The ship-live seed will be added to the live CD as an ordinary package archive. Here belongs anything that somebody might need to install after installing the contents of the live CD in order to get online and fetch more packages. == Hardware & Network Access == * amd64-microcode [amd64] # needed to update AMD cpu microcode * intel-microcode [amd64] # needed to update Intel cpu microcode * b43-fwcutter * bcmwl-kernel-source # since we no longer have LRM # * /^linux-modules-nvidia-[0-9]+-generic/ # * /^nvidia-driver-[0-9]+/ # Needed for networkless installation of graphics drivers == Installer == * grub-efi-amd64-signed [amd64] * grub-efi-arm64 [arm64] * shim-signed [amd64] * oem-config-gtk * oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu-mate * lupin-support [amd64] # installer-for-windows