Babel talk:Hi

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For Hitler's birthday sometime later this year. Keitei will do this, because she loves Hitler. --officer designate Club symbol.png Lugiatm Club symbol.png MUN NS CM ZM WH 18:56, 16 Jan 2006 (UTC)

These pages are supposed to be hidden? Now my suprise is ruined?!?!

Are they actually going to "celebrate" Hitlers B-day on the front page? If so, I want nothing to do with it!!! Besides maybe a logo complete with puzzle pieces with swasticas (swastici?) or for irony sake maybe the star of davids instead.

Couple of schtuffs.

  • The template layout is different from what we have on the front page right now.
  • The FP has to--HAS TO--be the Nazi-in-a-tutu one.
  • Have you thought of a FA yet, or is that usual?
  • Custom logo?

Hinoa KUN (talk) 00:54, 19 April 2006 (UTC)

Yerr. Gothic lolita Himmler is in there. Holocaust Tycoon for FA. And... you fix the layout. --KATIE!! 02:11, 19 April 2006 (UTC)

This is not Hindi[edit]

Score: 1

You may not know this, but hi is the language code for Hindi. I advise you to move this to Babel:Hit or Babel:AH.                Smiddle             

  • For. Smiddle 11:22, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
I approve.--Hanakayu 04:27, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Hindustan - the original Aryans -LOL 14:49, July 22, 2011 (UTC)