICLE. Violators will be punished with instant decapitation and a $20,000 fine.
Nuvola apps important.svg

“In Soviet Russia, Dunmer loves YOU!!”

~ Russian Reversal on Un-Dagoth Ur, Mad God

No Wikipedia.png
Because of their incurable biases, the so-called experts at Wikipedia will probably never have an article about Un-Dagoth Ur, Mad God. Help those so-called-experts and write one.

User:Dagoth Ur, Mad God/Impetus Template

Bouncywikilogo.gifWiki.png This user is now mean here, and is also very mean elsewhere. He may have control of mean people. Or not. Prolly not. But he does. Yeah.


~ This Guy on Dunmeri Orgasm Sexy

“Come here, cutie!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Dunmer


Wikipedia has a dagoth"d. Therefore, there is no Wikipedia article on A Dagoth.

You have nude massages.
You have sexy feelings.
Crazyfatkid.gif This article will be eaten by a crazy fat kid. Run away!

Exploding-head.gif THIS USER"S HEAD A DAGOTH.
This user is one of the snake handlers at Conservapedia.


Hello folks, I am Dagoth. You will stpo biing so FUCKEN RETARDED!!

For those obsessed with the so-called experts, Un-Dagoth Ur, Mad God also has a userpage on the English Wikipedia.
Dagoth Loves Dunmer.jpg

Mafre Nagayea (I WANNA CUM OVER HER!!)

Dagoth Hates Dunmer.jpg

Note to Trolls.

                      _____         __   __                 _       _
                     /_  __/___     | |  / /___ _____  ____/ /___ _/ /____
                      / / / __ \    | | / / __ `/ __ \/ __  / __ `/ / ___/
                     / / / /_/ /    | |/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / (__  ) 
                    /_/  \____/     |___/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/\__,_/_/____/ 
Ya will na" hur" Mafrea Nagayae. I will give ya all a $1111111,11 fyne.



Flush ya Wii!

<youtube width="400" height="300">g_TTFG5hrZONo</youtube>

I will NOT cum over Mafrea Nagayea!!!

Now for the polls

D'ya like Dunmer?!?!?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 06:38, 4 June 2021.
poll-id 53DC57DD461F8B476E76A0E033036C95

Cannonman.png This article is in agreement with the ASPLODEr Group and article and is considered canon.
Please ensure that a high level of consistency is maintained between these articles by not adding irrelevant content.