Про нас

АТ «Укргазвидобування» (УГВ) є найбільшою газовидобувною компанією у Центральній і Східній Європі. В Україні це – великий гравець, що спеціалізується на виробництві природного газу та газового конденсату. АТ «Укргазвидобування» – 100% дочірнє підприємство НАК «Нафтогаз України». У 2017 році Товариство видобуло 15,25 млрд куб. м газу (73% від загального обсягу видобутку в Україні). Ці обсяги включають також видобуток в рамках договорів про спільну діяльність і газ, видобутий і використаний підприємством для власних виробничо-технологічних потреб. Компанії вдалося досягти стабілізації обсягів видобутку газу за рахунок заходів, реалізованих відповідно до «Стратегії 20/20», що передбачає видобуток 20 млрд куб. м природного газу до 2020 року. Для досягнення цієї мети Укргазвидобування запровадило найбільшу в Центральній і Східній Європі інвестиційну програму із залучення 4 млрд доларів США до 2020 року. АТ «Укргазвидобування» веде розробку газових, нафтогазових і нафтогазоконденсатних родовищ в Харківській, Полтавській, Сумській, Донецькій, Луганській, Дніпропетровській, Львівській, Івано-Франківській, Закарпатській, Чернівецькій та Волинській областях. Геологорозвідувальні роботи компанії з пошуку нових родовищ вуглеводнів ведуться в Дніпровсько-Донецькій западині, у Карпатському регіоні. До складу Компанії входить 11 філій, в тому числі: 3 газовидобувнi управління, управління з бурiння свердловин, управлiння з переробки газу i газового конденсату, а також УГВ-Сервіс. Філією АТ «Укргазвидобування» є БУ «Укрбургаз» – найбільше бурове підприємство в Україні. Чотири відділення бурових робіт, відділення технологічного транспорту та спецтехніки, що входять до складу філії, виконують повний спектр робіт з будівництва свердловин. АТ «Укргазвидобування» володіє мережею із 19 АЗС у Харківській області.

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пошук та розвідка родовищ нафти і газу, розробка, видобуток, транспортування і переробка вуглеводневої сировини і реалізація нафтопродуктів


Працівники у Ukrgasvydobuvannya


  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Ukrgasvydobuvannya commissioned hig-rate twin wells Twin wells demonstrated excellent rates and are producing 390 KCM/D. These are one of the deepest wells in Ukraine - 6,200 m and 6,225 m deep. 🖊"In recent years, drilling of such wells has taken 2-3 years. However, modern rigs and the skills of the drilling crews of Ukrburgaz allowed increasing the rate of penetration more than 2-times, reducing emergency rate and the term of well construction to 8 months", Chair of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, Oleg Tolmachev, noted. The concept of well drilling appeared in the 3D Modelling Centre of UkrNDIGas and their points were determined by a young developer, Dmytro Ovcharenko. New twin wells were quickly commissioned due to: -     coordinated work of all UGV branches; -     high-quality 3D data and 3D modelling; -      professional skills of the drilling crews.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    UNDP has sustained examining the UGV`s licenses for explosive ordnance   In cooperation with the Ministry of energy of Ukraine, the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine (UNDP) has ensured carrying out the assessment of risks associated with explosive ordnance and supported explosive ordnance examination of the area in Kharkiv region, where Ukrgasvydobuvannya plans to perform 3D seismic exploration.    40% of UGV`s gas is produced in Kharkiv region. In 2022, a significant part of this region was under occupation and had undergone the hostile shelling. After the territory has been de-occupied, Ukrgasvydobuvannya resumed its work there on natural gas exploration and production; however in order to ensure deployment of the full-scale operations and safety for the employees and contractors, it is required to examine the area and clear it from mines.   Within the framework of donor assistance to the energy industry and with the support of the Ministry of energy of Ukraine, UNDP has sustained carrying out the assessment of risks associated with explosive ordnance and supported examination of the area in Kharkiv region for explosive objects. This ensures that Ukrgasvydobuvannya will soon be able to conduct the required 3D seismic exploration, while local residents will be able to safely use the examined area, since most of it is a forest and a local nature reserve, which is very popular among local residents as a recreation area.   💬 We are heading towards the end of the heating season, and ensure that those consumption needs are covered by locally produced Ukrainian gas. It is important for further implementation of our energy independence strategy. We strive to continue increasing production volumes. We thank our partners for supporting the programs that allow our gas producers to safely perform exploration and further production activities of the gas-perspective areas", - German Galushchenko, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, said.   The area intended for examination was selected based on its production performance and geological information about the adjacent areas.   💬 In the coming years, Ukrgasvydobuvannya plans to expand its 3D seismic exploration scope by almost 15 thousand sq km. We expect that the explosive ordnance examination of this area will provide the company with opportunity to make new geological discoveries and increase gas production in the near future. We are grateful to UNDP project and the Ministry of energy of Ukraine for their help", - Oleg Tolmachev, acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, comments.   The examination was conducted by the company that already has experience in mine clearance in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, and in certain districts of Kharkiv region.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Ukrgasvydobuvannya has put into production a well with a flow rate of more than 400 KCM/D. Ukrgasvydobuvannya has drilled a new appraisal and development well with TD 3,885 meters at the brown field. The new well tested a high gas flow rate - about 400 KCM/D. The idea of drilling this well belongs to the young UkrNDIGas reservoir engineering team, which assessed the residual potential of this field, successfully identified the well location and substantiated the high potential of this area. While drilling through the pay zone, OBM was used by Ukrgasvydobuvannya professionals, which significantly reduces the risks of reservoir damage. The well was drilled in 105 days, which is almost 30% faster than the project timeline. While drilling the well, the drillers set a daily single-team drilling record – in 24 hours they drilled 905 meters! 💬 While drilling the well, all branches were working smoothly and as a single team: by optimizing the rigging down period, early preparatory work, which in turn accelerated the connection of the well to the field surface facilities, the well was put into production a few days earlier than the project deadline with a high flow rate, – Oleg Tolmachev, acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, comments.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Ukrgasvydobuvannya has received the status of an approved employer according to ACCA standards.   The status of an approved employer confirms the high standards of staff development and training Finance. The company is also included in the list of employers on the ACCA website, which contains more than 7.5 thousand employers from all over the world.    The status of an ACCA-approved employer makes it easier to hire highly qualified specialists, who in turn have an understanding of high standards in the company due to ACCA accreditation.   - I believe that this is a significant achievement, thanks to the joint efforts of colleagues from the Finance Departments and Personnel Management Departments, which increases prestige of Ukrgasvydobuvannya as an employer in general, and the Finance domain in particular. We will continue working for the sake of high standards in the company, Mykola Ivaniniv, FCCA, Chief Financial Officer of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, comments.   Five of our colleagues have also received a personal Training Сertificate, so they will be able to enjoy the benefits of the certified employer status to meet CPD (Continuous Professional Development) requirements.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Over 340 thousand cubic meters of gas per day thanks to the workover, which helped Ukrgasvydobuvannya to revive an old well. Ukrgasvydobuvannya has carried out workover of the appraisal well that was drilled more than 50 years ago. The daily flow rate after the workover is more than 340 thousand cubic meters of natural gas. The well was first commissioned in the late 60s of the last century with a flow rate of about 1 million cubic meters per day. The well has been producing for more than 40 years and yielded more than 4 billion cubic meters of gas. 💬 Last year, we received the largest production over the past 4 years by carrying out well workovers, and this is 20% higher than the pre-war production in 2021. Our specialists are continuously working on reviewing and analyzing the old wells that can be returned to production by virtue of more enhanced technical capabilities than those that were decades ago, - Oleg Tolmachev, acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, comments. The well has been pending for abandonment for a long time, but last year the UGV specialists conducted a detailed analysis of the well, reviewed its technical and geological risks and made the decision to re-enter the well by performing the workover. Fishing operation performed by UGV-Service in the well, and geophysical data interpretation made it possible to identify the upside potential of the previously unpenetrated formations. After the perforation, the well produces at a high flow rate.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    We will continue to increase production in 2024 and have launched two more wells with daily production capacity of 550,000 cubic meters. In 2024, Naftogaz Group will continue to increase domestic gas production thanks to the modern technologies utilized by Ukrgasvydobuvannya, Naftogaz Group CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov stated during a February 8 meeting with Ukrgasvydobuvannya staff. 💬 We increased gas production in 2023. This represents an incredible achievement in wartime conditions. In 2024, we will continue this trend. Increased Ukrainian gas production plays a crucial role instrengthening the country's energy independence and resilience. I am grateful to all employees of Ukrgasvydobuvannya for your dedication and hard work," commented Chernyshov. The Naftogaz CEO noted that in the past week alone, Ukrgasvydobuvannya has launched two new high-yield wells with total daily gas production capacity of 550 thousand cubic meters. Both wells were drilled by the Ukrburgaz drilling unit in promising new fields. 💬 In addition to increasing gas production in 2024, we continue to work on medium- and long-term projects that will produce results within a few years," added Oleg Tolmachev, Acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC approved the professional standard "Cementing unit operator", which integrates the functionality of the following professions: 💎 Operator of the cementing unit 💎Well-cementing operator 💎Operator of the cementing and sand-mixing unit 💎Machine operator of the cementing control station The professional standard was developed by the working group of Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC with the active participation and support of social partners - the Central Council of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Industry Workers of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Industry Association “Federation of Oil and Gas Employers”.   💬 In 2022, we initiated the development and introduction of the first professional standard, which should improve the quality of professional education. This is the already approved professional standard "Drilling Specialists", which is actively used by educational institutions to update training programs. Currently, we have approved the professional standard "Cementing unit operator". The company continues its work on the development of professional standards. Such a proactive position of the business will help to reduce the specialists’ training period, has a practice-oriented approach to the training of students, and ensures the required mobility and flexibility of future specialists for effective and safe production work,” Oksana Redyuk, Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, commented.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    At the 3rd Global Carbon Capture & Storage, Mykhailo Bratakh, the director of UkrNDIGas (a branch of Ukrgasvydobuvannya), presented the Naftogaz Group's decarbonization achievements. The work in this area was initiated in order to reduce the impact of the company's activities on the environment in accordance with the methane emissions reduction strategy, which has the key importance in the European Green Deal. Last year Ukrgasvydobuvannya managed to reduce its direct methane emissions into the atmosphere by 36 million cubic meters, by virtue of optimizing the operating regimes of the surface infrastructure facilities, artificial lift technologies (introduced since 2021), introduction of LDAR technology (Leak Detection and Repair) at the surface infrastructure facilities and handling the real-time analytical data. "Naftogaz Group is developing its decarbonization strategy. Ukrgasvydobuvannya, as part of this the Group is working on several projects that can produce tangible results in the near future. At the same time, we also focus on company`s long-term projects, in cooperation with our European colleagues we participate in grant projects on new energy research. Several European companies have already expressed their readiness to join implementation of our ideas in the geothermal energy project, construction of СО2 storage facility and hydrogen production", - Mykhailo Bratakh, the Director of UkrNDIGas, comments.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    In the first days of the new year, Ukrgasvydobuvannya commissioned an appraisal well at an upside field. This well has already become the tenth in this field which also demonstrates a powerful result. Ukrgasvydobuvannya's specialists continue to explore potential of this field, so the Company is increasing production at the field by applying new technologies and engineering solutions. “For this field, we have high-quality 3D seismic data, which allow us to determine the optimal locations for drilling new wells. 10 appraisal wells have contributed to the geological information of the field, and this year we are planning to start production drilling at the field", - Oleg Tolmachev, acting CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, comments. The location for the new well was determined on the basis of previously acquired 3D seismic data. The well has a total depth 3950 m and was drilled by specialists of Ukrburgaz Drilling Department. Moreover, based on annual production assessment for 2023, Ukrgasvydobuvannya has increased its daily flow rate by 11% and reached the largest daily flow rate since April 2019. The Company continues exploring and developing new pools; thus, by virtue of the large-scale 3D seismic survey, carried out in the western part of Ukraine, which covers an area of 1500 square kilometers, in 2023 it become possible to make this major discovery of the new pool.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrgasvydobuvannya, зображення

    4 171 послідовник

    Ukrgasvydobuvannya team paid a working visit to Shebelynkagasvydobuvannya. In 2023, our colleagues achieved record production figures: ☛ production increased by 13% compared to 2022; ☛ drilling program was fully successfully implemented; ☛ new pools were discovered and developed, and so on. This result was ensured not only by high professionalism of our specialists, but also by teamwork with our colleagues from Ukrgazvydobuvannya, Ukrburgaz, Ukrgazspetsbudmontazh, UGV-SERVICE. Ukrgasvydobuvannya 2024 Operational Strategy was presented at the meeting and priority areas of development and priority tasks for implementation were identified. Oleg Tolmachev also introduced a new Production Manager to the team. Vasyl Khai, we wish you new achievements and joint high results!

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