A downloadable game for Windows

My very first game in Unity with Game Creator 1.

Alanna 3D - Unity 2020.3.24f1 - Game Creator 1 - for Game Creator Jam 2022.1



Let me clarify a couple of things.

The idea is that Alanna will start without equipment, neither the sword nor the shield, she will get them through quests.

Then for reasons of time I have not been able to add the arrival to the Castle.

Then the game will have two cameras available, one for adventure and one fixed so that the player can switch between cameras.

And yeah you can attack during dialogs, I couldn't figure out how to freeze that sh#it. Even if the timescale is 0 you can attack.


Controller - pending.

Keyboard and Mouse:

  • Move - arrows or AWSD
  • Left click - Attack 
  • Right cliclk - Attack
  • ESC - Menu
  • Q and E switch between tabs in menu.

  • First days of the jam
  • 3 quests
  • A lot of work with the models
  • Alanna starts with all the items equipped, but later it will starts almost naked and complete the quests to get the Paladin's outfit.
  • Simple messages, later I'm planning to use Dialogue module
  • Inventory, Adventure Log and System from this tutorial series  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLHgX_wW6BGKHWRpQFJ7zGZDAQ-94PbIP a huge thanks to RVR

Tomorrow 9-5-2022 I will upload a demo.

Update: 9-5-2022

  • Added model Castle Gate Guard 
  • Continue Quest 4


Alanna-3D-GC.zip 118 MB

Development log


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( 1)

Nice, glad you moved on from Gdevelop so did i and never looked back i use unity playmaker now. the community is so much better and you can actually create a game lol.