
“I don’t want to die, I just don’t want to exist any more” sounds mild if you’ve never experienced it, but it is in fact a horrible, violent way to feel.

(via lolathimble)




In Prince’s funky name, amen.

Millennial here. All the above and:

Please send me the training or tutorial in a written format with maybe some screenshots if necessary. I don’t want a video tutorial. I don’t want to waste time trying to scroll to the exact moment in the instructions that I need and then have to pause and replay it because I missed the .01 seconds of actually relevant information.

Please. Text. Maybe some images for clarification. I can read. I promise.

(via madronasky)



Not perfect and not always right but basically:

  1. Is it a screen shot?
  2. Is there a link?
  3. Did you click/read the link?
  4. Was it a real source (AP wire, local news, the original online post - not Fox, not the Sun, not NY Post, etc)?
  5. Did you find any confirmation?
  6. Did it strongly confirm a bias or suspicion?
  7. Did it make you feel angry, smug, disgusted, superior, and/or helpless?
  8. Is it important enough to you that you think it needs to be shared?
  9. Do you have the energy, time, ability to research, confirm, and provide sources, links, and some additional clarifying details?

Generally I have this in mind, not necessarily always and not always observed, and I forget and blah blah. But it’s a pretty simple guide to remember, and honestly items 1 and 9 cover me most of the time.

I am not immune to not checking hearsay either

(via dsudis)


rest in peace you fucking legend


So while funny, this isn’t what he said (he said Eraserhead was his most spiritual film, the interviewer asked him to elaborate, he said no)

right now is a bad time to tell people someone said something that they didn’t, no matter how harmless. we’re deep in a pit of credulity at the moment so let’s do all we can to avoid more digging


Genuinely don’t know what it’s called but there’s a particular way of violating reality that doesn’t work. For example, I am willing to accept an omegaverse university AU of nearly any fandom you care to name (except, for some reason, Sherlock, because I have an inexplicable hatred for unilock). However, a lot of Star Wars university AUs specifically fail on this aspect: they make Anakin an engineering PhD student and Obi-Wan something like literature or classics, and then they make Anakin his TA or GA.

You can’t do that. Absolutely not. Anakin is unqualified for that and a university would not do it in any case. A university would literally hire a junior or senior undergraduate workstudy student to do as much of that work as possible first. They would do NOTHING other than do that and make the prof do all his own grading.

Is there a name for “I will accept [wild fantasy premise] but not [ordinary wrong thing]?” Please tell me there’s a name for this. Probably someone who studies lit will know? I’m a systems person I don’t know from lit theory just like Anakin

No idea if there’s a formal name but I think of it as “you have to play by the rules of the universe you create”. Like okay, I’ll buy that Superman can fly into outer space because those are the rules set up by the Superman universe and so the author and audience both agree that this can happen in the story. The minute Superman picks up a human woman and flies her into space with him, the author broke the compact they made with the audience and now that story is bad.




Elon Musk just did the sieg heil at the inauguration???? DOG?


Nelson Mandela should have launched every white south african out of a cannon into the sea

He did it twice and Fox News was calling it an ‘odd gesture.’





Do not let them erase this. Do not let them tell you he meant “my heart goes out for you.”

This man is the grandson of a Canadian Nazi sympathizer who moved to South Africa BECAUSE he thought the apartheid was just the coolest.

He has a gaggle of kids specifically because he believes his genes are superior and need to be spread to improve humanity.

He has thrown his support behind the neonazi party in Germany and the far right party in the UK, not to mention how far he’s wormed up the ass of the Republican party.

He threw two sieg heil salutes back to back at the inauguration of the president of the United States and is trying to scrub the evidence off the internet.

Elon Reeve Musk is a fucking Nazi.

[Image Description: gif of Elon Musk at a podium at the twenty twenty-five presidential inauguration, placing his right hand on his heart then raising his right arm into a Nazi salute, then turning around and repeating the gesture to whatever is behind him. End I.D]

(via the-geek-cornucopia)



Ok you know how everyone was (rightly!) like “WTAF” about the Tortoise podcast never quoting Gaiman’s responses to them or saying where they came from in the podcast, just saying “Neil Gaiman’s position is…”?

And how it only became clear that the source was “through lawyers” because Paul Caruana Galizia posted about it only after the podcast was finished?

There’s a reason!

It’s Gaiman et al manipulating the fucking British libel laws again!

Neil Gaiman says he’s breaking his silence. But the silence was his doing. He responded to the allegations we put to him last year - in lengthy legal letters… each one carrying a threat of defamation and privacy claims, each one demanding that we don’t quote the letters or give any indication where the material they contained came from. Because aside from being a feminist, Gaiman is a free speech champion.

So. They sent letters and then threatened to sue them if they quoted them.

To be fair to… literally everyone there’s no way anyone could’ve guessed that there was a legal threat causing bad citation and “Where the fuck did you get this quote” is entirely reasonable to ask a team of multiple seasoned journalists especially when it happens repeatedly but only on one topic.

Well. Now we know! Fuck!

(via dlasta)


relevant deep space nine

KIRA: That’s part of it. This is about the future of Bajor. I can’t shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a mistake and she should be stopped.
ODO: Stopped from doing what?
KIRA: I don’t know. Maybe, maybe I’m afraid that if she’s given power, she’s never going to let go.
ODO: Unfortunately that suspicion is not shared by the people of Bajor. They still admire her as the woman who made peace with Cardassia.
KIRA: Bareil made peace with Cardassia.
ODO: I know that, Major. But to the rest of Bajor, Winn is the real hero. In their eyes it took courage for her to conclude a treaty with a race that she herself had so bitterly condemned and fought against.
KIRA: I don’t care what her popular image is. She is no hero. The only thing that she cares about is her own power. Why can’t people see that? We spent so many years fighting the Cardassians. We spent so much time hoping and praying for a Bajor that was free. Now that we won, how can people just hand their freedom over to someone like Winn?
ODO: It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.



Reblog if you HAVEN’T watched a single episode of Squid Game.

not a single minute…

(via soft-october-night)



“Um the lockdowns didnt work” no moron they didnt happen

“Masks didnt work” you didnt wear one

(via catgirlwheels)





Radical notion. If we can afford 106 K$/year to imprison homeless people then we can definitely give every homeless person 106 K$/year to live on, and they’d live REALLY WELL on that.

UBI at $106K/yr please





Trump is probably going to remove the TikTok ban shortly after his inauguration and secure a chunk of the youth vote.


Lol…literally lmao. Enjoy the propaganda👍

Remember, everybody, that Trump started this thing. He literally did. And now he’s pretending to fix the situation he caused.

Everybody who thinks Trump is saving anything here is a sucker.


(via up-seventeen-steps)