Lethal Lava Land Drawbridge

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Lethal Lava Land Drawbridge
STROOP- LLL Drawbridges.png
Technical Constants
Object Group Surface

The Lethal Lava Land Drawbridge is an object appearing in Lethal Lava Land. The drawbridge raises and lowers itself, as the name would imply.


Each part of the drawbridge is spawned by the drawbridge spawner. The two pieces of the drawbridge are spawned with opposite angles and are offset from the spawner position so that they will face each other. Once the parts are in place, the spawner deactivates. The drawbridge pieces have two possible actions: a lowering action and a raising action. When the object is in the lowering action, its facing roll angle is incremented by 0.703125 degrees each frame until this angle is above zero. Once the angle is above zero, it is immediately set to zero and after 50 frames have passed it can begin the raising action. However, the raising action can only begin is the global timer"s value is divisible by 8, so strategically pausing and unpausing the game can make the bridge stay lowered indefinitely. If the drawbridge is in the raising action, its facing roll angle is decremented by 0.703125 degrees per frame until this angle is below -44.98 degrees. Once the angle is below this value, it is immediately set to the value 315 degrees, or -45 degrees and after 50 frames have passed it can begin the lowering action. Once again, the lowering action can only begin is the global timer"s value is divisible by 8, so strategically pausing and unpausing the game can make the bridge stay raised indefinitely as before.
