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We Can Achieve All You Want.


Founded in 1973, KINPO GROUP — with more than 66,000 employees globally — is a world-renowned industrial conglomerate, including Kinpo Electronics, Cal-Comp, and CastleNet, with a global footprint in the US, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Mexico, and the Philippines. KINPO GROUP provides world-leading electronic manufacturing services (EMS), original equipment manufacturing (OEM), and original design manufacturing (ODM) to create eco-friendly and sustainable products that meet global standards at competitively low costs, fast delivery times, and world-class product quality. KINPO GROUP's EMS/OEM/ODM business spans multiple product lines such as storage, printers, network-attached storage (NAS), wireless and broadband, 5G, digital smart home, consumer electronics, wearables, AI products, charging piles, and emerging technologies. Our strategically located manufacturing sites allow our clients to receive products manufactured closer to their end customers, resulting in dramatically reduced shipping costs, lower tariffs, more cost-effective inventory management, and easy-to-recycle processing.

10,001 名員工
New Taipei CityTaiwan
Consumer Electronics、Computer Peripherals、NAS、wireless & broadband router、wearables、IT products、PCBA、emerging technologies、Plastic Injection、Charging pile、AI product、Semiconductor、EMS、ODM、OEM、Printer、Base Station、Storage、Broadband、5G、IoT、Laptop Motherboard、Desktop Motherboard、Gateway、Networking、Automotive、Smart Home Appliance、Charging Pile、Camera Module、Smart Speaker、IP Cam、Headset、Wi-Fi Router、PC System和POS Terminal


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    No.147, Sec. 3, Beishen Road, Shenkeng District

    22201 TWTaiwanNew Taipei City




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    我們很高興在今日(10)成功舉辦了金寶永續ESG夥伴聯盟成立大會,這象徵著金寶集團在推動永續發展方面邁出了重要的一步!此次大會吸引了眾多供應商夥伴的參與,我們也非常榮幸邀請到 #資誠永續發展服務公司 李宜樺董事長與 #思域永續管理顧問有限公司 張詩玉執行長,共同見證這歷史性的時刻。 在致詞中,執行長強調了全球氣候變遷的嚴峻挑戰以及國際品牌商對供應鏈日益嚴格的要求,這些要求不僅限於溫室氣體減量,還包括再生能源使用、員工福利、社區貢獻及人權等多方面。金寶集團承諾,在治理方面將持續提高內部管理結構的透明度、道德和責任感,以確保企業運營符合最高標準,並尊重所有利益相關者的權益。 近年來,疫情及戰爭對全球經濟體系造成了不穩定性,導致原物料短缺、供應鏈破碎及高通貨膨脹等問題。為應對這些挑戰,金寶集團採取了一系列措施,包括逐步實施永續供應鏈管理,維繫與供應商的合作關係,並按照銀行團ESG利率調整專案進行資金規劃,降低借貸成本,努力將全球經濟不穩定所帶來的影響降至最低。 根據國際趨勢,2024年全球經濟預計將逐步恢復成長,出口也將呈現正成長態勢。我們將繼續加強與供應商夥伴的合作,維持在全球市場的競爭力。 2023年對金寶集團來說充滿挑戰,但在全體員工的努力及供應商夥伴的支持下,公司不僅提升了生產效率,還在ESG及企業社會責任方面取得了顯著成就,並連續三年獲得1111人力銀行「幸福企業」金獎。 此外,金寶集團在永續發展方面也始終以合規為基礎,積極遵循金管會發布的「上市櫃公司永續發展行動方案」,於2022年完成了全球所有廠區ISO 14064-1溫室氣體盤查,並在2023年開始導入ISO 50001能源管理系統,分析主要碳排放源,制定減排策略,持續提高再生能源使用比例。同時,我們也進行了生物多樣性議題的初步討論,計劃於2024年訂定生物多樣性政策,凝聚共識,指引推展方向與重點。 執行長強調,未來企業將面臨金管會發布我國接軌國際財務報導準則(IFRS)永續揭露準則藍圖,提升台灣企業的國際氣候財務資訊透明度的挑戰。金寶集團期待與資誠永續發展服務公司等專家多多交流,協同供應商共同推動永續發展。 金寶集團作為台灣EMS(電子專業製造服務)的一員,將在自身經營、呼應客戶要求及強化供應鏈等管理面向,規劃減碳路徑。透過永續ESG夥伴聯盟的成立,我們將與供應商夥伴攜手合作,提升企業韌性,希望大家在變動和挑戰中一同引領永續行動,邁向零碳未來!   #KINPOGROUP #ESG #SDGs #SustainabilityStrategy #SustainableBusiness #EnvironmentalProtection #GreenEnergy #RenewableEnergy #SustainableDevelopment #金寶集團 #金寶永續戰略 #永續供應鏈 #金寶永續ESG夥伴聯盟成立大會 #永續發展 #再生能源 #生物多樣性政策

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    Kinpo Electronics Supports the "Shoes for Life" Initiative: A Journey of Love and Blessings from Taiwan to East Africa In Sub-Saharan Africa, many residents suffer from severe health issues due to the lack of footwear. They walk barefoot on muddy grounds and get infected by harmful parasites like sand fleas, leading to serious health complications or even death. Kinpo Electronics has responded to the "Shoes for Life" initiative to combat this issue by collecting gently used shoes to bring warmth and change to those in need. Our compassionate colleagues at Kinpo have actively participated in this effort by gathering excess, clean, and undamaged shoes, clothing, and other items from their homes. With the assistance of "Step30 International Ministries", we have transported these donations to Africa. In a short period, we collected nearly 270 pairs of used shoes and children's shoes, approximately 770 pieces of used clothing, and around 20 used bags. This journey of over 10,000 kilometers (about 6,200 miles) to remote villages in Africa has transformed these old shoes and clothes we no longer wear in Taiwan into cherished gifts held tightly by children. They represent more than just supplies but also the opportunity for children to run happily and grow up healthily. Through these tangible acts of care, we hope to inspire a ripple effect of kindness that transforms the world for the better.   金寶響應「舊鞋救命」活動,從台灣到東非,遠渡重洋的愛與祝福   在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地區,當地居民因為無鞋可穿,赤腳踩在泥濘地面,被吸食人血的沙蚤感染及寄生皮膚,危害人體健康,嚴重甚至喪命。#金寶電子 響應 #舊鞋救命 活動,藉由募集狀態良好的二手鞋,為需要幫助的人帶來溫暖與改變。   金寶同仁們發揮愛心紛紛響應此活動,捐贈家中多餘且乾淨無損的鞋子、衣物等物資,經由 #社團法人舊鞋救命國際基督關懷協會 協助運送至非洲,在短短時間內,共募集舊鞋及童鞋近270雙、舊衣約770件、舊包約20件。   在台灣我們穿不到的舊鞋舊衣,飄洋過海到一萬公里的非洲偏遠村落,也許是孩子緊緊抱在懷中、彌足珍貴的禮物,這代表的不僅是一份物資,更是一個讓孩子快樂奔跑、健康長大的機會。   我們將關懷化作具體行動,希望透過每一次善意的付出,能形成一股驅動世界變得更美好的力量。   #KINPOGROUP #KinpoElectronics #ESG #SDGs #SocialImpact #SocialResponsibility #SustainableDevelopment #SocialCare #Step30InternationalMinistries #金寶集團 #社會關懷 #為社會盡一份力

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    Kinpo Electronics' Carbon Reduction Strategy Aligns with Paris Agreement Temperature Goals, Recognized by 1.5°C Business Forum🌡 CommonWealth Magazine hosted the "1.5°C Business Forum" on June 4th, certifying Taiwanese companies whose carbon reduction strategies align with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C temperature control goals. Kinpo Electronics, meeting these criteria, was invited to participate. Over the past half-century, the rate of temperature increase has been the fastest in two thousand years, with carbon dioxide concentrations reaching their highest levels in two million years. Exceeding the temperature limit will lead to increasingly frequent extreme weather events, causing devastating ecological damage. Therefore, maintaining the 1.5°C limit has become a global consensus. In response to the climate change crisis, Kinpo Electronics has established a clear carbon reduction path, assessing and managing environmental risks and opportunities. We have developed phased plans for the short, medium, and long term, advocated for science-based targets (SBTs), set internal carbon pricing, and utilized the PDCA cycle to track implementation effectiveness. Additionally, we follow the ISO 14064-1 standard for greenhouse gas inventory and undergo third-party verification to ensure data accuracy and credibility. We disclose related data annually through our sustainability report, providing transparency to all stakeholders. Receiving the "Corporate Carbon Reduction Thermometer" certification this time demonstrates our determination and actions to protect the planet. Kinpo Electronics is progressively fulfilling its commitment to environmental sustainability, aligning with international standards and the global 1.5°C temperature control goal, joining hands with the world to maintain the Earth's temperature rise limit. 金寶電子減碳策略符合巴黎協議溫控目標 獲企業1.5℃論壇授證表揚🌡 #天下雜誌 於6月4日舉辦「企業1.5℃論壇」,針對減碳策略符合 #巴黎協議 1.5℃溫控目標的台灣企業進行授證,金寶電子身為達標企業受邀參與。 在過去半世紀,氣溫上升速度為兩千年來最快,二氧化碳濃度達到兩百萬年來的最高值,一旦超越溫度臨界點,將面臨愈趨頻繁的極端氣候事件,造成生態環境毀滅性災害或影響,因此堅守1.5℃防線已是全球共識。 因應氣候變遷危機,金寶電子設定明確的減碳路徑,評估及管理環境風險與機會。我們擬定短、中、長期階段性計畫、倡議 #SBT科學基礎減量目標 、制定 #內部碳定價 、應用PDCA循環追蹤執行成效,以及依循ISO14064-1 溫室氣體盤查標準,並通過第三方查證確保數據的正確性與可信度。同時,每年透過永續報告書公開揭露相關數據,提供所有利害關係者檢視。此次獲得 #企業減碳溫度計 標章認證,足以顯見我們守護地球的決心與行動。 金寶電子逐步實踐環境永續發展的承諾,同步接軌國際標準及地球1.5℃溫度控制的目標,與世界聯手一起 #守住地球升溫線#KINPOGROUP #KINPOElectronics #ESG #SDGs #TRIPs #SustainableBusiness #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalProtection #SustainableDevelopment #SBTi #金寶集團 #金寶電子 #永續脈動與地球共存

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    KINPO GROUP Family Bike Day🚲 On a sunny weekend morning, our KINPO colleagues and families set off on a bike ride to explore nature. Starting from Machangding Memorial Park, we passed through Dadaocheng Wharf, with many energetic staff riding all the way to Taipei Guandu IBA--Shezidao Daotou Park. We enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze as we leisurely rode along, surrounded by the budding greenery of spring. Cycling is an excellent aerobic exercise that improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles, and improves joint flexibility. Compared to walking, it allows us to cover greater distances; unlike motor vehicles, it significantly reduces our carbon footprint. This low-carbon leisure journey encouraged us to focus on the present moment. By taking time away from our busy routines to think and reflect, we sharpened our awareness and insight into our surroundings, sparking inspiration and breaking free from conventional thinking, thereby boosting our work efficiency and creativity. Go Biking, Go Healthy! We mindfully pursuing a lifestyle that loves the Earth and ourselves, achieving a harmonious balance between family, work, and personal well-being. 金寶集團親子單車日🚲 天氣晴朗的週末早晨,金寶同仁與家人一起騎單車遨遊大自然,從馬場町河濱公園出發,途中行經大稻埕碼頭,不少熱血同仁一路騎至社子島島頭公園。我們迎著陽光乘著風悠然前進,沉浸於草木萌芽的綠意圍繞,擁抱此春暖花開的美好時節。 騎單車是能鍛鍊心肺功能的有氧運動,可以增強肌肉力量、提高關節靈活度。與步行相比,我們能探索的距離更遠;而相較於排放廢氣的交通工具,則減少了許多碳足跡。 這趟低碳樂活之旅,讓我們專注於享受當下。在日常繁忙中適時地釋出思考空間和時間,保持對周圍事物的細膩感知與洞察能力,更能激發靈感、突破慣性思維,提升工作的效率與創新力。 Go Biking, Go Healthy! 我們有意識的選擇愛地球、也愛自己的生活方式,在家庭、工作、身心健康之間達到和諧平衡。 #KINPOGROUP #ESG #lovemyjob #EcoFriendly #NatureLovers #WorkLifeBalance #Sustainability #CorporateWellness #HealthAndWellness #EmployeeEngagement  #GreenTravel #金寶集團 #幸福會社你我他 #幸福企業 #家庭日 #單車旅行

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    We believe talent is key to sustainable business operations, which is why we have expanded our employee welfare measures. This year, we introduced new benefits such as paid birthday leave and afternoon tea packages. We have also arranged aromatherapy classes and set up various recreational facilities to create an employee leisure center, allowing our colleagues to relieve stress and unwind after work.   At KINPO, we hope every employee becomes increasingly happy, feels secure in showcasing their talents and achieving self-actualization at work, and grows alongside the company toward shared excellence.   我們相信人才為企業永續經營之關鍵,因此在員工照顧上也規劃更多的福利措施。今年,我們新增了有薪生日假、下午茶套餐,同時更安排芳療課程、設置各種娛樂設施打造員工休閒中心,讓同仁在工作之餘,也能紓解壓力放鬆身心。   我們希望每個金寶人都能愈來愈幸福,並在職場中安心地發揮長才、實現自我,與公司共同成長、一起成就卓越。   #KINPOGROUP #KINPOElectronics #ESG #SDGs #HappyWorkplace #lovemyjob #EmployeeHappiness #金寶集團 #金寶電子 #幸福企業 #幸福會社你我他

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    一起打造台灣成為軟實力之島!   由 遠見·天下文化事業群(Global Views-Commonwealth Publishing Group) 於4月20日舉辦《從「贏在軟實力」到「軟實力之島」2008─2024世界變局中的「定力」》演講活動,邀請來自各界貴賓和讀者們共襄盛舉,齊聚聆聽王力行發行人、高希均教授、洪蘭老師、公益平台文化基金會嚴長壽董事長等人精采的致詞演說。金寶電子支持公益推廣計畫,此次作為公益夥伴受邀,由游乃溥副總代表出席參與。 金寶電子鼓勵同仁們透過閱讀培養關鍵軟實力,特別贈予《打造台灣軟實力之島》典藏套書,全套五冊書中分別闡述「開放、文明、進步、和平、學習」理念,並結合西方經濟、教育、文化等思想,倡導大眾深耕軟實力,共同推動台灣前進。 因應當前挑戰與國際形勢,金寶電子保持「開放」靈活心態、塑造「學習」型企業、追求「文明」生活與「進步」創新,同時實踐公益、投入文化發展,期許成為台灣重要的軟實力,為社會帶來正面成長,開創共好雙贏、「和平」永續的未來。 #KINPOGROUP #KINPOElectronics #ESG #SustainableDevelopment #SocialImpact #金寶集團 #金寶電子 #文化永續 #公益天使 #打造台灣軟實力之島 #遠見 #天下文化

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    KINPO-COMPAL Group Donates NT$20 Million to Aid Earthquake Reconstruction 💪   On April 3rd, a strong magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck near the coast of Hualien, causing landslides, road collapses, and damage to buildings in some areas. The disaster trapped individuals and resulted in casualties, deeply affecting many lives.   In response, the Kinpo-Compal Group, closely monitoring the situation, announced on April 5th that it, along with its subsidiaries Kinpo Electronics, Inc., Compal Electronics, Inc., and AcBel Polytech Inc., would make a collective donation of NT$20 million to support relief efforts.   As a company rooted in the soil of Taiwan and committed to social responsibility, we hope to lend a helping hand by providing substantial assistance in the reconstruction efforts in the affected areas during this difficult period.   金仁寶集團捐款2000萬 助403地震災後重建 💪   4月3日花蓮近海發生芮氏規模7.2強震,造成部分地區巨石坍方、路基崩落、房屋損毀,且有人員受困及傷亡,影響了許多人的生活。金仁寶集團持續關心災情,亦於5日宣布旗下 #金寶電子#仁寶電腦#康舒科技 等共同捐出新臺幣2,000萬元協助賑災。   我們本於企業社會責任,長期透過不同管道扶助弱勢族群,此次地震我們與全台灣團結同心,以行動為災區重建盡一份力,支援受災居民及家屬共度艱難時刻,盼能幫助所有受影響的家庭早日重建家園、恢復正常生活。   #KINPOGROUP #KinpoElectronics #ESG #SocialCare #SocialResponsibility #SocialImpact #金仁寶集團 #金寶集團 #為社會盡一份力 #許潮英慈善基金會

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    As part of KINPO GROUP, Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) has rallied our colleagues to participate in mangrove reforestation, collaborating with local volunteers to plant seedlings.   Mangroves are among the ecosystems with the highest carbon storage capacity, outperforming terrestrial forests in both the speed and efficiency of carbon sequestration, which is why they are often referred to as "blue carbon." Besides their role in carbon sequestration, mangroves enhance biodiversity, act as natural barriers against wind and floods, and provide habitats for fish and other marine life, thus benefiting the welfare of coastal communities.   Additionally, we have participated in environmental cleanup and waste management activities in various locations, including temples and beaches, establishing partnerships with local community volunteers. Together, we promote environmental values and integrate ecological awareness into all aspects of life.   KINPO GROUP is dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural ecosystem and implementing SDG 13 Climate Action to mitigate the effects of climate change. We are committed to caring for our unique planet and ensuring a sustainable future for all.   金寶集團旗下泰金寶科技公司Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) 召集同仁們一起為紅樹林重新造林,攜手當地志工共同種植樹苗。   紅樹林是儲碳密度最高的生態系統之一,固碳速度與效率遠遠超越陸地森林,又被稱為「藍碳」。除了碳匯貢獻、增加生物多樣性等環境效益之外,還能作為防風防洪的天然屏障,以及魚類和其他海洋生物的棲息地,有助於沿海社區的福祉。   此外,我們也前往寺廟和海灘等地點進行環境清潔及廢棄物管理,並與當地社區志工建立合作夥伴關係,協力提倡環保價值,延伸環保意識到生活各個面向中。   金寶集團齊心保護與復育自然生態,落實 #SDG13 氣候行動,減緩氣候變化所帶來的影響,友善唯一的地球,永續我們的未來。   #KINPOGROUP #CCET #CalComp #ESG #SDGs #ClimateAction #Sustainability #MangroveConservation #EnvironmentalProtection #CommunityEngagement #EcoAwareness #EcoVolunteering #CleanUpCampaigns #EcologicalImpact #金寶集團 #泰金寶科技 #永續發展 #在地服務 #環境保護 #永續脈動與地球共存 #淨灘 #紅樹林保育 #氣候行動

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  • 瀏覽金寶集團 KINPO GROUP的組織專頁,圖案

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    Embracing talent, we strive to do better! Talent sustainability has always been a key goal for us. To create a more diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace, Kinpo Electronics is proud to announce our renewed membership in the '2024 TALENT, in Taiwan, Talent Sustainability Action Alliance.' This year, we are committed to the following initiatives for talent: 1. Meaning and Value At Kinpo Electronics, we uphold our corporate spirit of 'Innovation, Harmony, and Transcendence.' We practice sustainable development principles, creating a more sustainable career environment for talent, and actively participate in social welfare, fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. 2. Diversity and Inclusion Kinpo Electronics adheres to International Human Rights Conventions, dedicated to protecting employee rights. We implement policies for talent diversity and gender equality, building a workplace that embraces diversity and inclusion. 3. Physical and Mental Health We care about our employees' physical and mental health, providing a safe and comfortable working environment, health checks that are better than those required by the Labor Standards Act, and regular in-house physician consultations. We also offer health newsletters and seminars to enhance personal healthcare knowledge. 4. Training and Growth Based on our operational vision and employee needs, we design and plan training courses. Through systematic, comprehensive talent development programs and diverse learning channels, we inspire self-growth in our employees, enhancing their professional skills and competitiveness. 5. Communication and Experience Kinpo Electronics establishes various and effective communication channels, actively listening to our employees' voices. We ensure the full protection of employee rights, fostering harmonious labor relations and a positive corporate atmosphere. Moving forward, we will continue advocating for and collaborating with 'CommonWealth Learning', 'Cheers Happy Workers', and over 400 alliance partners in the “Hope Project” for talent development, striving to create a better future for every worker. 擁抱人才,我們追求做得更好! 人才永續一直是我們重視的目標,為了打造更加多元、平等、共融的職場,金寶電子正式宣布再次加入「2024 TALENT, in Taiwan,台灣人才永續行動聯盟」。 今年,我們承諾為人才做到以下幾件事: 1. 意義與價值 金寶電子秉持「創新、和諧、超越」的企業精神,實踐永續發展的理念,為人才創造更永續的職涯環境,並積極參與社會公益,善盡企業社會責任。 2. 多元與包容 金寶電子遵循國際人權公約,致力維護員工人權,落實人才多元化與性別平等政策,建構多元共融的職場。 3. 身心與健康 金寶電子關懷員工身心健康,提供安全舒適的工作環境、優於勞基法的健康檢查,並安排醫師駐廠諮詢,定期追蹤健康狀況。同時透過發送健康資訊電子報及舉辦健康講座,提升個人健康保健知識。 4. 培育與成長 金寶電子依據經營願景與員工需求,進行訓練課程設計及規劃,藉由系統性、全方位的人才培育課程及多元學習管道,激發員工自我成長,增進專業能力及競爭力。 5. 溝通與體驗 金寶電子建置多元且暢通的溝通管道,積極傾聽員工心聲,使員工權益能獲得完整的保障,營造和諧的勞資關係與企業氛圍。 我們將持續以行動支持,和 #天下學習#Cheers快樂工作人#人才永續 頻道,以及400 聯盟夥伴共同推動倡議,為每一位工作人創造更好的未來。 活動官網:https://lnkd.in/gHp9CqY6 #KINPOElectronics #ESG #SDGs #talent_in_taiwan #EmployeeHappiness #金寶電子 #永續發展 #人才永續

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  • 瀏覽金寶集團 KINPO GROUP的組織專頁,圖案

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    Recently, we organized the "Small Appliance Repair Clinic" event, inviting our colleagues to provide free appliance repair services for local residents. This initiative gave resources a chance for reuse, embodied the practice of energy-saving and carbon reduction, and fostered a friendly and supportive community.   In collaboration with the Small Appliance Repair Shop, we arranged educational training for our volunteers before heading to the Shenkeng District Civic Activity Center to conduct health checks and repairs on home appliances for the residents. Although the event continued from day into night, our colleagues' enthusiasm never waned, especially when seeing the smiles and hearing the gratitude from residents as their appliances were fixed, turning all our hard work into a profound sense of accomplishment.   The repair results from this event prevented approximately 101.6 kilograms of waste, equivalent to reducing 946.1 kilograms of carbon emissions. Among the volunteers at the Small Appliance Repair Shop, a particularly memorable one was a 13-year-old boy who initially came for a repair with his mother. His growing interest led them both to join the community repair movement. This time, he helped to give new life to two rice cookers!   With environmental issues becoming increasingly serious, KINPO GROUP hopes to encourage the concept of 'repair over replace' through knowledge sharing and practical actions. This approach aims to reduce waste generation, bring everyone closer to net zero, and create endless possibilities for a sustainable lifestyle.   金寶集團舉辦「小家電維修義診」活動,我們根於本業投入維修運動,從「修理小家電」開始著手,為減少電子廢棄物盡份心力,邀請同仁們為在地居民免費維修家電,讓資源有機會循環運用,落實節能減碳的生活,營造友善互助的社區。   我們與「小家電維修所」及「深坑區萬順里楊文得里長」合作,先為志工們安排教育訓練,接著前往深坑區市民活動中心為里民進行家電的健檢與維修,一路從白天持續到黑夜,同仁們的熱情絲毫不減,尤其當家電修好後,看著居民露出笑容連聲表達感謝,所有勞累皆轉化為滿滿的成就感。本次維修成果約可減少101.6公斤的廢棄物,相當於946.1公斤的碳排放。   在小家電維修所的志工中,最令人印象深刻的是有位年僅13歲的小男生,起初與母親帶著小家電來維修,因逐漸產生興趣而一起加入社區維修運動,此次活動也前來幫忙,讓兩台電鍋重獲新生!   環境問題日益嚴重,金寶集團希望透過知識分享與實際行動,讓「維修」、「以修代買」之觀念成為大家日常普遍選項,降低廢棄物處理所產生的碳排放,縮短每一個人與淨零的距離,創造永續生活的無限可能。   #KINPOGROUP #ESG #Sustainability #Recycling #CircularEconomy #GreenLiving #WasteReduction #SustainablePractices #CommunitySupport #金寶集團 #回饋社會 #在地服務 #為社會盡一份力 #永續循環 #小家電維修所

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