GIZ Ukraine

GIZ Ukraine

Міжнародна торгівля та розвиток

We work to shape a future worth living around the world.

Про нас

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been supporting Ukraine on behalf of the German Federal Government since 1993 – and is continuing to do so during the war. GIZ is implementing measures in Ukraine on behalf of four German ministries, the European Union (EU) and other international partners. Ukrainian-German cooperation currently focuses on three core areas: Good Governance, Energy Efficiency and Climate, Sustainable Economic Development. Together with our partners, we are promoting the reform process in Ukraine, EU approximation, contribute our experience with German business and administrative bodies. Website: Registration information: Netiquette: Data privacy statement:

Міжнародна торгівля та розвиток
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201-500 працівників
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Sustainable Development and international cooperation


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    Переглянути сторінку організації для U-LEAD with Europe , зображення

    1 484 послідовники

    📢 Open Call – Training of future trainers of the NEB Academy Hub in Ukraine “Rebuilding a better Ukraine via the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Academy” initiative, implemented by InnoRenew CoE and supported by the U-LEAD launched an open call for participants to take part in the 3-day training in the city of Isola, Slovenia. 📅 When? September 3rd-5th, 2024 📍 Where? Isola, Slovenia What topics will be covered? NEB principles, legislative framework related to NEB in Ukraine, NEB assessment criteria, methods, and tools, making connections to NEB networks and actors in Europe, and more. For whom? Relevant professionals with experience in education and/or life-long learning in the following fields: bio-based materials, architecture, sustainable design and construction, modular construction, maintenance and service life performance, circularity and lifetime extension, inclusive design, regeneration, urban design are welcome to apply. How to apply? Interested professionals can apply by completing the registration form available here and submitting it to [email protected] with the subject line, “Registration for Train the Trainer” 🔗 Application deadline: July 30, 2024.

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    Переглянути сторінку організації для Förderprogramm Klinikpartnerschaften, зображення

    601 послідовник

    Hospital Partnerships in Ukraine: Dr. Anselm Schneider on a two-week journey Anselm Dr. Schneider, programme director of the #HospitalPartnerships funding programme, is currently in #Ukraine to expand cooperation strategies and establish new partnerships.  The Hospital Partnerships programme already serves as an interface between the Ukrainian and German healthcare systems. They support a growing network of 30 German and over 70 Ukrainian hospitals and medical non-governmental organisations. Through direct exchange between director Dr. Schneider and various institutions, partners, and professionals in the war-affected clinics, further measures to increase capacity are being allocated and developed. Last week, Dr. Schneider arrived in the capital city Kyiv. Together with Stefan Schleuning and Olena Arsenyeva from the EU Delegation in Ukraine, they discussed possible measures for the European integration of the Ukrainian healthcare system. This was followed by meetings with Dene Cairns at the Ukrainian WHO country office and Deputy Health Minister Maryna Slobodnichenko from the Ministry of health of Ukraine.  Dr. Schneider then visited the recently attacked children’s hospital “Ohmatdyt” with the hospital director Dr. Vlodymyr Zhovnir to assess the extent of the damage and offer targeted support. On Friday, he also visited the Special Training Center (STC), which relieves the local medical emergency service. Supporting the STC is part of the Hospital Partnership between the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfallmedizin Fürth e.V. and the Ukrainian non-governmental organization “Lviv Ecological Foundation” (LEF).  Additionally, he was welcomed by the Bogomolets National Medical University where he met, among others, Director Dr. Iurii Kuchyn. Dr. Schneider also sought discussions with Martin B., Deputy Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy, before continuing his journey this week to Poltava and to Lviv this week. The ongoing efforts and commitment within the partnerships have already enabled more than 250,000 Ukrainian patients to benefit from improved health services. We are committed to ensuring that the work of our hospital partners continues for better healthcare in Ukraine.  #StandWithUkraine

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для GIZ Ukraine, зображення

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    In a boost to rescue operations, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has provided the The State Emergency Service of Ukraine (DSNS) with advanced robotic firefighting systems, evacuation buses, and protective suits for female staff. On behalf of the German Government GIZ Ukraine has delivered two robotic all-terrain vehicles (LUF-CRV and LUF-LOG), two Torsus Pretorian off-road buses, and 150 custom-made protective suits for female operational staff. This equipment aims to enhance DSNS' operational efficiency and safety, enabling them to respond to complex emergency scenarios. DSNS staff have been trained in the proper usage and maintenance of this new equipment. Christian Poschmann, director of the Strengthening State and Municipal Emergency Management in Ukraine Project, which is implemented by GIZ Ukraine emphasised the importance of this cooperation, stating, “We work directly with DSNS Ukraine, and the rescuers tell us what kind of equipment or machinery they need. Through this bilateral cooperation, we can cover the most urgent and important needs.” The robotic all-terrain vehicles can be operated remotely from up to 300 metres away. The LUF-CRV vehicle features self-protection against fire and high temperatures, equipped with a water and foam extinguishing system, while the LUF-LOG is a robotic logistics vehicle with a crane manipulator. Andriy Danyk, Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, highlighted the significance of this support: “Cooperation with GIZ Ukraine is very important and gives us the opportunity to improve our technical and technological capabilities. The German Government has provided us with robotic systems that will save the lives of rescuers.” For the first time, 150 sets of women’s protective clothing for rescue and fire fighting operations have been custom-made based on consultations with DSNS staff. These uniforms will be distributed to rescue units across Ukraine, strengthening the role of female staff at the accident scene. Additionally, two Torsus Pretorian off-road buses designed to evacuate people in difficult terrain and off-road conditions, with a capacity for up to 34 passengers, have been handed over to The State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The buses are colour-coded and equipped with a loudspeaker system and flashing beacons. This initiative marks a significant step forward in improving the safety and efficiency of rescue operations in Ukraine, demonstrating the ongoing commitment and cooperation between the German Government and DSNS Ukraine. Trainings and equipment are provided by Strengthening of State and Municipal Emergency Management in Ukraine project, which is funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is implemented by GIZ Ukraine. #GIZ

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для GIZ Ukraine, зображення

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    Full-scale invasion of Ukraine first affected border regions like Chernihiv. Olha Zaika remembers that starting on February 24, 2022 the demand for bread in her city tripled. Olha, the director of Chernihiv Bakery No. 2, along with her team and volunteers worked tirelessly during the first days of the war, making sure shelters had bread, sometimes even sending the bakery car.    Critical infrastructure was targeted, leaving the bakery without water and electricity. With the ovens running on gas, baking could continue – but without power to run refrigerators, the dough wouldn’t last long. Rescuers stepped in with a 100kW power generator; the utility company pumped in fresh water.    Although everyone was doing the best they could, with what they had, solutions had to be found. It was her husband who saw news about aid for business from the German government on Facebook.     "Could you send me the link?”    Bakery No. 2 had always managed and had never taken part in any grant programs. But Olha needed to keep making bread for the community. With 25.000 EUR financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the company purchased an Impex Rotor electric rotary convection oven. With their power generator, the bakery could switch to an electric oven, giving them flexibility and independence, in case the gas supply was interrupted. The new oven safeguards production – but it is also an energy efficient upgrade, saving 205 MWh/year and reducing CO2 emissions by 45 tons .    With the certainty the new oven offers, the company was able to create ten more local jobs, boosting tax revenue for the local budget - and bread production.    Bakery No. 2 is one of 25 Ukrainian companies in war affected areas that have received part of the 400.000 EUR set aside to support energy efficiency.  The "Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine (FEER)" project is implemented by GIZ Ukraine on behalf of the German government and co-financed by SECO. The project's goal is to promote the implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, reduce energy consumption at the municipal level and among industrial companies, and create modern opportunities for obtaining qualifications in the field of energy efficiency.  #GIZ  

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для GIZ Ukraine, зображення

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    Reconstruction of Ukraine should apply sustainable building practices, where specific knowledge and skills are needed. We aim to define the knowledge gaps and training needs for the construction ecosystem in Ukraine. This survey is part of the “Rebuilding a Better Ukraine via the New European Bauhaus” initiative supported by U-LEAD with Europe Europe and implemented by InnoRenew CoE. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey: We would like to remind you that on 23 July, an information session will be held as part of the initiative, which will discuss, among other things, the prospects for establishing the New European Bauhaus Academy Hub in Ukraine. Please register to join the event: #GIZ

    Knowledge gaps and needs of the construction ecosystem in Ukraine

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    Переглянути сторінку організації для U-LEAD with Europe , зображення

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    🚀Two municipalities of Kharkiv Oblast - Donetsk and Pechenihy - have received important support for the restoration and development of their territories!      The Donetsk municipality has received equipment to restore communal property and improve the territory of settlements. This will help to replenish the municipality's material reserve and respond more quickly to the needs of residents. 🚐 The Pechenihy municipality has received minibuses that will be used for various social needs. As part of the Social Bus project, these vehicles will transport residents of remote villages to the village of Pechenihy. The minibuses will also be used for on-site receptions of citizens, fixing damage to real estate, etc.  🔧 The municipality has also received a set of tools that will be used to restore, repair and maintain municipal property, including critical infrastructure, healthcare, education, social and cultural facilities that have been damaged as a result of hostilities. 💸🇩🇪 This assistance is financed from special funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для GIZ Ukraine, зображення

    7 973 послідовники

    Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has committed 10 million euros to support the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt" and other children's hospitals in Ukraine for their reconstruction efforts. GIZ Ukraine will oversee the implementation of these projects. Under the direction of the German government, representatives from the "Special Support Program for Ukraine / EU4Resilient Regions," along with construction and design specialists from Delta Company, visited the consultation and diagnostic outpatient department of Okhmatdyt. During the visit, they met with Medical Director Serhiy Chernishuk to discuss the rebuilding of hospital units following a missile strike and to coordinate further assistance and support for the medical facility. Specifically, plans include reconstructing an outpatient department for programmatic hemodialysis, which was destroyed on July 8, 2024, during a significant Russian missile strike on Kyiv. The damaged building cannot be restored. Additionally, equipment essential for pediatric care, including specialized equipment for kidney disease patients and modern laboratory equipment, will be procured for the department. Furthermore, operating rooms for day surgeries and outpatient care in ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and for children with severe conditions such as bullous epidermolysis, will be renovated and equipped. Minister Svenja Schulze of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) condemned the destruction of this medical facility, highlighting the devastating impact on children and emphasizing the urgent need to restore essential medical services. Today's meeting between GIZ Ukraine representatives and medical institution partners marks the initial step toward restoring operations at Okhmatdyt and strengthening Ukraine's healthcare system capabilities. #GIZ

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    Die Zerstörung des Kinderkrankenhauses in Kyjiw zeigt, wie rücksichtslos und menschenverachtend Russland diesen Angriffskrieg führt. Kinder leiden am meisten unter diesem Krieg. Wir dürfen und werden uns nicht damit abfinden, dass es diesen Ort der Heilung für krebskranke Kinder in der Ukraine nicht mehr gibt. Im Gespräch mit dem 🇺🇦 Gesundheitsminister Viktor Liashko hat Minsisterin Svenja Schulze unsere Unterstützung beim #Wiederaufbau der Klinik zugesichert, damit die Kinder schnell wieder ihre dringend benötigte Behandlung erhalten können. Und damit die Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer wissen, dass sie nicht alleine sind in diesem sinnlosen Krieg. Mit dem Kinderkrankenhaus verbindet das Entwicklungsministerium eine enge Partnerschaft über die deutsch-ukrainische Gesundheitskooperation. So können wir schnell handeln und zusätzliche Mittel bereitstellen.

    • 8. Juli 2024, Kiew, Ukraine: Menschen räumen die Trümmer des zerstörten Gebäudes des Okhmadit-Kinderkrankenhauses während eines russischen Raketenangriffs in Kiew weg. Bei dem massiven Raketenangriff der russischen Armee auf das Territorium der Ukraine wurden 36 Menschen getötet und 140 verletzt.
    • Ministerin Svenja Schulze im Videocall mit dem ukrainischen Gesundheitsminister Viktor Liashko.

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