Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Ubuntu Studio desktop Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Ubuntu Studio desktop environment Task-Key: ubuntustudio-desktop Task-Seeds: desktop-common == Fonts == * (fonts-noto-color-emoji) == Ubuntu Studio == * ubuntustudio-desktop # all the things here * ubuntustudio-default-settings * (materia-kde) * (materia-gtk-theme) * (ubuntustudio-icon-theme) * (ubuntustudio-wallpapers) * (plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio) * (grub-themes-ubuntustudio) * (colord-kde) == Phonon/Audio and Frameworks == * baloo-kf5 * breeze-icon-theme * frameworkintegration * kio * (pipewire) * (pipewire-pulse) * (wireplumber) * (ubuntustudio-pipewire-config) # (pulseaudio) Removed for Pipewire reasons * (gstreamer-qapt) * (gstreamer1.0-plugins-good) * (kimageformat-plugins) * (phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer) == Plasma == * breeze * kde-cli-tools * khotkeys * kinfocenter * kio-extras * kmenuedit * kwin-x11 * kwrited * oxygen-sounds * plasma-desktop * plasma-systemmonitor * plasma-workspace * (plasma-workspace-wayland) * powerdevil * sddm-theme-breeze * systemsettings * (bluedevil) * breeze-gtk-theme * (drkonqi) * kde-config-gtk-style #GTK setup * (kde-config-gtk-style-preview) # brings in the gtk libraries * (kde-config-sddm) * (kde-config-updates) * (kscreen) * (ksshaskpass) * (kwin-addons) * (milou) * (plasma-browser-integration) * (plasma-calendar-addons) * (plasma-dataengines-addons) * (plasma-discover) * (plasma-discover-notifier) * (plasma-discover-backend-snap) * (plasma-distro-release-notifier) * (plasma-nm) * (plasma-pa) * (plasma-runners-addons) * (plasma-vault) * (plasma-wallpaper-dynamic) # (plasma-wallpapers-addons) * (plasma-widgets-addons) * (polkit-kde-agent-1) # needed by discover but is an option compared to gtk polkit for gnome users * (xdg-desktop-portal-kde) == KDE Applications == * khelpcenter * (ark) * (dolphin) * (elisa) * (gwenview) # (kate) * (kcalc) * (kde-spectacle) * (kdeconnect) * (kdegraphics-thumbnailers) * (kdenetwork-filesharing) * (kdialog) * (kio-audiocd) # (kio-gdrive) * (konsole) # * (konversation) # we'll use quassel instead # (krdc) * (ksystemlog) # (ktorrent) * (kwalletmanager) * (kwrite) * (muon) * (okular) * (okular-extra-backends) * (print-manager) * (skanlite) == KDE PIM == # * (akregator) # * (kaddressbook) # * (kdepim-runtime) # * (kleopatra) # Also does general gpg key management stuff [needs dirmngr MIR] # * (kmail) # * (knotes) # * (kontact) # * (korganizer) = Other Desktop GUI Apps = # (firefox) # Firefox is now a snap * !libreoffice-core-nogui * (libreoffice-calc) [amd64] #powerpc oversized, armel broken * (libreoffice-impress) [amd64] # powerpc oversized, armel broken * (libreoffice-kf5) [amd64] * (libreoffice-plasma) [amd64] * (libreoffice-style-breeze) [amd64] * (libreoffice-writer) [amd64] #powerpc oversized, armel broken * (quassel) # Somewhat lighter-weight and still KDE-integrated chat client * (thunderbird) # (vlc) # upstream issues * (haruna) # in lieu of vlc until stuff upstream gets fixed i.e. vaapi-ffmpeg 5 == Games == # (kmines) Removed the games to save some space # (ksudoku) == Other KDE Software == * (apport-kde) * (kaccounts-integration) * (kde-config-tablet) * (kde-config-whoopsie) * (libpam-kwallet5) * (partitionmanager) * (pinentry-qt) # for SMIME e-mail support * (qapt-deb-installer) * (usb-creator-kde) [amd64] == supporting bits == * software-properties-qt * ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt * xdg-user-dirs * ubuntustudio-installer * (apt-xapian-index) * (avahi-autoipd) # IPv4 link-local interface configuration support * (cdrdao) * (cryptsetup) #needed for encrypted devices, also in d-i-requirements seed but might be needed for 3rd party drives * (dbus-x11) * (desktop-file-utils) #appimage integration + other uses * (libfuse2) # Needed for appimages * (gnupg-agent) # for SMIME e-mail support * (go-mtpfs) # Allow access to Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) devices via Dolphin * (gpgsm) # SMIME engine * (im-config) * (libqca-qt5-2-plugins) * (mlocate) * (mobile-broadband-provider-info) * (pastebinit) * (pavucontrol-qt) # (pulseaudio-module-bluetooth) Removed for pipewire * (qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects) * (qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel) * (qt5-image-formats-plugins) * (udisks2) * (upower) * (xdg-utils) # useful utilities * (git-cola) # also useful for develpment and music collaboration == Snaps == * snap:firefox * snap:gnome-42-2204 # needed for firefox * snap:gtk-common-themes # needed for firefox * snap:freeshow * snap:gnome-3-28-1804 # needed for freeshow * snap:snapd-desktop-integration == Blacklist == libavcodec cannot be shipped on CDs (c.f. Ubuntu technical board resolution 2007-01-02). * !libavcodec* Ubuntu has added a suggested package which installs a config file for network manager. This config file enables a feature which checks the connection is actually connected to the internet. It does this by connecting to a website on the internet every five minutes. Due to privacy concerns, Ubuntu Studio is NOT installing this package by default, leaving it to the user to decide if he/she wants this feature. * !network-manager-config-connectivity * !network-manager-config-connectivity-ubuntu * !network-manager-config-connectivity-debian