Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Hospitals and Health Care

About us

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board was established on the 1st October 2009 and covers the areas of Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport, Torfaen and South Powys. The Health Board employs over 14,000 staff, two thirds of whom are involved in direct patient care. There are more than 250 consultants in a total of over 1000 hospital and general practice doctors, 6,000 nurses, midwives, allied professionals and community workers. To view current vacancies, please visit Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Jobs:

Hospitals and Health Care
Company size
10,001 employees
Government Agency
Health, Health Care, Research, Medicine, Patient Care, Engagement, and Communications


Employees at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


  • Each year, we're fortunate to have a number of internationally educated nurses join our Health Board. We recently welcomed a group of nurses from India, who are undergoing induction training and are embodying our commitment to compassionate care in a special way. Each morning, these nurses come together in the Royal Gwent Hospital's chapel to pray for their studies, the staff they will be working alongside, and the patients they will soon be caring for. Health Board Chaplain, Dean Roberts, said: "Their dedication and commitment to their work, combined with their faith, have been an inspiring presence for all of us here in the Chaplaincy Team. Their prayers have not only been for themselves, but for every member of our health board community – a beautiful reminder of the power of solidarity, kindness, and shared purpose; something which all can appreciate, whether we share these nurses' faith or not." Good luck to our amazing new nurses!

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  • Bob blwyddyn, rydym yn ffodus i gael nifer o nyrsys a addysgir yn rhyngwladol yn ymuno â'n Bwrdd Iechyd. Yn ddiweddar, croesawom grŵp o nyrsys o India, sy'n derbyn hyfforddiant sefydlu gyda ni ac yn ymgorffori ein hymrwymiad i ofal tosturiol mewn ffordd arbennig. Bob bore, daw'r nyrsys hyn ynghyd yng nghapel Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent i weddïo am eu hastudiaethau, y staff y byddant yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â nhw, a'r cleifion y byddant yn gofalu amdanynt cyn bo hir. Dywedodd Caplan y Bwrdd Iechyd, Dean Roberts: "Mae eu hymroddiad a'u hymrwymiad i'w gwaith, ynghyd â'u ffydd, wedi bod yn brofiad ysbrydoledig i bob un ohonom yma yn y Tîm Caplaniaeth. Mae eu gweddi nid yn unig wedi bod drostynt eu hunain, ond i bob aelod o gymuned ein bwrdd iechyd – yn atgof hyfryd o bŵer undod, caredigrwydd, a phwrpas a rennir; rhywbeth y gall pawb ei werthfawrogi, p'un a ydym yn rhannu ffydd y nyrsys hyn ai peidio." Pob lwc i'n nyrsys newydd hyfryd!

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  • Health Board Vacancies - Vice Chair and Independent Member (Third Sector) We have two exciting opportunities for you to use your skills and experience to make a difference to the lives of people served by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Vice Chair vacancy: Independent Member (Third Sector) vacancy: The closing date for both vacancies: 11/10/2024. _____________________________________________________ Swyddi Gwag Byrddau Iechyd - Is-Gadeirydd ac Aelod Annibynnol (Trydydd Sector) Mae gennym dau gyfle cyffrous i chi ddefnyddio'ch sgiliau a'ch profiad i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl sy'n cael eu gwasanaethu gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan. Swydd wag Is-Gadeirydd: Swydd wag Aelod Annibynnol (Trydydd Sector): Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer y ddwy swydd wag: 11/10/2024.

    Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Vice Chair - £56,316 per annum (see further details in candidate pack)

    Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Vice Chair - £56,316 per annum (see further details in candidate pack)

  • Yr Athro Tracy Daszkiewicz, Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd y Cyhoedd yng Ngwent sy’n egluro “Mae’n hanfodol bod pawb sy’n gymwys i gael y brechlynnau Ffliw a Covid-19, yn enwedig y rheiny sy’n wynebu risg glinigol, yn diogelu eu hunain rhag y ffliw y Gaeaf hwn drwy gael brechlyn y ffliw am ddim. Mae cael brechlyn nid yn unig yn eich warchod chi, ond mae hefyd yn gwarchod y rheiny o’ch cwmpas.   I’r rheiny sydd â chyflyrau iechyd presennol, megis asthma, diabetes neu COPD, gall y ffliw arwain at gymhlethdodau difrifol, a gall hyd yn oed olygu bod angen triniaeth yn yr ysbyty. Mae’n hanfodol bod unrhyw un sy’n wynebu risg glinigol yn cael eu brechlynnau. Brechlyn y ffliw yw’r ffordd fwyaf diogel ac effeithiol o warchod eich hunain. Er bod rhai yn profi mân sgil effeithiau, gallai dal y ffliw y gaeaf hwn fod yn llawer gwaeth. Peidiwch ag oedi, diogelwch eich hun nawr. Diogelwch eich hun a’ch hanwyliaid y gaeaf hwn drwy gael eich brechlynnau. Byddwn mewn cysylltiad i’ch gwahodd yn fuan. Mwy o wybodaeth yma:

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  • Professor Tracy Daszkiewicz, Director of Public Health in Gwent explains, “It is essential for everyone who is eligible to have the Flu and Covid-19 vaccinations, especially those who are clinically at risk to protect themselves from flu this Winter by having the free flu vaccine. Getting a vaccination doesn’t just protect yourself, it also protects those around you. For those with existing health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes or COPD the flu can lead to serious complications, even hospitalisation, it is vital anyone who may be clinically at risk have their vaccinations. The flu vaccine is the safest and most effective way to protect yourself. Although some may suffer mild side effects, catching flu this Winter could be much worse. Do not delay, get protect right away”. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe this winter by getting your vaccines, we'll be in touch to invite you soon. More info here:

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  • It’s Organ Donation Week and Shazza, our Specialist Nurse in Organ Donation, is dropping the data on transplant figures in Gwent. Register your donation decision on the Organ Donation NHS website. #OrganDonationWeek #OrganDonation #OrganTransplant #Donor #Register _____________________________________________________ Mae'n Wythnos Rhoi Organau ac mae Shazza, ein Nyrs Arbenigol mewn Rhoi Organau, yn rhoi'r data i ni ffigurau ar drawsblannu yng Ngwent. Cofrestrwch eich penderfyniad i roi organnau ar wefan Rhoi Organau y GIG.

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    TikTok · Aneurin Bevan UHB

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    Recruitment Specialist. Connect with us to discover the range of opportunities to work with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.

    We are Recruiting! Consultant in Emergency Medicine Are you interested? Apply today: Closing date: 6th October 2024 Job Ref: 040-CON573 #ABUHB #Consultant #Emergency #Medicine #NHSWales #NHSJobs #hiring

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    #GWYLIWCH Yn gynharach yr wythnos hon lansiwyd rhaglen frechu RSV newydd yng Nghymru. RSV yn firws gaeaf cyffredin y bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn dod ar ei draws, ond gall fod yn ddifrifol i fabanod ac oedolion hŷn. 🎥 Fe wnaethon ni ddal i fyny gyda Kate, bydwraig o Aneurin Bevan University Health Board a gafodd ei brechlyn RSV yn ddiweddar👏. Mae Dr Chris Johnson hefyd yn torri i lawr pam ei bod yn bwysig aros yn ddiogel y gaeaf hwn ✅. Darllenwch fwy am RSV yma 👇:

  • Aneurin Bevan University Health Board reposted this

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    #WATCH | Earlier this week the new RSV vaccination programme launched in Wales. RSV is a common winter virus that most people will encounter, but it can be serious for babies and older adults. 🎥 We caught up with Kate, a midwife from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board who recently had her RSV vaccine 👏. Dr Chris Johnson also breaks down why it's important to stay protected this winter ✅. Find out more about RSV here 👇:

  • Local artist Nathan Wyburn has unveiled a stunning tribute at The Bevan Health & Wellbeing Centre in Tredegar. His new masterpiece, a portrait of NHS founder Aneurin Bevan, beautifully captures Tredegar’s rich history. Nathan also crafted a steel rose sculpture for the wellbeing garden, symbolising the NHS’s roots in the region’s industrial past. Proud of his work, Nathan said, "As a local boy, it's an honour to contribute to this centre, and I hope these works positively impact everyone who visits." Read more about the artwork and The Bevan Health & Wellbeing Centre on our website: #NathanWyburn #Tredegar #AneurinBevan #NHS _____________________________________________________ Mae’r Artist lleol Nathan Wyburn wedi dadorchuddio teyrnged syfrdanol yng Nghanolfan Iechyd a Lles Bevan yn Nhredegar. Mae ei gampwaith ddiweddaraf, portread o sylfaenydd y GIG Aneurin Bevan, yn dal hanes cyfoethog Tredegar yn fendigedig. Creodd Nathan hefyd gerflun dur o rosyn ar gyfer yr ardd les. Mae’r rhosyn yn symboleiddio gwreiddiau’r GIG yn hanes diwydiannol y rhanbarth. Mae Nathan yn falch o’i waith a dywedodd, “Rwy’n fachgen lleol ac felly braint yw cyfrannu at y ganolfan hon, ac rwy’n gobeithio y bydd y gweithiau hyn yn cael effaith bositif ar bawb sy’n ymweld.” Darllenwch fwy am y gwaith celf a Chanolfan Iechyd a Lles Bevan ar ein gwefan: #NathanWyburn #Tredegar #AneurinBevan #GIG

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