Boxing Kangaroos

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A Boxing Kangaroo bashing up a doctor who fan.

Boxing Kangaroos are creatures which strike fear through any well educated brave heart. Therefore in America's case it really only affects about 2% of the population. The Boxing Kangaroo is an elusive beast living mainly in the mythical 'Os-Try-Lya'-land, or 'Mini-England' as it's known to Europe. Their diet mainly consists of dust and tourists, but occasionally they eat their own back legs, replacing them with whatever is at hand. Generally dust.


According to ancient Ming legend, the great master Lendof visited Australia on passing to the Planet Saturn to teach the Kangaroos how to fight. Lendof was in fact the fusion of Australian bodybuilder Harry Haureliuk and the famous overlord Bob Ross. He got caught up with the Kangaroos, now called Boxing Kangaroos, and taught them many things including how to put fear into someones heart using your fist and how to use happy little trees to their advantage. After his visit as a souvenir he bought Uluru off the local people called the Abonigidals and renamed it "Air's Rock". It is still a sacred site to the local Boxing Kangaroo population.


The Boxing Kangaroo has been portrayed at many sporting events as a patriot of Australia, the red gloves and determined look trying to win anything from the ashes to the football. This idea of the Australian animal is just so wrong. Boxing kangaroos are born with blue gloves, but years of surgery to the general torso areas of their victims (using their fists) change that quickly. They are giant 6 foot tall furry creatures kind of like a mix between Dinosaurs, Birds and Elton John. They can't sing so they have about the same vocal range as Elton John too. Not much else is known about these elusive beasts, as generally scientists studying them are killed in the aforementioned surgery procedure. The Elton John facts were simply discovered because some Japanese tourists stumbled upon a kangaroo karaoke night, and were allowed to live because they knew all the great ToykoPop hits.


The Aussie-pride-rendition of a Boxing Kangaroo. So far from the truth.

Generally located in the deeply folk-lored blue Centre of Australia, but they also occasionally habitat the blue Slightly Left Of Centre regions of Australia, and a sparse population in the Red Outskirts. Never actually try to find a Boxing Kangaroo, because they will punch you so hard that time will reverse itself and you will only be 2 months old.

Catching a Boxing Kangaroo[edit]

The Boxing Kangaroo, as opposed to the regular kangaroo, is catchable; however, you need over 9500 Master Balls as well as a Super Saiyan God Blue Pikachu. Oh, and at least 5 million aura, but no one has that except for one very particular person. As a result, this is uncatchable by everyone.


  • Cousin of the wildebeest
  • Cousin of the wilderbeest
  • Cousin of the wildestbeest
  • In mythology, the Killer Kangaroo is the grandfather of Oscar Wilde
  • Cousin of the wilderbeest
  • Some times spelt 'Boxing Kangarro', but that's just wrong.
  • There are 64 squares of a chessboard
  • Unicorns are in fact actually also cousins of the wilderbeest
  • Cousin of the wilderbeest

See also[edit]